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Will you be so kind as to review my site?

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  • #587845

    Hi everyone,
    I am almost finished with my new site and I’m wondering if you all would be so nice as to review it for me. What works, what doesn’t? I tried to build this site with SEO in mind… so anything you notice with concern to that would be appreciated! Thank you all so much in advance!


    Well congratulations for the color scheme. At least to me it looks very nice.

    I think you are targeting correctly the “no download thing”.

    I would like to take this opportunity to remember you about this post

    I’ve been looking at the casinos you promote, with Firefox browser, and did not notice any problems with the flash casino applications, but I only tried a few.
    Try them with IE and Firefox. Flash is widely supported by browsers, but some casinos use scripts to launch the flash application. These scripts are blocked by SP2 security on IE, and simply don’t work on Firefox.

    As you’re only promoting flash casinos I think this is crucial to you.


    Thanks sharpgambler. I appreciate your thoughts! It’s funny about that strand on cap about getting credits for flash casino signups because I’d already started my site when that thread started and I thought oh no!!! But I’ll just do what I can. I noticed that my allslots link doesn’t open up when I use Firefox. It says the browser doesn’t support it. (Like you said) So I’m still trying to figure out what to do about that. Anyway, thanks for taking a look…I really appreciate it!


    I’m not an expert on that but I think it does not open not because it is an unsupported browser as stated on the page but because of ActiveX controls.

    Web sites that depend on ActiveX will not work with Firefox. There are two sides to this coin. The lack of ActiveX support is part of what makes Firefox safer than Internet Explorer. On the other hand, it means you must use IE for some very useful web sites.

    That’s what I find elsewhere.

    Anyway I don’t think they need these ActiveX controls to run the flash casinos. I found a lot of casinos working perfectly with firefox. They should be aware of this since Firefox is growing in use, and change the software for cross compatibility.

    Maybe it’s time to all of us to care about this and do something.


    Hi, I have just had a quick look at the source code for the page and the keyword terms ‘no download’ is repeated too many times. Use it in your web page title and description (not keywords). In the first H1 tag and in the first paragraph, middle paragraph and the last paragraph on the page. Repeating the same keyword too many times will get you penalised on many search engines. They consider this a form of spam.

    Hope this has been of use to you.


    Thanks for the tip! I will take out some of my “no download” ‘s because I don’t want it to be seen as spam! Welcome to CAP!


    Say I have $100 for advertising. What’s the best way to spend this money to get people to my site? I have tried a few things and most of them have been big duds. (okay pretty much all of them.)
    Thanks for any advice!

    EDIT: oops, I meant to repost this as a new topic, so I’m doing that instead!!!


    Since you asked…

    1. I find all the animated banners annoying. I would click off this site just as soon as I clicked on — especially after noticing that there’s no real content.

    2. Why overwhelm the visitor with a gazillion choices? Why not focus on your favorite 2-3 casinos?

    3. Where is the content? This site is basically a bunch of ads. It’s like turning on the TV to watch commercials, or picking up a newspaper with no articles. Ads should complement the content, not try to *be* the content.

    4. What is different about your site than any of the 500 others I’ve seen which are just like it? Why will anybody prefer your site to any other? While will they trust your recommendations over any other? What does your site contain that would make anyone want to bookmark it, or to come back?

    5. As a reader, it’s very clear to me when I visit that your site was set up with one purpose only, to advertise and sell to me. This makes me feel used. You’ve offered me nothing of value, and I exist only so you can make a sale. This doesn’t make me eager to help you reach your goal.

    Check out by one of the mods here. It’s got real content. The grandaddy affiliate is Casino Meister, which is also content heavy. I run a gaming site for a friend which is pulling in about $170k/year in revenue. It too is mostly content, not ads. I feel strongly that the ads she complement the content, not try to be the content.

    Good luck, -MBJ-

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