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Vegas Lucky

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  • #667897

    This thread is titled Affiliate Warnings, which means I can warn my fellow webmasters of your tatics, I have been asking around and I am not the only one that was tricked into giving you top ad space for the return of nothing back from you!


    mmmm, apparently this other Vegas Lucky thread is being ignored, so I took the liberty of copying my post from …

    It is unfortunate that some affiliates use posts either as trying to leverage negotiations or even as a threat.

    Now Lorne, if you don’t reply to emails, how is a person to contact you? Folks, I have not had a great experience with Vegas Lucky affil program. Lorne and I made a sponsorship and promo deal, I stood up to my end of it….banners in top placement at all 4 sites etc…. It took 1 month for the “deal” to finalize on their end. Yes, they got an extra 30 days of advertising….I was very patient…some would say dumb….I should not have left banners up giving them the extra advertising.

    Then… this date, some players still have not received their contest coupon win. They were to be given a no deposit amount,they received a deposit bonus coupon ~ from a deposit contest, which we have had to pay from our own pocket, this has been an on going issue, and is no longer responded to.

    Stats are a completely different story……I had one player alone deposit over $300….it never did show up in my stats, much less any of the other 200 plus downloads I have there and 128 players! I have not made a dime here,it has cost me valuable time and money, all banners were removed from all our sites long ago.

    Let’s not even get into the hassle of a member collecting a small cash out!


    Ok, now we have all heard about Bonus Streak’s and Wufu’s experiences (and I might add that these two have never been the type to gang up on a program so I believe every word).

    What you have here is an RTG that gives out large manager credits and doesn’t remove negative carry overs.

    This is normal for a lot of RTG. We can start a new thread and list RTG that will remove negative carry overs as a matter of course, and just how high the manager credits are also depends on the specific casino.

    If someone had $120 and ends up with $10 because of manager credits – well that type of situation makes it unprofitable to affiliates. Negatives that are carried over are also unprofitable and usually I will promote such a casino until I get a negative and then drop it.

    The story of being tricked into giving adspace for free – let’s all learn a lesson: money first. No downpayment, no exposure. The first payment has to be in before the casino is placed, it is a placement fee. Schedule a second payment half way through. No payment, banners come down. Then you can have a final payment.

    Of course if you have experience with a program and trust them and they trust you it can be handled differently – but this is the way to handle a first time placement. I understand Bonus Streak’s anger.

    I don’t know Lorne personally and if she wants to help scandle with his problem then we ought to let her do this in peace.
    I am all in favor of stating all of our grievances, but I am not in favor of chasing any affiliate managers off or making it impossible for them to straighten out a problem. That is what we are here for – straightening out problems. Wufu got paid. Let’s give scandle the same opportunity.

    Lorne, Bonusstreak, I hope the two of you iron this out. Please pm or email each other and get this resolved.




    Please verify with your players in question, I believe you will find they are quite happy.
    Please advise me if there are any other issues.

    I would like to say, that it serves me no purpose to have unhappy affiliates. I want as much as possible for affiliate payments to be processed quicky and players to enjoy the gaming experience at Vegas Lucky.



    stats, couple hundreds in total deposits and $10 bucks in commision. Not 2 good when all this time, I was not getting paid the traffic that I sent. Been 6 – 8 month now or when ever you guys were open, and this is what I got from them. $10 bucks. Lucky Vegas was exposed in couple my main areas also. Sad. :hitthefan :hmmm:

    Now, they took the $10 also guys lmaoooo. Only $1.12 cents left. This place is a joke. :shooter:

    Sorry for the rude posting guys but I did have them seens they were open and I made close to nothing when I brought them good traffic and depositing players. I just X-ed them today. :terms:

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