13 Answers
more4me wrote:
Shockingly, with everything going on, this month is one of the best I’ve ever had. Go figure:notify:
The same thing happened to me for October’s earnings. I’ll be optimistic until the end of this month.
Professor, you’re right (as usual) I am starting to see some familiar faces in the soup line and it’s not cabbage soup that they’re handing out!
Pretty good actually. It’s my second month in thisbusniness, and i have made my first minimum payout with to companies.. Nice! Looking forward to see some $$$ :clapper:
Well, Its getting harder and harder to log into THe CAP Forum,
It seems like a new horrific story appears everyday.. ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
It seems like a new horrific story appears everyday.. ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Business this month has been awful,
Im not a big affiliate but i suspect the mid month neteller fiasco
has impacted commisions..
They want to squeeze every dime from us and regulate everything,
and they will get thier way, because nobody cares..Sorry for the negativity..lol
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