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July 21, 2006 at 9:09 pm #699558
InactiveYes, then maybe, just maybe they would understand where the other side is coming from. Then again, most are too oppressed to be capable of understanding and thats the way those in charge want it to be.
July 22, 2006 at 1:07 am #699564Anonymous
InactiveIt is very ignorant to show only one side of the war.. my first instinct is to show the opposite of this anti-Israeli video.. but then I thought I will do the same mistake as SI did.
So I decided I’ll show the different sides of this war from a different angel and less violent as possible, from the eye of an English-Irish-Israeli-Palestinain-Arab (yes it does exist) filmmaker… If you really want to understand what happening in Israel watch this.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9130749148351247749
MalciJuly 22, 2006 at 5:17 pm #699594Anonymous
Inactivegamblingman wrote:I would have a lot more sympathy for the Israelis if they didn’t
occupy other peoples land.Give back the Westbank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and
Shabba Farms to the Arabs, and peace could prevail in the the area.
(And I mean all of the occupied land, including the illegal settlements).A NATO/UN force could guard the borders.
Well Excuse Me,
Who are you to decide what blongs to who? Israel does not occupy land. the claims about the land belong to others are just claims and nothing more. this doesn’t mean it’s true or based claims.“A NATO/UN force could guard the borders”
Really? they were there and assist Hizballa to kidnapp israeli soldiers when they were there.
Why didn’t they make sure UN decision 1559 is implmented?The attacks on Lebanon are against Hizballa only, unfortunately many other dies on both sides and it hurts.
Israel has the right to defend it self and is doing so and will do so in the future. Period.
Islamic terror is global, here in israel we experience it each and everyday. We fight the Hizballa, Hamas, Jeehad and any other terror organization because we have to.. Rest assure we don’t do it for pleasure.
I hereby ask the moderators of this forum to close this thread.
CAP is a great forum for gambling webmasters, not politics and terror. I will not tolerate ignorant posts about the right of my country to protect it self. innocents die here too for years from Hizballa attacks or by other organizations supported by the Hizballa.July 22, 2006 at 6:30 pm #699599Anonymous
InactiveTerrorists – you created them yourselves by your brutal occupation of other people.
By the way, terrorism is a relative word.
Israelis should remember that several of their leaders, including David Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Shamir and Menachim Begin, were hunted across Europe as terrorists.They and their companions used to bomb British interests and massacre Arab civilians. (the Arab civilians had to flee from Israel to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and they are still there, waiting to return home).
July 23, 2006 at 4:25 am #699630Anonymous
InactiveM.D wrote:Well Excuse Me,
Who are you to decide what blongs to who? Israel does not occupy land. the claims about the land belong to others are just claims and nothing more. this doesn’t mean it’s true or based claims.“A NATO/UN force could guard the borders”
Really? they were there and assist Hizballa to kidnapp israeli soldiers when they were there.
Why didn’t they make sure UN decision 1559 is implmented?The attacks on Lebanon are against Hizballa only, unfortunately many other dies on both sides and it hurts.
Israel has the right to defend it self and is doing so and will do so in the future. Period.
Islamic terror is global, here in israel we experience it each and everyday. We fight the Hizballa, Hamas, Jeehad and any other terror organization because we have to.. Rest assure we don’t do it for pleasure.
I hereby ask the moderators of this forum to close this thread.
CAP is a great forum for gambling webmasters, not politics and terror. I will not tolerate ignorant posts about the right of my country to protect it self. innocents die here too for years from Hizballa attacks or by other organizations supported by the Hizballa.This has nothing to do with Israel defending itself. This was in the works for a long time. They were just waiting for the “spark” to take action.
July 23, 2006 at 4:43 am #699631Anonymous
InactiveWhat is happening over there is a tragedy for everyone involved.
I will not have a war starting here.
Behave yourselves.
It’s ok to have different points of view, and it’s ok to express them.
Please check your tempers.
July 23, 2006 at 5:15 am #699632Anonymous
InactiveIt’s probably a thread that needs to be bined (or locked) Dom – it’s certainly out of place here – and there are no trite solutions that can be reasoned through in a forum like this.
:lookarounMy own personal favourite solution to this problem would seem very draconian to many – but it would mean that neither Jew nor Arab nor Westerner ever occupied the strip again …
Leave it empty as a shrine to humanity’s inability to settle differences.
🙁July 23, 2006 at 9:03 am #699634Anonymous
Inactivegamblingman wrote:Terrorists – you created them yourselves by your brutal occupation of other people.By the way, terrorism is a relative word.
Israelis should remember that several of their leaders, including David Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Shamir and Menachim Begin, were hunted across Europe as terrorists.They and their companions used to bomb British interests and massacre Arab civilians. (the Arab civilians had to flee from Israel to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and they are still there, waiting to return home).
– Just joined CAP
– 2 Posts
– Both posts are irrelevant to gambling (looks like you have joined CAP just to libel)Thank you for enlighting us with your amazing knowledge and educated opinions. Things look so much clearer now.
I think you are nothing but a lowlife scum that has nothing to do with gambling and only cares about libeling.
I am sure you simply “forgot” to mention Menachim Begin was the one who made the peace between Israel and Egypt.
