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November 12, 2012 at 7:28 pm #829676
Member@allfreechips 246767 wrote:
So, Anyone making 52,000 or Less, your now better off not working and collecting goverment funded housing, car, phone, cable. You will have a better lifestyle AND more spending cash than if you waste 9 hours a day working. Im building out a info site to make it easy.
Middle class : Suckers
Once Obamacare hits this number will rise as well, The largest tax hike on the middle class in forever.
pm me the link when you are close to finishing it
November 12, 2012 at 11:38 pm #829679Evelinessa
Member@allfreechips 246767 wrote:
So, Anyone making 52,000 or Less, your now better off not working and collecting goverment funded housing, car, phone, cable. You will have a better lifestyle AND more spending cash than if you waste 9 hours a day working. Im building out a info site to make it easy.
Middle class : Suckers
Once Obamacare hits this number will rise as well, The largest tax hike on the middle class in forever.
got a link? I’d like to read more on that
November 13, 2012 at 1:53 am #829681Anonymous
Inactive$52K seems high for an individual, maybe a family of 4?
I’d like to read that source to.November 13, 2012 at 1:35 pm #829687Anonymous
Inactivefamily of 4 for 52, goverment spends 61,000 on that to give you a lifestyle of 52K.. (goverment is so good at spending money)
Single is close to 40,000
Once im set ill link it all up
November 13, 2012 at 2:44 pm #829689CasinoGem
Memberall free your missing the point, obama supports the banks, all u need to do is crunch the dogy taking advangate of desperate people taking high interst loans, what did u expect the big banks to do ?
democrats support banks it will be okay, usa relected the right president
November 13, 2012 at 2:49 pm #829690CasinoGem
MemberIts simple all free chips , if you feel strongly about it , what you need to do is start a movment to crush easy finance, this will bring the big banks back to easy leanding again hence economy moving again, as i said ur country crunched by alllow easy sleasy finance for 5 grand at high interest.
November 13, 2012 at 6:56 pm #829695Anonymous
InactiveYour incorrect cDude, The banks were crushed by federal mandates to loan to underqualified members, in order to insure all minorities and financial groups all have the same great american dream come true. Bill Clinton is largely responsible for taking a bad law and making it far worse, insisting banks take these loans and then sell them off to fanny / freddie..
Now Feds are making banks hold large capitol in liquid forms to back any loans they do, and they are already pushing to ease loan qualifications again. It is not simply some shady banks.
November 13, 2012 at 8:03 pm #829696Anonymous
Inactivethat’s the community reinvestment act, started in 1970’s but problems didn’t arise until the repeal of the glass stegall act.
actually interest rates are at historic lows same as tax rates, well until dec 31st when they all expire.November 14, 2012 at 1:20 pm #829714CasinoGem
MemberDo i get a prize for picking obama by landslide lol :
)November 14, 2012 at 1:27 pm #829715CasinoGem
Member@allfreechips 246806 wrote:
Your incorrect cDude, The banks were crushed by federal mandates to loan to underqualified members, in order to insure all minorities and financial groups all have the same great american dream come true. Bill Clinton is largely responsible for taking a bad law and making it far worse, insisting banks take these loans and then sell them off to fanny / freddie..
Now Feds are making banks hold large capitol in liquid forms to back any loans they do, and they are already pushing to ease loan qualifications again. It is not simply some shady banks.
Sorrry and no disrespect as i have hi respect for you all free chips by the way ” in australia if i type in casino forum your forum pops up ”
so hi respect always
but i’m afraid i disagree, the problem lies with these small lenders giving out 5 grand loans at high finance like well it extended from pawn prokers to the likes of online lenders, they crushed that imeediatly in Australia,
yet USA allowed itthis scared teh banks so they raised there loan ranks because banks and insurance providers run of the stock market yeilds ect as you would know and resrv bank of couse but finance is driven by yields and the percentange so the banks allowed it then the little finance (signs u see on the road ) quick finance.
this scared the banks so they drove there prices up but to there defence left it to last minute.
u need to crush the usa government infact even pawn brokers need to stop high interst quick loans,
give back up money to ur main banks , that will drive overall business.
Instead of multiple posts i have done edit here to continue on all free.
say you insure your car, your car is insured by a company that has a bankroll percentantage a bit like gambling in a way of a managned investment scheme company best in buiesness that they select that they , can back them up from their insurance to give to u for your car .
investments are revolved around banks or managment investment schemes
banks are reserve bank, insurance companies run off managed invesment schemes
thats why when stocks crash, even if u have cover , on your house (not bank) but car
thell hesitate,
but because of these online quick loans with bad credit still get a loan , and USA didnt stop it go online right now all free chips can u get a quick loan with bad credit?
this must become ilegal , because these companies runj of managed investment schemes which stocks crash , u crash ud ont get ur money u loose ur house.
USA must make it illiegal unles u are a government backed bank to take loans.
