Basically CTR stands for the rate of click per 100 impressions. It shows the how
likely visitors clicks on ads. For a high CTR, that means your
ads are well-blended and have a nice layout of the site. 10% CTR means
there is 10 clicks out of 100. Of course this figure will vary, 1
clicks out of 10 impressions, 5 clicks out of 50 impressions will also
lead to 10% CTR
Basically CTR stands for the rate of click per 100 impressions. It shows the how
likely visitors clicks on ads. For a high CTR, that means your
ads are well-blended and have a nice layout of the site. 10% CTR means
there is 10 clicks out of 100. Of course this figure will vary, 1
clicks out of 10 impressions, 5 clicks out of 50 impressions will also
lead to 10% CTR