Have a new general gambling site that covers Poker/Casino Games/Slots and am willing to sell links as a part of my SEO strategy + to raise some funds.
This site WON’T be a link farm and will be optimised to earn money and create conversions. Content will be regularly updated and there won’t be tons of links sold.
Permanent blogposts – $40 (Will sell around 5-6 of these) These can have up to 2 links in total and you’ll get a 500 word post.
HomePage Links – $100/year (3 will be sold)
Inner Page Links – $70/year (will sell 7 in total)
For in-content links a new paragraph to that particular page will be added, in order for it to be as natural as possible.
I won’t sell links to people with spun content sites or ones that aren’t realistically to be linked at.
PM for more details.