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January 21, 2007 at 7:05 am #723751
InactiveGood post, Stupid.
That said, I believe we should all keep the following in mind:
While fighting for our liberties and the rights of online gaming, we must all remember that most Americans view our industry as a past time… a recreation… and not a source of income.
Most Americans will not see the connections between what the government has done to online gaming for the bigger picture, or for the implications it has on every citizens personal freedoms. People just won’t see online gambling as being an important issue most time.
It is therefore advantageous to our cause to connect what has happened to our industry to the erosion of freedoms in this country… juxtaposition it with hyprcritical and corrupt special interest politics… connect our cause to the governments blatant disregard for the will of the people.
We’re gonna need help with this fight.
January 21, 2007 at 12:09 pm #723760Anonymous
InactiveDo You think US would be able to “HUNT” offshore operators ?
January 21, 2007 at 1:45 pm #723776Anonymous
Inactivemojo wrote:I was speaking to this by kwblue.kwblue wrote:Makes you wish you were never an American..But thank you for the comments and I will look them over.
I guess I stirred up a hornets nest! I did not write that post in any state of supreme anger or ‘heat of the moment’. It really is more of a flippant comment, though. I am glad to be an American. What I AM saying (without having 50 people stuff my mouth with their words)
is this:
Our current administration is taking away our liberties by earmarking, hiding policies within a storm of more important news, and generally bullying the American people. You see, it is actually that I am embarrassed that many in our government choose to call themselvesAmericans whilst stripping us of our freedoms.
So – let it be clear that my comment reflected MY opinion, not anyone else’s. I believe that, as an American, I at least have the right to my own opinions. (soon to be taken away in section of the Post War Cleanup Act)
January 21, 2007 at 2:14 pm #723781Anonymous
InactiveCGW wrote:The problem with America is not lack of patriotism, it is blind patriotism.I love America. Remember how over 2 TRILLION dollars was reported
MISSING by the Pentagon the DAY before 9/11 ?
More soldiers off to Iraq and New Orleans is still a mess and millions more
expected to cross the Mexican border and you are treated as a terroist
when flying.
How is this related to online gambling ?
If they can do this and get away with it thanks to blind
patriotism, they can do anything.
Rumsfeld Admits 2.3 Trillion Missing on 09/10/01
January 21, 2007 at 2:47 pm #723784Anonymous
InactiveOk..usually I don´t post here..just reading and learning lol. But when it comes to politics..i can´t resist to speak out my european point of view.
First, you americans have elected this person and his family more than once, it´s your problem now to live with what you voted for.
However, when it comes that us foreign countrys are affected, by criminal wars without any reason, by illegal actions from your secret services like kidnapping and torturing people here in our countries, by dumb laws affecting our incomes and so much else..then it´s time for us outside to stand up.
Don´t you know that most people outside the US are thinking you americans are the real terrorists…the empire of evil??? Did they learn nothing about korea or vietnam?
Is it that your dads have fought for at WW2 when americans helped to free europe from the hitler regime? What we are still thankful for!
Now you have installed your own regime, doing the same illegal wars like hitler did, denying all human rights, torturing and killing children at several places around the world just to make money!
So tell me…when will americans stay in their country and let the rest of the world live in peace???
January 21, 2007 at 3:03 pm #723786Anonymous
InactiveStrange username for such a diatribe ‘Vegasguy’
Remember, being a democracy – there are a good number of people (including myself) who did NOT vote this president in either election. AND – I would go so far to say that there are a great number of those who DID vote him in that are very much regretting that decision.
January 21, 2007 at 3:22 pm #723788Anonymous
Inactiveslotplayer wrote:CNN? I think you mean Fox News?YIKES Fox News even worse!!! I suggest watching Prarie Public Television, BBC or some Canadian channel. This would cut down the unbaised reporting.
Better yet perhaps Integrity news hour would be good!
January 21, 2007 at 8:05 pm #723817Anonymous
InactiveVegasguys – you should blame yourself, too. Europe has not done anything but stay on the side and watch.
When was the last time you could say anything negative about the government without people telling you that you are un-patriotic. Or without fear of being a “terrorsit”? Even people who were born and raised in this country could find themselves in Guantanamo tomorrow on terrorist charges.
Guantanamo = the modern form of the Gulag ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag )And did any of you ever stop and think: Hey, if Sadam had WMDs and we attacked him – wouldn’t he point and fire those weapons at our troops, his own people or a neighbouring country?
And what if there was another war to break out right now – where will we get troops? What if NKorea attacked today? All the troops are in Iraq, what we have are worn-out soldiers and math teachers to get drafted.
