Those of you without your own blogs or forums related to search engines usually have a long list of some of your favorites that you like to read daily or monitor posts and threads on.
I am glad to announce and help promote a NEW SEO contest by Featured Feed Sources.
The first contest will begin on April 10th and last approximately one month to May 10th.
All you have to do to participate is vote for your favorite Feed Sources.
There are multiple reasons why participating is a good thing, but the main purpose of THIS contest is to spread the word and prepare for at least 3 more SEO contests to find the best search engine feed sources.
Here are some more reasons:
#1 You prove how good you are at promoting a page or blog post during one month time (04-10-06 to 05-10-06).
#2 The Sources that get the most votes will be ‘Featured’ and listed high within Search Engine Feeds main categories and Featured Feed Sources categories (many listings for your blog or forum).
#3 All the Sources promoting the contests will help you to get at least one listing within a popular site / blog (depends on how you place in the Poll and how much you participate in promoting the Poll and other contests to come).
#4 Help to make a great resource even more popular within search engines so YOUR posts and articles can be found easily when potential viewers type in targeted keywords relating to our industry.
#5 Your friends blogs get more popular and in turn helps your site to become more ‘findable’ (this is assuming your friends have you on their blogroll)
#6 Your favorite forums get more popular which should boost those threads in SERP’s (if you are a regular poster in these forums it helps you and your posts to get found easier within SERP’s).
#7 After the first contest, you can win money and prizes amounting to $1000.00 and growing!!
Help spread the word!! Don’t forget to vote once yourself and then get others to vote for you or your friends sites!! After one month we will announce the winners and place them in their respective order within Search Engine Feeds and Featured Feed Sources.
To start helping you can Digg the contest post Right Now!
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