You don’t worth the time to respond your libeling nor worth upsetting the forum moderators. I’ll pass paying attention or replying to your “posts of wisdom”.
You are welcome to keep enlighting us with your libeling posts. I am sure this is much cheaper than therapy and help getting the load of your heart. I promise not to interfere.
Enjoy your week and get well soon.
All the best,
July 23, 2006 at 9:45 am #699639Anonymous
InactiveM.D wrote:I think you are nothing but a lowlife scum that has nothing to do with gambling and only cares about libeling.You are welcome to keep enlighting us with your libeling posts. I am sure this is much cheaper than therapy and help getting the load of your heart.
Do us all a favor and go back under the rock from which you crawled.
July 23, 2006 at 10:06 am #699641Anonymous
InactiveMy own personal favourite solution to this problem would seem very draconian to many – but it would mean that neither Jew nor Arab nor Westerner ever occupied the strip again …
Leave it empty as a shrine to humanity’s inability to settle differences.
Wasn’t that what they planned to do with Australia before the Gooner pirates drifted in and started building websites
My opinion on this whole thing is completely unbiased and actually 100% accurate, i don’t care who says what, my land, no its my land blah blah blah, i know the truth(although the real truth is whatever you believe in your mind), but i won’t get into any of that boring factual history crap, since many will not agree on what are the real historical facts anyway
I will say this though and you can believe whatever you want
America and Israel are the same, they are run by the same entity, they are not just allies, that should be obvious by now, they are not doing a tag team on the middle east by coincidence that is for sure
Their methods and motives are highly suspect, they have figured out a way to profit from the suffering of innocent people, which is why they enduce wars, all this garbage about living in fear and protecting themselves from terrorist attacks is just hyped up propaganda to garner public support
They are the aggressors and the ones invading other lands, not the other way around(and i do believe the terrorist attacks on New York city were self inflicted), it is a similar situation to something like this…i go and bust into Gooner’s(just an example mate) house and beat the hell out of him, my reasoning, i didn’t wanna take the chance of Gooner beating the hell out of me, so i kicked his ass first
I don’t like the way they fight, they are reckless with their bombs and have no problems with killing children, women, or other civilians, it’s not cool, but they do it on purpose, and it’s how they’ve always been for as long as i can remember, going back to the World Wars(even though i wasn’t around, my family fought and told me the stories), the point of all this is to kill people, simple enough, they tone down your natural instincts to rage with all these corny laws, then you eventually explode into war and release that pent up aggression, it’s all by design, we were never like this a few hundred years ago, and the sad part is that the real terrorists(the puppetmasters behind Bush and the likes)will never be put in any real danger, they just start the fire and go off hiding in a corner and laughing like a Hyena while everyone else suffers, then they pop up and collect their rewards
And the people who support this are really stupid, do they actually think their lives will improve, for the millions of people the Americans killed across the world, did any of you get anything out of it, did you get a nice big house, a life where you don’t have to work 40 hours a week just to survive, a world free of disease, free of home alarms and other crime, what did any of you get for all this guilt you are now associated with
I don’t like war, but support the idea of fighting a war if it is for the right reasons, but i would have to be 100% certain that it is for the right reasons, and that’s something i would just feel, not something that somebody tells me is right
Good luck to you both and may the side of the righteous whose motives are pure and true prevail, as is usually the case
July 23, 2006 at 10:54 am #699644Anonymous
InactiveMissM wrote:It is very ignorant to show only one side of the war.. my first instinct is to show the opposite of this anti-Israeli video.. but then I thought I will do the same mistake as SI did.
So I decided I’ll show the different sides of this war from a different angel and less violent as possible, from the eye of an English-Irish-Israeli-Palestinain-Arab (yes it does exist) filmmaker… If you really want to understand what happening in Israel watch this.Your video shows that there’s plenty of civilians on both sides who only want peace and to get on with their lives – I don’t believe anyone here has disputed that (after all it’s governments that start wars) – now can you kindly explain to me how your government’s bombardment of civilians is helping the people in your video? or is somehow justified? Please if you do happen to have a link to a video which does justifies Israel’s actions I would be happy to take back every word.
I don’t much care for your goodie/baddie simplifications…
MissM wrote:One thing people must understand is that you cannot negotiate with terrorists, once they’ll get what they want they will ask for more, it’s a never ending story.When you invade and occupy someone else’s land and make life hard for the local population, sooner or later someone is going to fight back (despite that fact you have the tanks) – you call it terrorism – i think it’s more accurate to think of it as resistance.
A terrorist in this case is merely someone who has a bomb but no airforce
July 23, 2006 at 11:58 am #699646Anonymous
Inactivegamblingman wrote:M.D.Do us all a favor and go back under the rock from which you crawled.
Come on,
Is this your best shot? I thought you could do better than that :rollover:July 23, 2006 at 1:28 pm #699650Anonymous
I hope you are laughing at me, and not at all the victims in the footsteps of the state of Israel.
July 23, 2006 at 9:43 pm #699678Anonymous
InactiveThis thread has unfortunately changed into something else. I would like to redirect it to what it was meant to be about.
I hope that everyone in Israel is safe at the moment. I’ve met some great people from there. I hope that the conflict hasn’t personally touched them or a person that they love. I also hope that the conflict can end as quickly as possible. No one deserves to live in fear.