According to overtures network alone approximatly 21,000 searches. So i think it has good potential if optimized for searchengines…
What do you guys think? anyone have a .cc that ranks well? really, the extenssion should not have an impact.
interested to know what you guys have experienced,
So with a ccTLD like .cc, if there isn’t a “local” Google for the domain, or the registrar isn’t based in a market with a dominant lcal Google, then you have a better chance of ranking. So in that respect, .cc is quite a good choice, although a .com or .net may well be slightly easier to rank with in An example might be – .io is Indian Ocean, but there is no local Google for that. However the principle registrar for .io is UK based so there is a chance that it will do better in than
Of course no-one knows exactly how Google’s algos work, so the effect might be minor, but it is still regarded as a strong theory.
It would be interesting to know how the domain is doing ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
I had some knowledge of the effect of theserver location on the ranking for a particular country ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
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