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August 7, 2009 at 4:20 pm #618222
MemberHello to all affiliates and to Unibet,
let me introduce myself, im working in this industrie since years and i worked with a lot of companys and i can say, that i got much experience beeing an affiliate.
After reading this Forum and after reading some comments from affiliates, i startet this thread, because i don’t think that 99% of you guys are right! I’m working now with Unibet over a few months and i can say, that Unibet has one of the best partnerprograms and also one of the greatest managers, (especially Marten) on internet! Marten do a very very great job at Unibet and you should be happy that he always try to respond to your emails. Sure, the payments comes not every month the same time, but as it comes you should be happy and when ever there was a problem, i contacted Marten and he helped me very fast! If you see other programs, you should really be angry, i don’t want to tell names..but other managers will not answer you in your whole life and they don’t care if you get your hard earned money or not. I have good contacts to much managers and believe me, its a hard job and if you miss a payment, nobody tells Marten that you don’t recieve the payment, this is not disneyland, where everything is a firework, so don’t be angry on Unibet or Marten or anybody else, just contact them and im sure you will receive help. They all do a great job and i’m really happy to work with Unibet!So now you all can call me a bootlicker, but as i said, i also know the good and the bad sides of beeing an affiliate and be sure, with Unibet and Marten you are all on the good side! So have a nice weekend, don’t get to angry and just relax, you will receive your money
Oli -