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  • #591065

    Our stats a couple months ago showed we had earned $633.15
    with them.

    When we didn’t get paid, we emailed and never got a response.

    Now our stat showing the earning has vannished completely and still no return email from them (despite more emails to them) and they ignore voice messages! Not very impressive!


    this program is dead ?


    It might as well be dead. You should definitely not be promoting them. They just took all of the players who had won and offered them their deposits back. Seems they do not feel like paying out winnings and have no intent to. They were “nice enough” to buy the winners who they stole from a $25 Amazon gift card. Of course the gift card did not actually work, but that is to be expected with this outfit.
    They are totally rogue IMHO. Not paying players, but they won’t say why other than some lame lie about the software not acting right. However, these people also had problems with getting caught by Mr. shackleford for using cheating software in the past. They just came off of the rogue list and now they launch a promotion and within the first few weeks are already stealing from players.
    Now they are asking players to delete the old software and re install the new. Surely so they will be playing with the new and improved (rigged) software.
    If you care a bit about your players do not promote them and put them in your bad list.
    They are the worst of the worst.

    I’m removing them from my sites. I never knew they were this rouged. :capmiami:

    You reap what you sow.

    Or, if you promote crap you get crap.

    Sooner or later the outfits that cheat players also cheat affiliates.

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