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October 26, 2006 at 11:06 am #598344
MemberThe majority of my traffic being gambling related at the end of July I did some searching for what I class as legalized gambling. That being options markets, commodities and such. These are huge money volume markets where investors (yeah right) gamble on the futures of everything from oil to oranges. The one I came across and am testing out is for currency exchange also known as forex market, but also includes gold and silver.
I have had about 25 click thrus of which 3 registered for free with 1 opening an account. I made a whopping $12. in Sept. but got an email from them saying to enter my payment details in the affiliate area and they would (and did) send me $100. This was part of the email:
“Your commission earned for September $12 but we decided to add $88 (as prepayment for next month) to bring it to a total of $100.
We have also increased your commission to 15% (starting this month!) and this amount can increase up to 20% if we see better and better results from you.”
Well it was an unexpected surprise. As was the commission increase as I found nothing on their site to state that was even available. Affiliate earnings are structured much like casino and sports betting. You can chose cpa or rev share (which is always my choice). Clients (I find it hard to use that word as to me they are still players) can open an account with as little as $25. and basically gamble on currency and gold and silver fluctuations. I wasn’t overly impressed with their 10% rev share rate but I guess that’s partly to do with the 20 to 40% we get from our gambling programs. But it’s nice now to see it can increase.
I can keep you guys apprised as to how it’s going in future months if anyone wants to know.
You can also read up on it here.
October 26, 2006 at 11:58 am #713476Anonymous
InactiveI emailed the staff at forex on guide to how I proceed after signing up and they emailed me back saying ” We would be glad to help and so on..”
But that was all. No answer to my question.So I was wondering.. where did these 25 clicks came from? What site do u have?
October 26, 2006 at 12:50 pm #713486mnemonik23
MemberWell I added a page to my site and added a few key words on a ppc campaign I have. It’s cost me about $5. to date for this program. I also added a couple banners to a few web pages on different domains. So the traffic would be a mix but the page is not on any engines by itself.
This is just what I threw together for it:
As for what you do it’s the same as any other affiliate program. Adding links or banners to existing pages, writing some content or asking them if they have it available and creating a webpage if you want to go that route. Basically it’s up to you. As you can see from the link above I don’t spend a lot of time creating anything fancy while testing something new. But all 25 clicks have gone through that page.
October 26, 2006 at 1:18 pm #713492Anonymous
InactiveI would love to start that business but since I have absoloutely NO experience or knowledge with trading currencies.. it is kind a difficult to make a site about it…
October 26, 2006 at 2:04 pm #713511mnemonik23
MemberHeck I never have before either and you can tell from what’s ‘not’ on my page as to how much I actually know. But to take it to the next step, if that’s what I end up doing, I will have to learn. Right now I am just basically redirecting interested traffic to them. To be honest it scares me a little to learn too much cause my gambling instinct might take over and next thing ya know I’d be a customer. Wonder if an ‘allin bluff’ would work there? :rollover:
But my take on the basics are this, you pick 2 currencies, lets say the US and Canadian dollars. You select which will gain in value compared to the other and buy an option on a large contract for the end of the day or maybe ends tomorrow. You hedge or buy this contract for a small actual deposit against it lets say $25. at 100 to 1 so the contract would have a $2500 value. Therefor for every 1/100th of a cent the 2 currencies vary against each other from the start price you would either lose $1. or make $1. depending on whether you picked the value direction right. And if by chance in the first hour it moved 25/100ths (1/4 of a cent) in the wrong direction you would have lost your $25. and the contract would expire. No one take anything above as accutate as this is just my take on how the whole thing works.
October 29, 2006 at 4:42 am #713829Anonymous
GuestHi Art,
okay I signed up under you.
but now I’ve a couple of questions.
10% paid on (upto) $5000 in earnings for the company. Is that figured as $5000 in their earnings as a commission for providing the service?
I know I should be able to find it on their website but since I’ve got you handy I thought I’d just ask you and save me a lot of surfing.
How do they earn their money? Is it a set cost per transaction? Or is it by a % charged on the amount of money the invester deposits/earns/loses … or what?
I talked to a buddy who was telling me that he pays something like $10 per transaction for his playing the stock exchange. … that’s a lot of transactions to add up to $5k in a month. Certainly a considerable amount more people would need be signed up under an aff than what I’m used to in the casino niche … in order be able to earn the company even $5k in a month.
please correct me where I’m wrong as I am totally ignorant about this sort of thing but I definitely like the “account is yours for life/residual income” part of the equation since I’ve seen what it can do for an aff in the gambling niche.
but with that said, I’m thinking that as great as all that sounds … it ain’t going to matter much unless I’m able to signup a shitload of people … or am I missing something here?
