They may not be penalized now, but what about in the not so distant future? Search engine algos seem to be using different criteria every time you turn around. I am sure the search system companies realize that these “links pages” are only there to boost page rank and don’t really serve any other purpose than that. I can speak for myself when I say, I never follow any of the links for “poker related sites” in anyone’s links pages, so won’t search engines/systems eventually realize that these reciprocal link pages are just exploiting the backlinking idea?
So my question is, (to anyone who is more actively involved in SEO), how soon do you think something like this (being penalized for reciprocal link pages) when and will happen?
Is the best alternative trying to scatter a few high PR links around your site and use a few specific ones? Or am I totally in the dark about this stuff and need to go find something else to worry about? :blahblah:
As far as how soon, I’m half-hoping my links pages will get penalized in the rankings.. they rank higher than my normal pages for some phrases.
My link is on a page with a :
|=== PR ===== #of Links ==
=== Shared PR ==
|…… 4 ……|………. 100……….|………..0.04……….|
|…… 2 ……|………. 10………..|………..0.2……….|
There are a couple of sites out their that are cited as credible information for helping to figure out how PR is calculated.
Check out:
2.i submiited a page to Google with only links on it
about 30 outbound to DMOZ sites
had only ne inbound link from myself from a pr4
it had a pr3 immidiatly
Assume all of your links are on PR4 pages (unique domains on unique IP Blocks) with less than 50 links. According to the table at:
You would need:
3.5 links for a PR3
18.5 links for a PR4
101 links for a PR5
555 links for a PR6
3,055 links for a PR7
16,803 links for a PR8
While no one has cracked the actual formula for calculating PR, especially given all of the factors (links on a page, sitewide vs. home page vs. directory page with 50 or more links, reciprocal vs. one-way, etc. etc.). I’ve seen several SEO experts refer to this table as more or less accurate from their experience.
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