Not to mention the economical implications of another full blown war – from which it will take generations to recover, if ever?Why is Europe staying on the sideline? Because it’s beneficial for them. For America to work, they need to sell their products outside the country. And all this increases the animosity towards US and its products. Hell, even Americans rarely buy domaestic products now, otherwise the Big 3 in the auto business would not have been in such a bad shape, why Ford when you can buy Honda…
January 21, 2007 at 9:05 pm #723825Anonymous
InactiveI will just say this to Mr.Vegasguy:
Most Europeans — no, most everyone around the world — I’ve had the pleasure to deal with can easily distinguish between an American and the American government. As much as I have travelled, there are many good people all over this planet who detest those in Washington, DC, but treat me with friendship and respect.
We Americans live in a strange paradox at times. The world looks to us for help with their needs as the last superpower who can do anything for them… then they will turn around and accuse us of being imperialist. Whatever.
If you want to call America imperialistic fine. But when North Korea goes after someone… when China wakes up and starts to prowl… when Iran invades a neighbor… when bombs go off in Paris or Madrid or Rome… are you ready to go it alone?
January 21, 2007 at 10:06 pm #723830Anonymous
InactiveThere’s two points of view depending on where a person was raised and how they view the world.
Americans – They will obviously love thier country and with reason. Most people only have one country. The USA has gone a long way and has the potential to do a lot of good. It is the only major super power left and they grant a lot of freedom to thier people. They’ve also fought to help liberate Europe during the second world war.
Non-American – From an outsider looking in, things are not quite as rosy. While the USA grants its people a lot of freedom, it seems that the wealthiest country in the world is a twisted place. They let a vice president directly profit from attacking other countries. They stock up on nuclear weapons while forbidding other countries to do so. They refuse to do anything that is for the greater good, such as signing the kyoto protocol to reduce green house gases, or to sign a landmine treaty. Landmines only target civilians and little children yet they refuse to sign this. When every other country helps Africa by distributing money to purchase local food the US forces Africa to accept genetically modified food that is more expensive to buy and illegal in most of the world. The reason for this aid is to help US corporations and to sell more pesticides.
It’s all about perspective.
January 21, 2007 at 10:22 pm #723831Anonymous
Inactive@antoine]…They let a vice president directly profit from attacking other countries…They stock up on nuclear weapons while forbidding other countries to do so…They refuse to do anything that is for the greater good: sign a landmine treaty genetically modified food…[/QUOTE wrote:
That may be true, but the people living here can do little about it. Hell, we can’t even save online gaming when 80% of the people are in favor of it! But the truth is that whenever there’s a world disaster the American people are some of the most caring and generous anywhere.
Most Americans are so ignorant of the world outside their borders that they have no clue as to what’s actually going on. It’s not totally their fault, though. They’ve had years of inferior education… years of a pupeted news media… years of lie after lie from their government.
Most Americans just go to work, pay there taxes, and want to be left alone. And that’s exactly what Washington DC wants them to do! They are a product of American theology and fuel for the American economy.
That said, my original point was to make certain the rest of you out there who can see America from the outside remember what was said above. Never… never equate the genuine, generous, caring (and I admit ignorant) people of this country with the evil and corrupt men & women who sit at it’s helm.
antoine wrote:It’s all about perspective.Perspectives, you say? :happy:
January 21, 2007 at 10:23 pm #723832Anonymous
Inactivei did quit politic discussion years ago, srry guys
i wish you all luck gaja citizens
January 22, 2007 at 7:39 am #723869Anonymous
Inactiveelgoog wrote:i wish you all luck gaja citizens
Thank youAbout the posts;
I have to agree with J Todd here. Most Americans are NOT aware of what’s going on outside their borders and it IS thanks to the American media and lack of education. I have seen, however, more and more Americans looking at other news publications such as BBC to educate themselves. We do care and most of us ‘regular joes’ are NOT happy with what the current (and some past) administrations are doing. I think most of us just want peace and the rights our forefathers left us.January 22, 2007 at 12:02 pm #723875Anonymous
Inactiveocc wrote:Thank youAbout the posts;
I have to agree with J Todd here. Most Americans are NOT aware of what’s going on outside their borders and it IS thanks to the American media and lack of education. I have seen, however, more and more Americans looking at other news publications such as BBC to educate themselves. We do care and most of us ‘regular joes’ are NOT happy with what the current (and some past) administrations are doing. I think most of us just want peace and the rights our forefathers left us.I would argue that most Americans don’t have a clue about what’s happening
INSIDE the United States. Trillions are missing from the Pentagon and
the American media is more concerned about the Britney Spears, and Paris
January 22, 2007 at 5:08 pm #723905Anonymous
InactiveHi Mojo, I respect that you feel the way you do about the US. However, I have been an expat for nearly 10 years and the United states has lost all credibility.
Take a moment to step aside and you will see the world does not look friendly upon us and I agree with them, we are viewed as a war monger country, I miss the days of God Bless America stood for a proud country.