“Your incorrect cDude, The banks were crushed by federal mandates to loan to underqualified members, in order to insure all minorities and financial groups all have the same great american dream come true. Bill Clinton is largely responsible for taking a bad law and making it far worse, insisting banks take these loans and then sell them off to fanny / freddie..”
we are actually agreeing if u see what i’m writing in a way, you should not be able to go to a dodgy finance company and get a high loan at high finance wich they are connected to the banks which are connecte d to yields int he stock market,
to save america, obama must make it illigal to give hi interst loans , and bring the banks back to feel safe, put ursel fin a big banks position, holy crap someone just got a high interst loan because of bad credit .
but it falls back on the bank anyway and the yield of finance they ride of the stock market anyway,
i majored in economics
USA can bounce back, but you have to make it illegal even pawn shops to the smallest of all banks to the smallest of pawn shops to allow loans of high interest.
this will then give the big main banks confidence again to lend again to the struggling at smaller interst
this will fix it
economy starts and ends with banks and stock markets
every day you go online in america and can get a 5 grand loan with bad credit is a day the big banks will never be the way they used to be .
thats what scard the big banks thats what made them drive up there prices and crashed the stock market
easy finance, is what crashsed the stock market
here in australia they crushed it straight away, u cant get finance even from a pawn shop unless u been working for 2 years.
u hav the money free all free ? start a revolution bud get the , i’m not even sure obama relises u can get a finance from a finance for 5 grand without a job
here u cant here in aus u cant
they stopped it stop smart, i majored in economics
if u want to save ur country all free and u have ur money, u need this to catch obbamas eye
stop easy finance,
this will give the big banks confidence again, remember and ur righ bill clinton wasnt such thing
so stop it stop easy finance at high interest , make people go back to the banks
which if high finance is ilegal will bring back the main banks
walla america back in busines its not even about the war
wat destroyed it is high finance people going away fron big banks in desperatioin
but it moved so quickly that these companies going of managed fundes falling of yeilds to support there finance and a return it all happend so quick.
if i was USA president i would make high interest finance other than a car illegal
the banks got scared because u can get loans from pawn shops and stuff , u take taht away and government backs the majors,
america will recover.
see what popped upis managed investment funds, noticed that after the crisis they crashed thats because they were on the arm for the arm of these dodgy giving out loans to people with bad credit,
now the answer is make it illiegal to give out loans over certain percentage that the major banks to not find comepetitive,
then people go bak to the major banks that gives them a chance gives them the loans to support ther orders and businesss
america grows again,
i feel like calling obama myself and saying make high interest loans from small banks illegal
but , i’m in australiai majored top class in economics,
to save america u wipe out even pawn shop loans , if i had my waY EVEN car finance high interest loans,
u have main banks and u work from that that is how america became america
I would make high interst loans illlegal, unless from a main bank,
this would save america
because with this law the interest on the loan the banks have no competition with these dodgy pawn brokers and whoever, and bring u back to u wer in the 80
sMy system would work, but didnt see anything int the debates, they just dont get it , i did major in economics though
but i’m just a guy on a forum
i’d bet my system would work, i seen no talk of stopping easy finance
November 14, 2012 at 1:48 pm #829717Anonymous
InactiveNo, missing the point. the USA must STOP bailing out these companies that make bad loans/ decisions. This is the main problem here, all these places that in the past would file bankruptsy, be sold off to new management and prosper are now told “its ok man, heres a few hundred bilion, try not to screw up again, and by the way you owe us now”
Now, this removal of consequence is the downfall of America. Spending on losers takes away from producers, making starting a new business nearly impossible now.
November 14, 2012 at 2:22 pm #829722Anonymous
Inactive@casinodude 246827 wrote:
Do i get a prize for picking obama by landslide lol :
)I wouldn’t call the election a landslide – it was way closer than that. IMO a landslide would be 60-40 or better… this ended some where around 50-49 in total votes. Just shows again that the electoral collage should be done away with.
November 14, 2012 at 2:27 pm #829724wbprofits
Member@casinodude 246827 wrote:
Do i get a prize for picking obama by landslide lol :
)Yes Google gave you PR1 :smoker:
November 14, 2012 at 2:40 pm #829725CasinoGem
Member@allfreechips 246830 wrote:
No, missing the point. the USA must STOP bailing out these companies that make bad loans/ decisions. This is the main problem here, all these places that in the past would file bankruptsy, be sold off to new management and prosper are now told “its ok man, heres a few hundred bilion, try not to screw up again, and by the way you owe us now”
Now, this removal of consequence is the downfall of America. Spending on losers takes away from producers, making starting a new business nearly impossible now.
well , wer sort of aggreement here but u still not saying what i’m saying,
can u go down the street and get a 5 grand loan with bad credit ?November 14, 2012 at 2:41 pm #829726CasinoGem
MemberAll free the government woould not have had to bail out the big banks if they had stopped ad they did in australia here to giving out loans to people with bad credit which u can do with a car, but not with a house