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Do you think the govn’t should give Wall Street the $700b?

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GamTrak asked 4 years ago
I would like to hear from US and Non-US members on this.

What are your thoughts on the government bailing out Wall Street at the expense of Main Street.

Are there any better plans or alternatives to get the crisis resolved?

122 Answers
The_CPA answered 4 years ago

Question. Can President Bush “veto” this desicion and sign the bill WITHOUT congress or not?

Absolutely not.

It has to pass the House, and the Senate.
Then it goes to the President.
If he signs it, ….it becomes Law. If he doesn’t,…Well, it doesn’t become law! LOL

The Senate says it has the Votes for the Bill, and of course the President will sign it since it came from him.

The only ones having a problem right now are House Republicans, and IMO, that’s because a bunch of them are up for re-Election in a few weeks, and are facing Political Suicide if they vote yes.

You had right earlier! It’s all about Politics!<span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

GamTrak answered 4 years ago
@The_CPA 178163 wrote:

Absolutely not.

It has to pass the House, and the Senate.
Then it goes to the President.
If he signs it, ….it becomes Law. If he doesn’t,…Well, it doesn’t become law! LOL

That’s what I thought, but just wanted to be absolutly sure about it. hehehe

I just heard one of the house republicans say (as well as Paulson for the first time) that there ARE other TOOLS that can be used and they will check into them? WT&!

The Senator said that those tools need to be looked at before we give them the money. What’s that about? Anyone know?

The_CPA answered 4 years ago
BTW Robin, all House Reps,….. Republicans and Democrats are up Re-Election in a few weeks, so that’s why this unpopular vote is such a problem in the House.

The_CPA answered 4 years ago

I just heard on the the house republicans say (as well as Paulson for the first time) that there ARE other TOOLS that can be used and they will check into them?

I listened to the speech.
That was a damage control speech in response to the record Stock Market drop.
They have been using all the tools in the box for a few weeks now.

He is also saying that they need to buy some new tools!

About 700 Billion should cover it! :roflmao:

Captain answered 4 years ago
The President can not.

The_CPA answered 4 years ago

The President can not.

Yep, that’s right.
If he could, he would have already done it, just like he did when he unilaterally decided to invade and bomb Iraq under false pretenses!icon_laughingloud.gif

Stupid answered 4 years ago
Way to go!

Bottom line after day 1:

Bailout potential maximum loss = 700 billion
Day 1 market cap loss = 1.4 trillion

Tomorrow’s market cap loss ~ 2 trillion?
Wednesday’s market cap loss ~ 1 trillion?

The House of Representatives full of morons – priceless <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

GamTrak answered 4 years ago
@Stupid 178189 wrote:

The House of Representatives full of morons – priceless <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

I don’t agree. The morons are the ones that let us get to this point.

The government is not the one to save wall street. They need to come with a plan that covers more on main street or the problem will get worse.

The average person out there that is struggling every day and has for years has no clue about wall street trading or have money to invest, have multiple home, cars, boats, etc.

Stupid answered 4 years ago
hehe, I love this Wall Street – Main Street thing. There is no better indicator of Americans having no idea how their economy operates than the WS-MS comparison.

Wall Street is simply a place where people exchange their money for a stake in a company or loan their money to a company for profit. Wall Street does not mean “fat cats”, it means regular Joe’s retirement plan, IRA, savings, etc. The “fat cats” are the only side in this mess than can afford to take the no-bailout hit – if you have 5 houses and have to sell one of them, it’s no big deal. But average Joe would be the one paying for this WS-MS political game.

Let’s not forget that the “fat cat” is the one signing your check every month. Without the “fat cat” there will be no paychecks :hattip:

The_CPA answered 4 years ago

Let’s not forget that the “fat cat” is the one signing your check every month. Without the “fat cat” there will be no paychecks

True enough,…and that’s why people are pissed off.

The Fat Cats have been gettin along too good on the backs of tax payers FOR too long, and that absolutely does need to stop.

At the same time, past mistakes have put us where were currently are, and regardless of WHO put us there, and WHO used to sign the checks, if this deal doesn’t pass, the FAT CATS will just live out beautiful lives, {just like you described}, and won’t sign anymore checks!!!

That’s the problem here.

We almost have to rescue them so they will keep signing the checks in the SHORT run, {so to speak}, but we really do need to regulate Wall Street so that sometime in the future,…Mainstreet isn’t in the position of needing Wallstreet to survive, like we currently do.
JMO, of course!

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