Online Casino! Gambling (not actually the keywords I’m workin’ with here, just an example)
If that is the matter, there’s not problem at all.
SE’s will return a mix of the three keywords/phrases
n the jist, improving your CTR in the organics is simply done by making eye catching adjustments to your title tag. Don’t you wish there was a way to make your title tags show up as heading tags or giant bold letters in the SERPS? Yeah keep dreaming buddy. Thats impossible, but you can however add common nontypable(not on keyboard) english characters to your title tag to make them stand out above the rest of the results. Every writer knows that bullets and arrows draw the readers eyes to important key points of a paper. Why not use that on your website.
Usable Characters
Here are the usable characters that I have found will work:
^ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ § ¬ ° ± º ø þ
Anyone else use this tactic? I can’t say that I’ve seen it done very often or at all.
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