First off our main keywords for our industry are in the google hitlist, anyone optimizing for them gets a penalty arrgggghhh
I know, Scroogle’s kept me up to date
That knocks your rankings in the dirt, has something to do with the ipo and ftc …
Not sure about that, it seems to be a popular thought, but I’ve heard some interesting ideas regarding their software being obsolete due to what is being dubbed a Y2K + 3 issue.
More specifically, a) Google uses standard functions for the C language in their core programming; b) when Google’s programs were first developed four or more years ago, a unique ID was required for every web page; and c) it seemed reasonable and efficient at that time to use an unsigned long integer in ANSI C. In Linux, this variable is four bytes long, and has a maximum of 4.2 billion before it rolls over to zero.
Calculations for Googles index indicate that they have reached or are nearing this point, which means the need to add a byte and make it a 5 byte integer rather than 4. Considering the likely server architecture etc. with their search software, this upgrade/change could take up to a year. So, if this is the case, the IPO ramifications are huge and they are using a patch approach and incrementally doing the fix and implementing changes on a server by server basis as to not put any down time on the whole system at once. There is some credible evidence supporting this theory which may be a leak from a Google engineer.
Again in the meantime, I’m working my tail off getting my Inktomi skills up and have some top 5 listings on a test site (not super competitive terms) and a whack of top 40 for moderately competitive terms using just on-page criteria, so, once the links come in I think I’ll be sitting pretty.
Talk to you later fellow hockey fan, I’m going to the Canucks vs. Pittsburg game and am stoked about it!
Ok your explanation sounds very viable and the whole deal with links in links out makes sense in this nature then as they need to find alternative rythms that will work and give relevancy till the system as whole is updated ??? does that make sense ?
If they were to do this then the optimization process of pr + links in and links internal would then be a little obsolete and make optimizing for google a different game for now anyway. In other words the way people have optiized in the past is just that, the past. Untill the new system comes into play the old ways are going to be history.
- With Yahoo implementing Inktomi results in the new year, Googles balance of power will shift somewhat
- Google had a pretty good system for providing relevance prior to the problems, my guess is that they will use a similiar system in the long wrong
- Googles current results / algos is a bandaid fix that will likely change very frequently making it near impossible to keep in the rankings unless you’re simply lucky
So, for me, my time is better spent working on what I believe to be the SE that will make the most headway against Google in the new year. This is in my opinion Inktomi. I hope I’m right!
Once Google has finalized a fix (if indeed the Y2K + 3 theory is correct), then their system will be stabalized and SEO’s can make sense of it with the peace of mind knowing that it will likely stay in place for a reasonable length of time.
So, I may be way wrong on this but it’s the approach I’m taking for better or worse.
Wish me Luck!
I cannot blame you in some sense, though I figure a few changes here and there whether it be adding more words to a pages, changing titles, changing the way I link through the pages, changing up weight of the alt tags or header tags … I will hit the gold mine one way or another …
The link thing I think will die down but the other problems may be just optimization of the rythm and I am sure you cannot over optimize as I have seen people saying is the case … Its just a new algo as I stated in the private forums section …
I have a good optimization tool that will grab algos but the company making it went out of biz …. I need to update the damned thing somehow. That means I got to dig through the update files and see if I can reconfigure the thing on my own. It will put the algo on a graph so you can watch it … I just wish I would learned c and vis basic years ago now ….
If I had this damn thing working I could pop you and answer by morning and it would stick because the thing kicks ass on all engines you point it at …
Anyone know a good programmer ??? with dev tools ???
You will get a copy of the thing and it will change your world …… and that is no joke …
That is wild, I thought the best that could be done was some parsing stuff and comparative analysis.
That blows me away! Seriously, how could the company go out of biz with that technology.
I use to know VB pretty good but havent done any real programming since 1999. But, I was a contract software dev manager with some well known tech co’s not that long ago so I still may have an arsenal of shit hot programmers that may be up to the challenge.
What programming languages do they specifically need? VB, C anything else?
If this thing really works then it might just make sense to change on the fly for Google. I just hate guess work.
Let me know what you need and maybe I can get some programming help if you want.
Oh, for future reference, we should probably start a new post for this type of discussion as we have really strayed from initial topic.
Sorry Professor ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Let’s talk tomorrow.
Yep its a killer tool I can pull top spots with little effort when I get it running …. Its better then any other I have used and makes all others look like childs play. It is simple to use plus you can go way down in the index or start at the top …. The company tried to market to heavily at the conventions and blew through all there money …. It cost me over 2 grand so they had some cash rolling in …. also they got tired of the comp from selling it …
PM me tomorrow and we will talk … I think its either c or vis …
Maybe better this post is buried I dont want to let many people see it even but would make a deal with you if you can get it running I have a programmer here that is supposed to look at it but he is my php and perl guy …
Yeah sorry proffesor,
if I get it going I would let you in on it also prof as I could use some good recips and stuff to up my ranks….
The funny thing about it – although we lost a few clicks, it didnt seem to hurt us at all! We still get the same bottom line. I have always suspected that google’s traffic is overrated, but now I have the proof too. Yahoo is much better search engine for the industry (despite the few bad apples at the top spots), and MSN is running ads for their new SE all over the net.
I mean, I have people with aol accounts visiting our website through Yahoo!Search :clapper:
Google is going doooown… :hehe:
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