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Using CAP LOGO on site.

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  • #608945

    Recently i have received approval from GPWA and eCogra, and am woorking at getting their seals put on site.

    here i have been accepted as a member, but is there a seal we can use?

    I mean is there a seal of approval? I dont see any, and i have appplied to be a certified member.

    Can i use the logo the CAP logo until i have been approved as a certified portal.

    Thank you.


    I’m also innterested in getting a CAP logo. I have submitted my sites for review some time ago.
    I guess there are lots of webmasters that appreciate a CAP Logo.


    Our design team will have a CAP logo for webmasters ready to go very soon. i’ll keep you posted


    Thanks Arjun, I’d also be keen to post it and link to CAP.


    Certainly. When it’s ready, either Lou or myself will announce it in the general discussion area.

    TheGooner;162386 wrote:
    Thanks Arjun, I’d also be keen to post it and link to CAP.

    I am curious as to the perceived benefits webmasters see in putting the CAP logo on their sites?


    I would not put it on my website unless I was targeting new affiliates. Even then I would be hesitant for fear that they would go to CAP and do all their sign-ups from there. :Cry:
    No offense meant to CAP.


    i think the idea is to give the site a bit more weight…recognise it as a safe and secure place to register but i can see where the fear of losing affiliates comes from…a tricky one. personal choice i guess – it would be good to hear stats but who’s gonna share those? ha ha


    @alexross 162407 wrote:

    I am curious as to the perceived benefits webmasters see in putting the CAP logo on their sites?

    Reading the last three posts – it’s obvious to see why “natural link exchanges” don’t occur very often in this sector – and why link selling evolved. Googles PR was always doomed in a commercial environment.

    Although some webmaster will struggle with the concept … this is not link selling, it’s not a PR switch, there is no real gain for my site …

    It’s quite simply a vote for a good quality site that like minded readers and online players might find useful.

    (I do the same with GPWA and APCW too)

    BTW – what happened to this idea – has it died?


    @TheGooner 164568 wrote:

    It’s quite simply a vote for a good quality site that like minded readers and online players might find useful.

    hi paul

    not sure I agree with you here completely – I see the CAP logos as having positives and negatives.

    I have had what looks like a potential spammer sign up to my site (classic spammer username) however looking at the site in their sig (it had a cap or gpwa logo on it), I knew they wouldn’t spam me and they haven’t (in fact quite the contrary – they have in fact started participating on my forum which is nice).. so that’s the good side for me (I am in industry so seeing that someone is associated with CAP through these labels on sites is reasurring in some respects)

    As for players seeing that a site is GPWA or CAP certified doesn’t have a great lot of weight. What does it mean to them? We don’t spam? We are Whitehat? Players don’t know much about these things imo, nor do they care too much – as long as the wares we peddle are legit imo.

    I find it ironic that many of the sites displaying CAP logos were and are promoting sites which have been involved in fraud and theft(if it were, they would have some clause in the display of the logos – maybe sites which want a cap logo should have to drop programs which have been proven to be untrustworthy? Obv cap is not judge and jury i guess..)

    don’t get me wrong, for me CAP is more of a gambling webmaster community (with good links to Affil managers and the companies we tend to deal with a lot), and it’s all good. I just don’t see any benefit displaying a cap logo on my site (in fact, what do i wanna do? lure my punters to CAP so they find out about affiliate marketing and next week they are my rivals? haha) The logo doesn’t do much for me personally and it’s certainly not a mark of Quality assurance. (same with GPWA logo btw). Most webmasters can make better use of the screen real-estate for banners etc, which is prob why we don’t see so many logos on member sites.


    Hey Alex,

    Good points.

    However, I’m not naive enough to believe that I can restrict competition by not linking to it – and if someone is interested in affiliating then I’d rather that they learnt the good, bad and ugly from CAP, GPWA and APCW.

    I wish that I’d known about them from 1999-2006 when I had to re-invent everything I was doing myself.

    (and if I sent new affiliates there then hopefully they’ll introduce themselves on the forum later – and we might do deals in future. Win-win.)

    And as you mentioned, sites belonging to these groups are more likely to be upfront in their dealing – although not always (as we’ve found).

    I’m not saying I put the logo’s in prime advertising space (above the fold), but I have plenty of ads on my site (understatement) and yet I can still find a front page spot to link to these quality sites.

    So for me the weigh-up is much simplier :

    Positive : They’re good sites that I use.
    Negative : Nothing.

    Not EVERYTHING is about the money.


    I would place a CAP logo on my site even if it means that I miss getting subaffiliates to sign up under me. I would figure that most have signed up at the popular places prior to finding a logo on my site anyway.

    CAP has done a lot to help me learn the business and the fact that they let affiliates attend the conferences for free can be a trade-off.

    The conferences is what took my business to the next level in as it allowed me to meet anyone I wanted to work with or get to know better plus the information you get is invaluable.


    I completely agree with Gooner, I understand the points of some of you by not putting the Cap logo up to a website, but as Gooner said, this can be this industry’s sickness, as it is hard to build natural linking amongst gambling websites.

    When I joined CAP in 2005, the first thing I recognized was that everyone was helping out each other without waiting anything in return, and it caught my attention at once as gambling being so competitive. Since then the concept remained the same (many thanks for the lots of helpful veterans and the majority of the new-comers), so CAP is a neverending gold-mine of information, learning tools, industry news, and regulation(!) between programs and affiliates.(I think most of you remember the big community fight with ReferBack some years ago, regarding their changes in their affiliate agreement.) Without CAP, it couldn’t be possible.

    So the minimum I can do in return for the wealth of knowledge I have learnt at Cap is putting the CAP logo proudly on my website.

    And please don’t take this offensive, but if you are afraid of losing your visitors coming through to a great website by a link then that site is not made with the visitors in mind.

    Rather think about it this way: tell them about this great source of information, and educate, help them if they use your sub aff id at signup.

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