Throughout 2011 such a huge topic in the SEO world across every trade has been the Google Panda updates. We’ve received various questions from affiliate partners to get tips and advice on what they can do to recover their site’s rankings and prepare for more changes, etc. Honestly, these updates can make ya or break ya.
There was another minor Google Panda update about a week and a half ago. Anyone see an impact on their site rankings/traffic?
Also, we have a little poll going if you’re interested:
Has Google Panda Changed Your Affiliate Business?
7 Answers
After several panda updates results has been in general good for my sites
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@casinoplanet 233983 wrote:
After several panda updates results has been in general good for my sites
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Did you make any changes to roll with the updates? Or just left it as it was pre-panda?
@Arjun 233984 wrote:
Did you make any changes to roll with the updates? Or just left it as it was pre-panda?
No didn’t make any changes at all
I’m very happy with the Panda updates. At first my rankings dropped big time across most of my sites, but now they are recovering. Its not a new algorithm, its just a refinement to the existing algorithm, designed to target spammy web practices. I’ve recently started recovering and now understand how it works. Its brilliant, my hat is off to Google
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There is no Google update that effects all of the sites same. It depends on your site structures. But i can clearly say that social presence is much more important than ever. And it seems, it will continue like this
@casinoplanet 233983 wrote:
After several panda updates results has been in general good for my sites
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Personally I did well off the update however the company I worked for really suffered…..They aren’t gaming sites but are consumer and in one case 10 years old and read by athletes up to Olympic level…..Problem was the sites were very ad heavy and didn’t look great but the content was extremely high level and had a huge following….We lost between 70-80% of our traffic though after the various updates which was obviously not good and immediately made many changes and relaunched the sites without any ads but still no change…..Oddly the revenues and subscribers haven’t dropped nearly as much as we still get the brand led and adwords traffic
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