I realize you’ve said you were new to this also so don’t feel like I’m going to hold your words as gospel or anything like that. I’m just trying to save myself some time that currently I don’t really have to spare … looking this stuff up for myself. So anything you can enlighten me with will be appreciated without my holding it against you if later it turns out you weren’t quite on the mark … so to speak.
What I’m basically trying to do is to evaluate the true value of persuing this endeavor.
The company’s offer is .. like I said, very attractive in that its a lifetime residual income … but that’s not going to mean a whole lot if it turns out that I can’t accumulate the kind of numbers I fear may be necessary in order to make any real money … if you get my drift.
Thanks much for your reply in advance. Be sure to check to see if you got credit for my signup. (I followed the link you provided which I trust included your aff ID?)
October 29, 2006 at 7:24 am #713835mnemonik23
MemberHi bb1
Well we’ll see how far my limited knowledge can answer your questions. And let me add I tried this not because I was worried about what ended up happening (the new gambling bill) as much as just trying to diversify my income streams a bit with the type of existing traffic I am receiving.
Therefor I signed up for this as well as backgammon, which has earned me more money, but even though backgammon is not classed as gambling you still cannot advertise it if the site allows backgammon for money play. And there is a double whammy in the UK. You can advertise gambling sites in the UK but you can’t promote backgammon because it is not classed as gambling so if you link to a gambling site you are ineligible! Who comes up with these rules?Anyway I’m way off topic. The revenue figures from the chart on the site were not even there when I signed up. They redid their site recently and created % incentives which now goes from 10% to 30%. And yes the $5,000. is based on their revenues. BUT, do not compare it to stock market fees just for 1 main reason. Very, very few people buy stock with the intent of reselling later in the day or over a very short term like as is the case with the forex market. This is because most players are margin trading (like options on stocks only a shorter time frame).
“It’s estimated that somewhere between 70% and 90% of the forex market is ‘speculative’ trading.”
“Approximately 80% of all currency transactions last a period of seven days or less, while more than 40% last fewer than two days.”
Plus you need to remember the daily forex turnover is about 3 trillion in US dollars. I think combined those numbers amount to a lot of trades per month per client on average. What the average would be I have no idea.
Now on another of your questions I had emailed them about a negative balance I had one day and this is the part of the email I got in response:
“In reply to your question about the negative revenue balance, the balance indicates the amount of revenue generated. If all your traders are closing their deals with a profit then this amount will drop and may fall below zero. In such a case you will receive zero commission that month (we do not ask for you to pay us anything) and your next month will begin from that negative balance. Please do not be alarmed by this – revenue rises and falls constantly!”
So this is my ‘personal’ opinion on how this will work over time….Like a casino.
The players or clients whatever you want to call them are mostly out to make a big buck. They win some and lose some but in the end the vast majority lose trying to make that big killing. Because like I said in the subject of this topic, this is ‘what I call legal gambling’. It’s like a 2 horse race but instead of betting on the final outcome the clients are basically betting on every position of the 2 horses relative to each other all the way around the track which seems to be endless.
But hang tough and I’ll see if I can get these questions answered accurately.
October 29, 2006 at 8:47 am #713836Anonymous
GuestHi again Art,
sounds good.
btw, did you check to see if you got credit for the signup?
these things go a long way towards showing the true character of a program so I’m not asking without some self-involved motives
October 29, 2006 at 9:39 am #713837Anonymous
Inactiveartview wrote:Now on another of your questions I had emailed them about a negative balance I had one day and this is the part of the email I got in response:“In reply to your question about the negative revenue balance, the balance indicates the amount of revenue generated. If all your traders are closing their deals with a profit then this amount will drop and may fall below zero. In such a case you will receive zero commission that month (we do not ask for you to pay us anything) and your next month will begin from that negative balance. Please do not be alarmed by this – revenue rises and falls constantly!”.
:slapface:How does the company lose money if one trader makes a profit? Surely the profit loss is between the two traders in question … and the company “clips the ticket” on each trade?
The only way I could see profits affecting your share – is if the company is actually stepping in to make the other trade .. and they’d be doing this because there is not enough liquidity in their market otherwise …
:help:If THAT is the case then it sounds like the betting exchanges of old – you know the ones that eventually all fell over leaving clients out of pocket …
:bullshit:artview wrote:But hang tough and I’ll see if I can get these questions answered accurately.
Yes please … because it did sound like a reasonable affiliate scheme until that response
:eh:November 1, 2006 at 10:03 am #714212mnemonik23
MemberOk guys here’s the scoop. Both what I used for a title and this forum being what it is, is not the most appropriate place for them to converse directly with us. Get my drift? They are not in the gambling business nor does their business involve gambling but that doesn’t mean we are unacceptable affiliates. Just that they would prefer to answer our questions directly rather than through this forum. Which I can understand. Who would want to be painted in a gambling light with what has transpired in Oct. :banger:
Anyway I talk to Anita (I won’t stick her email in here but it is just anita@) the domain you can find here on the contact us page. She has read the posts so may be the best person to talk to although it probably doesn’t matter. Emailing your questions will get you accurate answers.
And bb1, yes I will have gotten credit for your signup. So make a gizillion dollars and we’ll both be happy eh.
November 1, 2006 at 5:20 pm #714257Anonymous
Inactiveeven though backgammon is not classed as gambling you still cannot advertise it if the site allows backgammon for money play.
Not to get too far off topic here, but I don’t understand this. There are backgammon sites out there where you can use Paypal and credit cards to fund your real money account. Surely Paypal wouldn’t allow this if they thought there was a possible legal liability issue since they were one of the first to race for the exit regarding online gambling payments years ago.
Not trying to cause an argument about it because there is a lot of confusing information and actions on the parts of various people & programs right now. But I know of two stand alone backgammon programs (the biggest ones) that have these deposit options, hence why I think it is safe to promote them.
November 1, 2006 at 8:34 pm #714272mnemonik23
MemberHey f&p
To the best of my knowledge you are right. Backgammon is classed as a game of skill not gambling. But I was referring to some major search engine paid advertising. Even though it’s classed as a game of skill if you direct them from your site to a pay for play site the engines will not accept your ad. They’ll tell you backgammon is not a gambling term and your site or where you are directing them is. This is what I mean about it all getting confusing.
November 8, 2006 at 8:48 am #714905mnemonik23
Memberbb1 and Gooner, just wondering if you contacted them and if so what your impressions are at this point?
November 8, 2006 at 4:00 pm #714943Anonymous
GuestHi Art,
well all I can say is that I’ve been running a PPC campaign for them for about the last couple weeks. I haven’t bothered to check to see what the results have been at their stats site but I have looked at the PPC where I’m running the campaign and frankly I don’t think I’ve had enough hits to my site yet to really assume I’d have made much so that’s why I haven’t bothered to check stats.
I guess I’m due. I’ve got a lot to do today but may try tonight to get into my stats and see what’s happened.
… I didn’t really bother to even buy a domain for this .. instead I placed the page on a domain where I have gambling ads on the first page but the domain name isn’t gambling related …. I did this actually in hopes I’d get somebody to visit the domain first page just to see what’s there and figured if it was somebody interested in gambling their money on this … that they may end up a player at a casino.
A long shot but I figured I had little to lose since I saw little reason to buy a domain if I had only one place to promote … I mean its not like they’re going to be returning to choose a different exchange site.
Perhaps that’s a mistake but it won’t be my first/last. Basically I’m just a middle man at this point with little knowledge in the niche so its not like I have a lot of anything to offer the reader other than a link to the sponsor. If/when it looks promising I’ll likely become more of a student and try to offer more then.
right now I’m busy getting other sites off the ground in a different niche which I have high hopes will prove to profitable and which btw I have a friend from CAP who pointed me in the right direction. Since I know everybody is much like myself in that they’re likely scrambling for other niches right now … I’m not far enough along that I’d like to increase my competition in that respect so for now I’ll keep to myself this new endeavor … but if that friend is reading this … I’d like to thank them once again for thinking of me.
I feel like a hypocrite for saying this since I’m choosing to keep it to myself right now but this person remembered a few words I’d mentioned to him … apparently when he was a new-comer to this niche and God-bless him for remembering me and has more than returned the favor. Thank you again Sir!
Rest assured that once I have a confident foot-hold in this new niche i’ll be more than happy to help out anyone that is interested in knowing more in an attempt to honor the kindness that was shown me since without saying too much more about this person they will in no way be harmed by my doing so and as for myself. … well I’m not a greedy person and if I can do for someone else what this person has done for me …. it will be an honor to do so. I just need a little time to get a foot-hold …. not too mention learn enough to know what I’m talking about.
To echo the words of the Prof (though perhaps not verbatim), this really is an extrordinary group of people that visit this site!
November 9, 2006 at 5:35 am #715046mnemonik23
Memberbb to this point all I’ve really done is the same as you. But what I meant was did you contact them and did you get favorable responses to your questions.
As for your other new venture, I understand but if you get to the point of sharing I’m all ears, well I guess online that’s all eyes.