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Who the hell is ‘CanAffco’ and why the hell are they spamming me??

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  • #732139

    I too was surprised at this CanAffco email blasts.

    I can imagine Gian Perroni means well, otherwise he wouldn’t put his name on the emails or the site but a “John Doe” monicker. ;)

    But I agree, the blast was done in bad taste or poor judgment – like Simon’s sportsbook affiliates email blast.

    So, Gian is back in serving the affiliate market? He ran a company before that offered tracking of affiliate accounts on one site.

    Good luck to his new venture.


    So, Gian is back in serving the affiliate market? He ran a company before that offered tracking of affiliate accounts on one site.

    I would be interested in hearing about the company that offered tracking of affiliate accounts, could you pm me the site?


    Hi Kwblue,

    Please IM and let me know which emal address you got the mailing from and I will let you know which affiliate program your name was attached to.



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