Majority of traffic from Google.
Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Mar06 5863 10733 13911 92315 1.54 GB
Apr 2006 12554 23625 30911 232665 3.41 GB
May 2006 8582 14101 16593 182767 2.36 GB
Jun 2006 3058 7310 9425 59598 1014.14 MB
Total 30057 55769 70840 567345 8.31 GB
I just don’t get it and prob never will.
had a nice guy just today ask for link exchange. since I”m writing content for his site … I put up his requested link and replied. …. no need to put up mine.
I’ve tried and tried. had very good SEO’ers try to help me … I just don’t get free traffic. do the meta tags thing, have the right headings …. for me …. its a total waste of time and after replying ( a second time to the requester) to say I was sorry if I sounded rude …….. had to get up and walk away from my PC.
I get so damn frustrated with it all. I have literally 100s …. if not 1000s of pages of content and though I used to get a little free traffic …. now I suspect scrapers have stolen that from me because they have more back links and are using my own content against me.
screw it! now I gotta go have a drink and walk away again. man this is a sore subject with me. I offer quality content ….. have tried the trade links shit ….. nothing seems to work.
my hat’s off to those of you who are succeeding .. thus the reason i offered the content in trade for a banner at the bottom. I can write. I can’t seem to SEO.
To get 1000+ uniques per day you would have to be in the top 5 for a dozen or more “top” terms on a half a dozen or more sites. Either that or youre buying traffic 100000 for $49.99 :tounge2:
Of course those of you that have 250-500+ sites I have no doubt you get that many uniques even with no rankings at all!
There is a lot of potential in this industry.
And you wouldn’t catch me dead with the 100,000 vsitors for $50 stuff. That is a total waste of money, none of it is real traffic, it is all fake. The couple of companies behind all the places that sell this stuff are some of the best fraudsters yet. No matter how often one warns about that traffic, people still buy it.
Once you are out of the sandbox, and if you devote yourself to creating a quality site with real unique information, you will do well.
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