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How much do you make as an affiliate?

Simoneaton asked 4 years ago
On an average month how much do you make as an affiliate from all the programs put together?
86 Answers
denpubl answered 4 years ago
Wow! 2 years is a long time. Since this poll is so popular what would you guys think of starting a new “modified” more current poll? What I have in mind is basically the same thing “What do you earn?” but, adding something like “How many unique visitors per month do you get to earn your level. Or, maybe how many hits does it take to get $XXX.00?
This would give additional useful information to the poll.
Any more thoughts on this?
I’m not smart enuff to do this but, I’m sure someone could.

sipka answered 4 years ago
Yeah, I understand you <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Secrets are secrets until only one know them. <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

I wish I could click one of the poll options after some months <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> (I would be the happiest if I could click one of the options in the middle… )
Until then this poll is open to me.

antoine answered 4 years ago
I used the term Business model pretty loosely. I just basically meant how you run your website or network of websites. How you get traffic (i’m pretty much 100% seo now) stuff like that. I could be more specific but i dont want to give away all my secrets either :wink-wink

sipka answered 4 years ago
Hey, congrats to your earnings <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

What do you mean by business model? I’m curious.

antoine answered 4 years ago
Affiliates are still earning as much if not more. It depends entirely on the business model. Some affiliates who relied on PPC are obviously earning significantly less.

Last month was the first time that I hit the 6 figure month. I actually passed it by a healthy margin.

I know that poker/bingo/sportbooks are supposed to be where the new growth is, but I still find it easier to earn big money with casinos.

Scandle5 answered 4 years ago
I’m here to learn the secrets. :whoa:

Simoneaton answered 4 years ago
Interesting that this post lasted so long. It would be interesting to know if those affiliates who said were making $50,000 or more a month are still making this amount with all the changes being made in the search engines.

Also to see if the affiliates make a few hundred bucks a few years a go are making a few thousand every month now or even more…

Dominique answered 4 years ago
What did adairk do?

bonustreak answered 4 years ago
well at Intgrity this month I am making 6 cents, bet your all jealous of me now huh? <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

worldpeace answered 4 years ago
thank you elgoog :kisser:

i did extremely well for Decemeber. My first time in the business I’ve made less than $50 (I told one of my friends to sign up)
2nd month, I got $400…my 3rd month, which is December, my earning was in the thousands. So now my goal is to get up to the $5k mark

im not gonna say what i had to do to increase my earnings since others wont share their information so i wont share mine. But, you just have to literally think of something no one has thought of and u will be on ur way. :fencing: