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  • #587381

    I’m new here, and wanted to say that this seems like a great resource! I just put together my new website, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to take a look and give me some pointers. I have learned a lot in making the site, but I know there’s still so much more to learn. The site is I’d be really interested on any advice since most here are old pro’s by now. Either write back here or you can e-mail me at THANK YOU!
    Heather :)


    Welcome to Cap :)

    It’s obvious you’ve put in some work on your site! It looks good.

    I have a few suggestions to make things run smoother with the search engines, and to streamline the site in general.

    1. Put the css in a separate file – that way you’ll be able to change colours or fonts or whatever else for the whole site on one page, and the site will be a little faster on loading.

    2. Make your desired key phrase the first part of the title. Not many people will be searching for “Reviews 4 Casinos”.

    3. Keep adding content and making changes here and there to keep the search engines interested in visiting your site.

    4. Take advantage of alt tags to describe your pictures – not to spam keywords, but if keywords fit the description, then better yet!

    I don’t know what the script is above the tag, but it would probably be better if placed as far down on the page as possible without losing it’s function.

    From a visitor’s standpoint – to keep people at the site, you may want to put some more content on the homepage.

    That’s all I can come up with for a quick review. Hope it helps. I’m sure there are others who have more to ad. :cheers:

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