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WARNING Gaming promo / City club casino not paying Affiliate

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  • #618443

    HI Guys,

    Just to let you know, we have been working with gaming promo for a very long time and were addressed with issues in the past that unfortunately as of now keeps on reoccurring.

    Gaming Promo affiliate program of City Club Casino will not pay you commission if for one month you stop bringing them players. We had then a written agreement via email that confirmed they would waiver that for us and pay us.

    Today, Gaming Promo / City Club Casino owe us $1.757

    Their affiliate manager Nir Katshal told us that their boss Yehoram will not pay us.

    We are extremely disturb by it especially when we are the marketing company that revamp their site 1 year ago as a favour.

    Is Gaming Promo another group in financial difficulty? Are they following the same route as other like eurolinx ???

    Be aware affiliates.


    Gaming Promo has paid this affiliate in full according to the terms and conditions of our program.



    As per email sent from Noemie and Greg (previous affiliate manager Gaming promo said they will pay us the amount due. We have recorded conversation With Nir of today and emails from the two previous affiliate manager saying that even though we do not bring a new player every month “WE WILL GET PAY OUR LIFE TIME AFFILIATE COMMISSION” as per agreed in writing via email with your previous affiliate managers. Now there is two ways the good way where you pay and the bad one where we carry on posting and letting know every casino forum on the net that you have sneaky terms and conditions and the fact you do not respect your word


    If you claim to have documents promising you a different deal other to the one we believe you have, then please send us these mails and we will address them accordingly.




    While your dealings with Gaming Pro are not my business, I feel it is time to address the problems we have with you as an affiliate on the forum because you do not answer my e-mails.

    In January we prepaid you $40’000 in good faith, which would be off set against rev-share future earnings.

    Despite numerous promises to start the campaign, it never happens.

    So please can you send us the money back.


    hummer;208994 wrote:
    HI Guys,

    Just to let you know, we have been working with gaming promo for a very long time and were addressed with issues in the past that unfortunately as of now keeps on reoccurring.

    Gaming Promo affiliate program of City Club Casino will not pay you commission if for one month you stop bringing them players. We had then a written agreement via email that confirmed they would waiver that for us and pay us.

    Today, Gaming Promo / City Club Casino owe us $1.757

    Their affiliate manager Nir Katshal told us that their boss Yehoram will not pay us.

    We are extremely disturb by it especially when we are the marketing company that revamp their site 1 year ago as a favour.

    Is Gaming Promo another group in financial difficulty? Are they following the same route as other like eurolinx ???

    Be aware affiliates.


    Thanks, I didn’t realize they had a quota.


    I think you are referring to the wrong person lol


    Following our investigation into your claim for sum of $1747, we would like to say the following:

    1) It is plain incorrect to state as fact that Gamingpromo/City Club Casino “will not pay you commission if for one month you stop bringing them players”. This quota used to exist in the old terms of service because this plan does not have a negative carryover. Currently the old terms of service applies for all affiliates who have signed up before 13th November 2008 and who have not explicitly opted for the new terms of service. The following mail is an explanation of why this is the case with your account specifically. Affiliates who signed up after November 13th 2008 are enrolled under the new terms of service that does NOT have the minimum conversion quota.

    2) You have stated in previous email that Noemie has offered you a special deal in November 2008 and that you replied by email and agreed.
    We have retrieved all of Noemie’s archived email communications with you. Your conversation with Noemie went as follows:

    a) On 10th November, Noemie offered you a new arrangement,
    specifically mentioning that this arrangement is available to you
    if you resume cooperation. Your only reply to that was “Now we are
    talking.” Noemie then informed you on the same day that she will
    adjust your account according to the new arrangement so that the
    new terms of service become effective whenever you resume your
    traffic campaigns with us. She also asked you what kind of
    materials (creative etc) you require to restart the mailing campaigns.
    b) You have replied on 11th November that you are too busy and that
    Noemie should contact you by next Wednesday.
    c) On 16th November Noemie has emailed you again, letting you know
    that she would like to meet you in Paris within two weeks, and
    also turned over the contact information for her successor Nir
    Katshal. You have never replied to that email.
    d) On December 12 Noemie has emailed you again, laying out the
    specifics of the proposed deal, and specifically mentioning that
    she awaits for your reply. You have never replied to that email.

    During the email interchange, it was specifically mentioned by Noemie that the new arrangement is conditioned upon you resuming your email campaigns which have been effective in the past (we are talking about 200+ players monthly). Since then you have done no such thing, and the new players coming from your affiliate account since November vary from 0 to 1 players per month, which is indeed very far away from 200 players. We are forced to consider your affiliate activity for players
    you have sent since November 2008 as residual traffic, and not an outcome of your normal email campaigns.

