Whats the Highest Chargeback You Have Had For 1 Player
” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> ?

Ok, so we all had’em – but which were was the most painfull for you :flush:
4 Answers
about a 2 years ago I had one for $147,000 and some change, the good thing it was after I had seen most of the commisions and dropped the program immediatly. It was the one that used to handle aztec, can’t remember what it was called.
@belgamo 142290 wrote:
about a 2 years ago I had one for $147,000 and some change, the good thing it was after I had seen most of the commissions and dropped the program immediately. It was the one that used to handle aztec, can’t remember what it was called.
Ok thats sick. I had one for $4,500.00 once but now I feel better after reading this ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
I remember I had 5.5K chargeback… It was one of my first high rollers and I was very unhappy….
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