I’m currently working on updating a site, and now I’m a bit puzzled as to how I should name the different webpage… Mostly I’m interested to know if it makes a difference for (mostly) google if I use a “-” in the pagename..
So is there a difference between:
Thx for your time.. ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
not an SEOer, but I find quite ironic that any kind of hyphen / underscore matters because when things started …. if you had redwagons.com …. you were fine. now you’re telling me that red-wagons.com is better?
another ‘rocket-scientist” input that wasn’t needed and was just added because it could be. buttheads!
what started out good enough ….. should stay good enough. MHO.
not an SEOer, but I find quite ironic that any kind of hyphen / underscore matters because when things started …. if you had redwagons.com …. you were fine. now you’re telling me that red-wagons.com is better?
better, No. redwagons.com and red-wagons.com are essentially the same according to google.
Google treats the “-” as a “+ or &”. meaning it adds the 2 words together without a penalty.
If you look around the wen, you’ll see some sites like red–wagons.com doing well. I have no idea how may hyphens you can use before the site is penalized, but I’m sure google has thought of it.
I was really considering page names within a domain … so I think something like english_football.htm is OK … when I was talking about using underscores.
I’d agree that the domain name itself is probably better being free of all punctutation characters like “-” or “_” … even if just for ease of use and rememberance by casual visitors.
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