amusingly the “example” is nofollowed.
I am 99.99999% sure that the code you will deploy on your site won’t be, and also that it might use JS for the link replacement [so the juice flows to the non-affil URL on their domain]… so obv u lose the acquisition if the visitor to your site has javascript disabled.
thoughts? If I am understanding this correctly, this is pretty clearly gaming the SE’s, and deserves a “paid links” report AMIRITE?
They are clearly incentivising [earn extra money based on PR…..] which imo is the same as paying for links. At least other sites employ clever viral marketing to get links with no incentive (PM me if you want examples)…
what do you guys and gals think of this ? not exactly Whitehat is it.
Thank you for your post,
We are interested in visitor numbers. The page rank is the indicator of the number of visitors coming to your site, so it makes sense that the higher your page rank, the more you will earn .
The page rank is the indicator of the number of visitors coming to your site
This is !00% not true.
If you’re not trying to game the search engines, why do the links you wish for people to place on their “high pagerank pages” not contain the users’ affiliate URL.. rather they seem to contain a direct link to your poker / casino sites w/ anchor text and no tracking.
I’m not meaning to be a dick, but we aren’t stupid here.. it seems your SEO department are though.
We’ll see what google thinks, as no doubt someone will report you for this. Personally I just thought it made for good discussion.
If you were simply interested in high traffic, you could have used traffic as a metric for reward, you used pagerank. everyone has analytics these days, and obv you can reward people based on banner impressions..
don’t bullshit a bullshitter imo ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
My view is simple, if it’s gaming the search engines then let the search engines reap any rewards or penalty they see fit. If it works then great but you definately run the risk of penalty as a minimum.
For the record though I would sugest we all stop looking at that little green bar on your browser ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
This is !00% not true.
If you’re not trying to game the search engines, why do the links you wish for people to place on their “high pagerank pages” not contain the users’ affiliate URL.. rather they seem to contain a direct link to your poker / casino sites w/ anchor text and no tracking.I’m not meaning to be a dick, but we aren’t stupid here.. it seems your SEO department are though.
We’ll see what google thinks, as no doubt someone will report you for this. Personally I just thought it made for good discussion.
If you were simply interested in high traffic, you could have used traffic as a metric for reward, you used pagerank. everyone has analytics these days, and obv you can reward people based on banner impressions..
don’t bullshit a bullshitter imo
” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Hello Alex,
I won’t be replying in detail to your message because your language is not appropriate and I am a professional.
We are not just an SEO agency, we are an affiliation program. So if you so are interested in what we do, you should join us if you have any eligible websites. I promise you won’t be disappointed in the returns!
Hello Alex,
I won’t be replying in detail to your message because your language is not appropriate and I am a professional.
We are not just an SEO agency, we are an affiliation program. So if you so are interested in what we do, you should join us if you have any eligible websites. I promise you won’t be disappointed in the returns!
uh, apologies if I sounded brash, I just say it like I see it, love it or hate it. I wasn’t dissing your company, just the SEO tactics which you are attempting to employ.
Obviously I know you’re not an seo agency (clearly, you say some ridiculous things regarding SEO…) and FWIW I have worked with poker770 before and will never do so again. Professional is actually the antithesis of what your company was in your dealings with one of my companies in the past.
@JasonD 201761 wrote:
Ami, feel free to respond, otherwise we get a one sided conversation and that is in no ones best interests.
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