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WordPress MU or single install(s) for SEO reasons?

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  • #629092

    Hi all

    A general question on what you think about WordPress Single and Multisite installs. Which setup do you prefer or consider advisable in the face of SEO. Theoretically having various sites packed into one Multisite network sounds like an ideal solution. However, hence I’m growing more suspicious/wary over how (a) search engine(s) analyses and index sites, maybe that approach is not the best choice after all.

    Is there a chance that once a site in the network has had a little ‘negative turbulence’, your other sites in the network might get impacted too? It seems too ridiculous to be true, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Also, if you prefer setting up sites as new installs, do you go with a new Gmail account and Analytics setup, so they are technically not linked? I only heard that some Affiliates choose to have each site sitting on a different server and what not – I guess for a good reason.

    Thanks for your input!

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    IMO it all depends on the type of site/s you are going to create and promote. If you had a single domain that allowed you to promote a wide range of products you could go the WP multi-site route and have for example hxxp://,, etc. This would allow you to create a strong single brand name and allow you to promote a wide range of products.

    If each of your sites are going to be completely different then I would go for a separate single WP install for each. This would also make it easier to move sites around to different server locations if required.


    @ixian 247354 wrote:

    If you had a single domain that allowed you to promote a wide range of products you could go the WP multi-site route…

    If each of your sites are going to be completely different then I would go for a separate single WP install for each.

    Hi ixian

    Yeah, it makes sense to have a brand of sites running as one network. What I also wanted to get your views on is how search engines might treat network sites in correlation to each other. Let’s say there are 3 sites in the same language as well as casino related and all you intend to do is extend your online presence. All sites would be quite similar in some ways (no duplicate content of course). In this situation I wouldn’t want to end up with search engines writing two of the sites off for “being too similar to the first site of the network”. Even though they are different sites I guess we can assume that a certain search engine might be very well aware, if they come from the same author, especially if you are hooked up to their 10.000 products.

    In addition, that’s why I asked the (possibly) impossible question: If one site experiences a bit of turbulence, do you think it may affect the other sites in the network too, because of the same authorship and so forth. As I said before it would be ridiculous, if other sites of a network would suddenly get less lovin’, due to another one having issues.

    Finally, this has led me to ask, if there are other webmasters out there with the same concerns, even running various ‘accounts’ for i.e. analytics, different servers etc. to dilute the relationship of authorship between the sites.

    Thanks again!

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    I’m not an seo boffin so I wouldn’t want to attempt to answer your seo related questions. :)

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