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June 20, 2004 at 11:13 am #585614
InactiveHey all.
My FA stats this month for 3 of the casinos I promote are:
Vegas Villa 19 106 0
Vegas Palms 20 46 0
7 Sultans 40 310 0Where the first number is the amount of clicks, second number the amount of downloads and third new purchasing.
Has anybody else experienced this weired behaviour? All up there’s 462 downloads from 79 downloads, a 588% conversion rate!
Has anyone else experienced this, and should I be worried?
June 20, 2004 at 2:12 pm #650697Anonymous
InactiveLol, fortune is in the process of switching to a new stat system. I can’t wait to see it.
I have been watching this – the stats are very wonky now but it seems the end result is correct.
June 20, 2004 at 6:12 pm #650705Anonymous
GuestWonky is putting it mildly. On Royal Vegas Poker I have more than twice as many downloads as I do clicks. lol
June 21, 2004 at 11:23 am #650719Anonymous
InactiveThings are also weird with our stats. From one hour to the next our downloads increase and then decrease shortly after. The same goes for our guest accounts. Really a bit strange. I don’t complain too much though as our conversions overall are pretty good.
They do promise to have all this sorted out with the new system though….will wait and see….maybe a few extra $’s in it for me.
June 22, 2004 at 9:41 am #650756Anonymous
InactiveWell it looks like the stats are good again. Even got a call from David Sack himself…apparently the captain of the FA ship.
The best part is that my baby whale at Royal Vegas is growing into quite a nice catch…..will hope that there are no wins before month end.
June 24, 2004 at 5:40 pm #650885Anonymous
InactiveHi All
Marc here, Operations Manager from Fortune Affiliates.
This is my first post in this forum, so hello to all!
We have had some strange stats fluctuations on our website over the last couple of days.
This was due to data being moved around for the new system.
This only affected the website and NOT the actual data.
Stats are once again stable on our website.The new system is almost here and it rocks!
The tracking and stats have been tested and it is working great!Thanks all for the patience, it WILL be worth it for the new system.
The new Fortune Affiliates system should make you more money with us than before.Please feel free to send any queries my way.
[email protected]June 24, 2004 at 8:46 pm #650895Anonymous
InactiveWelcome aboard, Marc!
I received a call about the new stats yesterday and it sounds good.
Looking forward to them!
July 15, 2004 at 7:36 am #652222Anonymous
InactiveWelcome to CAP Marc …
The new Fortune Affiliates system should make you more money with us than before.
Thats a very interesting statement – how exactly will the new stats system help us make more? Are you admitting that stats are not accurate on the current system?
July 15, 2004 at 7:44 am #652223Anonymous
InactiveHi Arkyt
Thanks for the question.
You shold make more money using the new system because of more resources and reporting.
A better understanding of your own conversions and player base SHOULD (with optimization) result in better marketing efforts.
This should result in more earnings at the end of the month.I am not saying that the stats are wrong.
I am saying that the new system has more to offer serious webmasters.
Over the course of the next few months we’ll also be adding more functionality to further help you do more!I hope that answers your question.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Feel free to mail me directly!Thanks.
July 15, 2004 at 10:42 am #652229Anonymous
InactiveHello Marc,
when does the new stats system starts?
July 15, 2004 at 2:32 pm #652243Anonymous
InactiveHi Mr Noise
I cannot tell you the live date yet.
BUT I can tell you that is is coming sooner than most people think.You should start hearing a specific date from next week sometime.
The key is to check the mail that we send you (if you are registered with us).
If you are not registered please mail me at [email protected]Let me know if that helps.
I hope you are excited for the new system, it’s been a long time coming!
I know I am!Thanks.
July 29, 2004 at 1:32 pm #652787Anonymous
InactiveAre there news about the new stats system?
July 29, 2004 at 2:31 pm #652789Anonymous
InactiveLast thing I heard was beginning of August…
August 2, 2004 at 2:24 pm #652917Anonymous
InactiveThe new Fortune Affiliates system is live!
The new and improved FA system is everything you’ve always wanted in an affiliate system, and more.
We’ve listened to what you need in order to make serious money, and we’ve built the new system with your interests at heart.The new system offers a variety of benefits that should greatly assist your business, including but not limited to the following:
*Bullet-proof tracking
*Advanced reporting and functionality
*Greater transparency on player details and demographics
*More creative material and marketing resourcesWe trust that you’ll enjoy and benefit from working with our new system and look forward to your comments. We KNOW that it will mean more money for you as we work together to take Fortune Affiliates to the next level in Affiliate marketing!
Logging In:
The login process is slightly different for the new system. There is now a 3-part login process using e-mail, password, AND account number. Your e-mail and password remain the same but the account number changes slightly. If your old account number was EHR0000009752 then your new account number is FA9572 (case sensitive). Use all 3 pieces of info to login to the new system. Any problems click on the “Forgot your login details” to have your details sent to you.Click here – http://www.FortuneAffiliates.com
We are going to start a new thread for the new system. Please use this thread for postings relating to the new system.
Thanks for the patience.
It was worth it! -