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Where I have been the last 3 months…

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  • #587369

    :1circling Here’s my story – but it’s not that interesting.

    We have 10 acres out here in N. California. We have chickens, cats, dogs, etc… we have a big garden and eat organic foods.

    Not much would change for us we didn’t think. We really like our privacy and place so we didn’t think we’d meet another couple we’d hit it off with, sell our house and move even FURTHER into the country onto 50 acres surrounded by National Forest. But we did.

    We lasted only 3 months. Thank god our house didn’t sell. We love our friends, but living with them was not what we needed.

    I’m not saying it was a mistake, it was the biggest adventure of our lives so far. No regrets. And we got out in time to make sure our relationship with our friends stayed in-tact. (it actually improved and we grew and learned quite a bit from the experience)

    In the end we helped them get into the 50 acres (it’s a dream there, really!) and we moved back to our humble home.

    Of course all my sites went down in the three months…. this was half the difficulty out there. My office was an 8ft x 4ft “booth”… it was about 1/3 of a mile from the main dwelling and kitchen house…. The satelite guy took a f$#@ng month to get the satelite up. THEN Starband satelite looses communication with Earth!!! Meanwhile my annual hosting fees become due.

    I had NO idea. after about a week my host cut me off – and all my clients – who naturally went ballistic. I lost two clients and…. most hurtful of all… me poor little message board had over 900 members and 2000 messages… reduced to near rubble. Still have 800+ members but only 500 messages from MONTHS ago…. not good.

    STILL unable to post in my own forum. Still working my tail off to get caught up.

    There it is… I told you it wasn’t that interesting…

    Anyway I’m back!! Nice to know you’re all still here!



    Sure sounds like an adventure!

    I am a fan of living in the middle of nowhere myself – but I did learn back in the late 60s that communal type living is not for me.

    The effects on your business are nothing short of a nightmare. Let me know if you need me to go over there and post a bit when you get it back up – I never know what to write there though. I’ll think of something. :bigsmile:

    Forums are so hard to get off the ground – I have never tried myself because watching others has discouraged me.

    I am glad you still have your house and you can get back to healthy living. I missed my garden this year a lot – too much travelling in the spring ruined it. I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    Up and at’em Bernie, you’ll be thriving again in no time! :wavey:


    We have chickens, cats, dogs, etc… we have a big garden and eat organic foods.

    Nothing like it!! I just love it! :bigsmile:

    You’ll be back on your feet soon, just pick up where you left off and stay positive in attitude!


    We have chickens, cats, dogs, etc… we have a big garden and eat organic foods.

    Yep, and until you eat fresh eggs from real chickens living and eating the way they were made to, you haven’t tasted an egg. The eggs in the store are so pale and watery and tasteless, I doubt people would accept them if they ever tasted the real thing. The same thing goes for all veggies and most meats.

    I am truly stuck gowing a lot of my own stuff now – because I just don’t see paying for the awful, tasteless stuff in the supermarket anymore. We can feed millions and millions now – but at what a cost!


    Exactly, we have 6 chooks and a rooster and I would never go back to supermarket eggs……….the free range eggs are by far the best for you and the best tasting!


    and the chicken …… MMMMmmmmmm goooooood!

    of course, that’s if you eat them. if you don’t; I’ll be happy to take your place. There is no comparison from any kind of store bought chicken to the taste and texture of fresh fried chicken.

    My grandmother (God rest her soul) was the sweetest little thing you’d ever hope to meet. She was kind to both man and beast, but she had no problem grabbing a hen and whopping off its head with a hatchet.

    *on a side note; first time I saw her do that I gained a whole new respect for Grandma. lol


    My mother was from up north, and the first time she saw my great grandmother kill a chicken, it caused her to give up eating chicken for over a year.

    I had no such problem, and still enjoy fried chicken at least once a week.


    We don’t eat laying hens. We raise a few pigs every year and trade some for beef, chicken, turkey etc.

    That way everything we eat is from a real animal with a real life and real food and tastes super. We also avoid the slaughterhouse disaster where all the adrenalin pumps into the meat from the terror the animals go through, and makes the meat bitter and likely makes us nervous.

    The butcher comes to the house and shoots the animals at touch range and they never know what is happening. Best meat you ever ate, and no one has to suffer at any time to get it, not the animals either.

    Our pigs like to play when they are young – they build straw igloos (not a fairy tale!) inside their house and they like to roll tires and play soccer with a soccer ball. Later they get too big and lazy and just lie in the grass like a “dead pig in the sunshine”. Unless they are eating, that is. Sure beats the life they have in pork factories, where they cannot turn around because a metal yoke holds them in place and scours their meat off to the bone on their back. Disgusting. And makes the meat spongy and tasteless. Nothing like the tender, tasty meat you get from the real thing.

    Maybe we are the last generation to ever have the luxury of eating real food – although I suppose the Japanese way will take over, where you can pay top price for some real food…

    I think one of the best things you can do is to buy some land that would support farm animals and just keep it for your kids or grandkids – there will be a day not too long from now when that will be one of the most desireable things on earth.


    Good to have you back Bernie :wavey: :wavey:

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