If you got the real player quite fast, please specify in this thread whether you started a new site or you started promoting casino’s on an other (non casino) website.
I am eager to see the results, as I am waiting for my first player! (Or better, the money associated…)
Then she offered me a higher comission if I would place their casino in top positions and this way i already got to know the less ethical side of the industry’
Not sure how this is unethical. Companies offer higher commission for better product placement all the time. Either way that must have been a great phone call!
Ah ok a white label casino, I was thinking you were an affiliate, it’s still a bloody good effort though. :woohoo:
Is business still good?
Hi Heimdall,
Business is not bad… I’ve now made $280 and have 13 active cash players and around 80 fun players. I’m happy, can’t complain altough I’m far from you guys.
Have a good one
Ah ok a white label casino, I was thinking you were an affiliate, it’s still a bloody good effort though. :woohoo:
Is business still good?
Wish you the best of luck with greater success
You must be :roflmao:
http://casinoestorilonline.com it’s just a white label casino from united partner program.
I’ll be happier if this continues and gets better.
You must be :roflmao:
I’ve started my site 10 days ago with no experience whatsoever on this business… and guess what, beginners luck.. I’ve made $100 so far (100 more than I expected after reading here), I have 48 downloads, 37 players and 6 cash players with $12000 deposited so far, unfortunatly the payouts are quite big as well. I hope my luck doesn’t run out soon.

Free hosting was the only reason i started. i Loved playing casinos online, and never had any idea there was an affiliate program. I got a free site for 2 years and went to make a casino info site.. I quickley learned htnl, them php and sql and all about affiliates ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Up till now in 4 weeks a lot of fun players downloaded but hear thats good as due to the pokerrooms emailing offers can convert at sometime. Also i have some depositors nothing to write home about yet lol.
All in all im enjoying it.
I nearly quit before making any money which I luckily figured out after a long time of not making any money … that i was promoting a bunch of worthless cheats that if I were still promoting them … I’d probably still not be making any money … now 6 or more years later.
I also have a suspicion that some programs won’t show you any money unless or until you’ve got enough time under your belt to show you’re going to be around for a while, though I know many would dispute this.
I feel where there is room to cheat, there will always be cheaters and I think considering the nature of this business that is more likely to attract such scammers than perhaps other niches.
In closing, I would suggest you spend some money and send some players thru on a regular basis to every program you promote just to keep them honest. Dump cheaters and then scream at the top of your lungs how you came to those conclusions on such forums as here at CAP because by not letting others know you merely help to enable these places to stay in business by their cheating others not aware … which could potentially finance these scammers to open up new programs which you may once again fall victim.
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