Can you please give me your advice? I’m building a new portal, with all kind of games, and I can’t decide between 2 names. Can you please give me an hand?
What do you prefer? Gambling7 or OnlineGames7 ?
Gambling is smaller, but it isn’t necessarily better to memorize.
Thank you for your help!
However, if as your post suggests, you want all types of games, then go for OnlineGames7
First I did registered Gambling7. But then I thought… hum… the ing part may be easily forgotten… Then I remembered that casino, poker, bingo and sports betting are really just online games, and I thought that could also be a good domain, even if it’s a bit longer…
The domain is just for our industry, and not other kind of games. When I said all kinds of games, I should have said all kinds of “betting” games
The written opinions here prefer Gambling7, but the poll users voted more for OnlineGames7. Wow, I still don’t know which one to choose…
Thank you!!!
I checked the overall number of searches for the 3 biggest engines, and this is it:
Gambling has about 1,390,000 searches per month
Online Games have about 3,094,000 searches per month (but some of these aren’t looking for bettings).
I will develop both because of that, but I need to choose which will be the main portal. The other one is going to be just one more site on my list.
But I need to decide about the branding capabilities, to know which one will stick better in people’s memory.
I will try to develop a brand around one of them, and that is why I have to choose one. The vote poll is even now. 50% for each one.
In the last 5 years I developed my own brand, and people usually look for it on search engines, but I made a mistake of heavilly promoting a .net domain, and now I’m loosing visitors for the .com, that I can’t buy (and I would love to…). So I was thinking of creating a new site…
Wow, I never thought that the poll would give results so close for the 2 options…
Something goes wrong when you are writing instead of sleeping.g
I voted for OnlineGames7 because even though your focus right now is on “betting” games, you could later expand to include all types of games if you wanted.
I already have a site with the non-betting flash games (around 1250 games), so this site is just a betting portal ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
I really want to thank for all your participation! I will keep returning here to check the results! This is interesting, not just for this case, but also to have an idea about what people prefer: a 2 words domain, or a 1 word, even finishin with “ing”. Thanks a lot!
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