    We are unable to locate any communication in which you agree to the new arrangements, and we are unable to say that you followed the conditions that Noemie attached to the offer regardless of whether there was a bilateral agreement between Noemie and you or not. We will gladly publish the email conversations (in French) should you wish us to do so.
    Please send us any relevant documentation in your possession that shows

    a) That you have explicitly consented to the offer Noemie made
    b) That you have followed through on the conditions specified in the offer

    3) We are not sure specifically how you arrived at the sum of $1747.
    Please show us how this sum was calculated, and specifically what
    periods it covers.

    4) Under the assumption that out position is true and there is no mistake of fact or judgment, you are entitled to affiliate fees under the pre-Nov 2008 terms of service as per section 4.3: “We will pay your fees on a monthly basis on the basis that you have referred at least 1 new depositing player during the payment month.” We have paid you on the basis of these terms for every single month in which you brought at least one player. It follows that your claim of $1747 belongs to the months in which you have not sent any
    conversions our way. You are not entitled to affiliate fees for these months as you waived that entitlement when you initially signed up with Gamingpromo 2007 under the old terms of service, as you have certainly enjoyed the benefit of no negative carryover arrangement.

    From where we stand, it appears that you are mistakenly interpreting Noemie’s offer to you as a deal that was closed and done, and on top of that you have not followed through on the conditions attached to said
    deal. It follows then that unless you are able to explain us where the $1747 fee comes from and at which exact point of time you agreed to Noemie’s offer and at which exact point of time you followed through on the conditions of said offer, you are still bound by the original 2007 terms of service and therefore you are not entitled to the $1747 fee you claim.

    That notwithstanding, we would like to prevent chance unpleasantries and we therefore ask you to examine this response and let us know if you believe we are wrong in our recollection of facts our application of judgement. We reserve the faith that the whole matter may be an instance of miscommunication.

    NB: We would like to assure our affiliates that the speculation the original poster makes in this post (namely that Gamingpromo may be “in financial difficulty”) are plain untrue. In fact, Gamingpromo has been and is actively recruiting new people, since our business is going upwards and not the other way.



    One more time an affiliate program is trying to steal money from affiliate through terms and conditions. If i could post our recorded conversation on CAP i would but we have the solution and it will be given to CAP in Budapest and they will then find a way as a neutral party to publish the conversation we had with Gaming Promo. Probably the reason why Gaming promo is not certified by CAP or GPWA and other affiliate forum.

    I do not have too much time to focus on thieves like gaming promo/ City Club Casino but well they are wrong and obviously affiliate should know

    We never been informed of new and old T&Cs from neither of your various affiliate managers that worked for Gaming Promo/City Club Casino.

    The conversation you are referring to with Noemie is translated incorrectly and not in full so here it is


    Je reviens vers vous avec une vrai proposition.>>
    Vous avez stopper la collaboration avec City club pour des raisosns que vous m’avez expose et qui sont parfaitement legitimes et comprehensives.
    A present ce que moi je vous propose car comme vous le savez je suis votre nouvel affiliate manager et je je souhaiterais tourner une nouvelle page pour laisser place a un nouveau depart, est completement different..
    Vos emailing ont ete tres tres efficace vous le savez – si nous reprenions la collaboration cela pourrez vous rapporter de tres beaux revenus.
    Si je vous propose 40% de commission sans garantie de nouveau joueur seriez -vous pret a reconsiderer la question de city club ???
    Voila l’offre est lancee – A vous de reflechir a present – La balle est dans votre camps

    Excellente journee

    A tres bientot

    I translate it for you guys through Google translator that might not be as good as mine but at least will be neutral and translated word for word correctly


    I return to you with a real proposal.
    You stop working with City Club for reasons that you have sets that are perfectly legitimate and comprehensive.
    At present what I propose you because as you know I’m your new affiliate manager and I would I turn a new page to make room for a new beginning is completely different ..
    Your emailing have been very, very effective you know – if we resume the collaboration that will bring you the very best returns.
    If I offer you 40% commission with no guarantee of new player would you be willing to reconsider the issue of city club?

    Here is the offer is launched – to you to think about it now – the ball is in your camp

    Now other than Gaming Promo and city club saying

    “If I offer you 40% commission with no guarantee of new player would you be willing to reconsider the issue of city club? “

    Where is the problem, never did she talk about opening a new affiliate account new contract or whatever, if you put it as it is without modifying anything here is the proof

    “If I offer you 40% commission with no guarantee of new player would you be willing to reconsider the issue of city club? “

    I did agree to that now what is the problem??? why won t you pay me??? You said in emails sent to us and phone conversation we won’t pay you because you did not bring any new player. now i show you that you are wrong, on the top of it we said we do not want %40 we just want our %35 life time that s all, if you want to do it by the rule, pay me the %40 life time owed as Noemie offered it to me!

    Now regarding campaign we did talk to Noemie about running a campaign, but Gaming Promo did not find a way for us to agree on the terms.

    as stated in her email on the:
    02 December 2008 05:11 PM

    Furthermore, at any given time anywhere in the world, you are never to ask or force an affiliate to work for you, you have absolutely no right and never did we finalized any deal on any particular number for the same reason.

