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  • #833363

    @joejoe186 251673 wrote:

    I also went back to static website.

    What do you do use for blogging,Also do you submit articles to directories.I heard that article writing is dead.

    I sort of stopped seeing the point in blogging as part of what I’m doing online now. I still have some WP blogs that I’ve had for years, but rarely ever post anything to them. Which is another reason to convert them back to static. Goog expects blogs to be updated regularly and I can’t do that if all my writing is focused on building massive content for my igaming sites now.

    Most of my older WP blogs are just there for links now, so they might as well be static.

    As for article marketing (I assume that’s what you mean), the whole point was for links, right? But now links (at least spammy ones) aren’t such a big part of the ranking game, although good quality links are still necessary.

    No one knows for absolute certain except the Goog itself, but it looks like they’re counting links differently and more of the wrong kind can harm a site. But from what I can see (and this is only my opinion btw), some really strong links of the right sort can still rank a site above the comp – at least in the shorter term.


    Thanks for the great information.


    Another option is to use a static site generator like jekyll

    Basically you set up the template and as you want to add new content you just re-run the program and it spits out a complete static website. This can help with performance and hosting because nothing is being dynamically generated by the host server.


    @brodog 251674 wrote:

    I sort of stopped seeing the point in blogging as part of what I’m doing online now. I still have some WP blogs that I’ve had for years, but rarely ever post anything to them. Which is another reason to convert them back to static. Goog expects blogs to be updated regularly and I can’t do that if all my writing is focused on building massive content for my igaming sites now.

    Most of my older WP blogs are just there for links now, so they might as well be static.

    As for article marketing (I assume that’s what you mean), the whole point was for links, right? But now links (at least spammy ones) aren’t such a big part of the ranking game, although good quality links are still necessary.

    No one knows for absolute certain except the Goog itself, but it looks like they’re counting links differently and more of the wrong kind can harm a site. But from what I can see (and this is only my opinion btw), some really strong links of the right sort can still rank a site above the comp – at least in the shorter term.

    When you say you are building massive content,can you elaborate.


    @joejoe186 251687 wrote:

    When you say you are building massive content,can you elaborate.

    Its the new SEO. Writing long posts, lots of them and regularly gets the bot crawling your site and it ranks pages better (for long tails) as long as they don’t trip the algo looking for loads of (or the wrong kinds of) links.

    Ok, that sounds like the “content is king” mantra that some so-called gurus were spouting a few years back. But while the “old” way was to get as many links as possible, now it can work against your site. I’ve had too many niche sites whacked because of overly zealous linking in the past to have learned that lesson ;)

    So my new sites are getting loads of content instead. If that’s what Goog says it wants, that’s what I’ll give it. The problem is its a lot of time and effort (or cash to buy decent content), which puts most people off. Not me!

    Sure, you can still rank small sites fast with loads of high PR backlinks – never said you couldn’t. Its just they don’t seem to last very long like they used to.


    I think you should ask from experience. who have done that work

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