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  • #611346

    :hithead: So here it starts, my road to being a millionaire.
    …well ok, atleast getting little more coffee money.

    I have actually thinking about this for couple years, but never got to it… until now.
    Now I have been working on it for couple weeks and site is almoust ready, few tweaks still to make, before opening it. Im planning to open next weekend.

    Im currently scraping thru these forums and I think this is going to be a huge help, I just hope I could also bring some knowledge to this community.

    So, yeah that about it for now.
    I will add link to my site, as soon as it’s opened.


    Congrats, and best of luck!

    It’s always exciting at the beginning, the trick is to keep that drive and will going after that initial start!


    hey welcome Pokeradmin
    all the best to you. :hattip:


    Good luck to the road of more coffee money:hattip: Hope to see you around often on CAP

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