    We have on our side a total of 84 emails, screen shot of all our affiliate earnings from your affiliate site and a recorded conversation from yesterday with Nir stating the opposite of what you Gaming Promo.

    We brought you players, pay us, if you do not wish to pay us tell us why on the proof we gave you if more is needed, we will then carry on fighting for what is owed to us. And other affiliate will know you are thieves.

    With reference to withholding payment to us, on numerous occasions, Nir has contacted us stating that all he needs is just 1 purchasing player and he would release all outstanding amounts to us.

    It is almost as though whenever we seem to come to a mutually beneficial agreement, Nir or his superior is not happy and tries to find a way of withholding payments due to us.


    We have asked you two questions and you have merely restated what you already posted. We ask these questions again:

    1) You state we owe you $1747. For which specific periods do we owe you this sum and how did you calculate it?

    2) It is true that Noemie offered you a deal in which you were to
    retain 40% comission with no guarantee (e.g. no minimum player
    quota per month). This offer was conditional on the fact that you
    will resume your campaigns:

    If I offer you 40% commission with no guarantee of new player would you be willing to reconsider the issue of city club?”

    When and in which email have you agreed to this offer (which was
    expanded upon in subsequent mails)? And, assuming you have agreed
    to this offer, have you “reconsidered the issue of CityClub”,
    e.g. have you resumed your campaigns with us? Since the beginning
    of 2009, you have forwarded us a total of 73 clicks, which
    resulted in 3 players. When Noemie offered you a new terms of
    service with 40% commission and no minimum player quota, she was
    expecting you to return to previous numbers (~200
    players/month). Again, we have no indication that a) you accepted
    her offer b) you fulfilled the conditions that were attached to
    this offer.

    Until both a) and b) is true, you are under the old terms and
    conditions (“Plan A”) which includes monthly minimum of 1
    players. We can not proceed any further until you answer these questions.


    USD 870.33 for May 2009 and USD1042.70 for July 2009. My apologies. In actual fact you owe us an amount of USD1913.00. All stats where taken from your monthly reports.

    Note that every single affiliate as from now will know that Gaming Promo aka City Club Casino do not hesitate in sharing confidential private information of their affiliates.
    In that regard, we will have to ask our lawyer to deal with this matter further and address it directly to Playtech and CAP.

    If you guys take this kind of illegal liberties we will have no other soloution than do the same for Gaming Promo.


    This only answers one question we asked, and so solves only half
    of the problem. My understanding is that you took the TLR number
    from May as is, and produced your own TLR number by multiplying
    positive NetG by 35%. Indeed, you did not receive these payments
    because you did not send any new players our way in months of May
    and July.

    This gets us back to the question of agreements. In November 2008
    Noemie approached you with an offer to remove the monthly new
    player quota and with 40% revshare commission. The question is
    not whether Noemie did that – we know she did – but whether you
    agreed to this offer, and if you did so, whether you complied
    with the terms of the offer or not.

    These are the facts as they are laid out before me: you have
    effectively ceased working with us by the beginning of 2008. The
    removal of minimum monthly quota as proposed to you by Noemie, on
    which your claim of $1913 is based, was offered to you so that
    you continue sending quality traffic in amounts (and this is why
    Noemie’s sentence on this matter begins with “if”). You have
    never accepted this offer and you have never continued to send us
    quality traffic – or any traffic if we are to look at your stats
    this year. Nevertheless you are acting as if you did agree to
    this offer and as if you held your end of the bargain.

    Once again, we will have to conclude with questions:

    1) Was the offer Noemie extended to you in November conditioned
    upon you actually sending us traffic, yes or no?

    2) Did you accept this offer, yes or no? When and how?

    3) Are you aware of the explicit obligations attached to it, yes or no?

    4) Have you fulfilled these obligations, yes or no?


    It is actually funny, never got so many PM than since that thread, and affiliate realise who is right through theses various posts:

    1) Was the offer Noemie extended to you in November conditioned
    upon you actually sending us traffic, yes or no? No it was not

    2) Did you accept this offer, yes or no? When and how? Yes we did onconditions that we were not obliged to send traffic every month aka players and or ever

    3) Are you aware of the explicit obligations attached to it, yes or no? as you can see in the emails she sent me or you sent they were no obligation up to your guys post neither paper we had to signed regarding that. Yet we signed a paper every month for you guys to pay us so it would not have been hard

    4) Have you fulfilled these obligations, yes or no? What obligations ?


    I recently received an email from Shai, wanting me to promote City Club. After reading this thread, I definitely will not be touching it with a 10 foot pole.


    Hummer, please get in touch with me. I am awaiting response from so many emails and phone calls and we are in a similar/same situation as Ben.

    You have my number (it’s not changed) you have my email, you have me on msn and skype so there should be no reason that you cannot reach me.

    Lets not be silly about this.

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