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  • #625611

    You’ve been living in a cave if you don’t realize how valuable Social Media is for your marketing plan. However, this online channel has been growing and evolving so quickly, as does everything online, so it can be difficult to determine the best ways to apply social media particularly to the igaming niche.

    We’ve outlined some Online Gambling Social Media Superstars to try to spark some ideas and inspiration to affiliates. A consistent theme- killer content and company branding to spark a successful fire in social media.

    Just curious… what setbacks are people facing with social media right now? Are affiliates seeing the value in utilizing this channel?


    I agree with you that it is particularly challenging for the igaming industry to adopt social media because of the very nature of the business itself. There are various reasons for all we know. But I’d like to share this article from one of our writers about the social media adoption. Social Media Insights ? The Social Media Procrastinator : Though not a definitive guide, it offers some truth. :)


    It’s a bit challenging to get into social media. You really need to have explosive content to draw people’s attention.


    Social media… I love it. I am sad I didn’t get enough in my 8 months to make the lists above *sad faces*

    but with a +1327 Google +1’s

    4600+ Facebook likes

    and 1471 Twitter Followers

    all just from being me! I love everything about social media because I love people and I have a very easy one sentence way to PROMISE increase in exposure.

    “Be nice by starting off with sharing other people in your industry’s posts — more than writing your own — for a least a month, and learn how to be creative by watching them, and gaining their trust, their followers, post a lot — and eventually targeted social traffic will suit”

    OK so it was a really long sentence lol :)



    Your numbers look great – and I think you’d be in the top 1-2% of affiliates on Social Media. Well done

    We have much smaller numbers on our twitter (1000 followers) and facebook (350 likes) pages, and we get around 250,000 visits to the main website each month.

    However, having checked out your Google+ and Facebook streams I notice that the amount of feedback from actual readers is close to zero in both streams. Most +1’s on Google+ have come from other affiliate contributors and on facebook it’s tumbleweed.

    That’s not meant as a criticism, we notice a similar sort of pattern on most social media including our own. It’s not in fact very social at all – it’s basically post after post with little interaction … like non-stop broadcast ads.

    What keeps you going and wanting to post when you are not getting much feedback from the target audience?


    No offence taken at all, I really am seeking to engage more people but, as we all know, it is very difficult in our industry. A lot of my engagement takes place where you can’t see it.

    In groups and on others pages and especially in Google+ communities that I choose not to broadcast to my home-stream. I am a lot more involved in the social scope than would appear from my homepages alone, but getting other people to do the same is very difficult when talking about USA casinos specifically.

    The only Facebook gambling affiliate pages I see that have mass engagement are sports related ones, and one that have games with free chips lol.

    What keeps me going is the other affiliates like you see, sharing thier stuff makes me feel like I am helping them, and helping people makes me feel good. It also has a benefit to Es-“the letter E”-0 as far as I can tell.


    Social Media is the best way to market things nowadays

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