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Unfair Cap rating

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  • #614226

    Cap may or may not be aware of this site, but I found the following “rogue” rating of CAP quite unfair: – ROGUE – BLACKLISTED – CAP


    This site is focused on the Casino Affiliate and making money off of the casino affiliates.

    In our opinion this site “CAP”, although well known, is nothing but a scam on the people that would try to become an affiliate of the online casinos.

    CAP promotes known Rogue Casinos.
    The owner of CAP (calls himself the professor) tries his best to discredit or eliminate any valid criticisms or hard questions of casino affiliate programs that he is currently promoting.

    Affiliate Programs, Inc. (the parent company of CAP)
    Warren Jolly – CEO
    Lou Fabiano – President
    Arjan Jolly – Product Manager
    Jeremy Enke – General Manager of Online Poker Division
    Greg Powell – Marketing Director
    Yvette Arlic – Marketing Coordinator

    Affiliate Programs, Inc.
    3540 West Sahara Ave #726
    Las Vegas, NV 89102

    We had to dig to find this information… Why would an honest company hide all this info? Answer: No Honest company would.

    Found here: xx


    eCOGRA is also listed there.


    Thanks for the heads up and concern Ziggy. :hattip:

    Yes its extremely unfair and undeserved, but not unexpected when one considers the source. Failure hates success, nature of the beast I guess.

    When I read a smear like this from a source like that it reaffirms we ARE headed in the RIGHT direction.

    If we made everyone happy, no matter how VILE and useless they were, then we would be seriously off track.


    I also received an email from eCogra with the same opinion. They were not aware of the slam either.

    I look at it this way, if CAP is in the same company with eCogra then thats a good thing.


    Whoever this unprofessional person is, they have now blacklisted my site after my post here about CAP and eCogra.

    I can only assume that person is a member here.

    I am NOW a member of the CAP and eCogra blacklisted club here:
    xx :cappy:


    To CAP, eCogra and myself:

    The site that blacklisted all of us now has posted the following on its homepage:

    This site is down and most likely will not reopen. A software error has wiped out our entire data base including backups… A hacker could not have screwed us over better…

    Thanks to all :rockband: :Pisser:


    Isn’t Kharma a beutiful thing!

    alexpratt;191939 wrote:
    Isn’t Kharma a beutiful thing!

    Oops! better not.


    @Ziggy 191926 wrote:

    I am NOW a member of the CAP and eCogra blacklisted club here:
    xx :cappy:

    LOL. do you really care about being on a blacklist on a site parked on a domain called lots0cash dot com? Whoever made the site is clearly an idiot (you can tell that just by looking at the site)

    the url x no longer exists btw.

    Also, is it possible they put your site on there because you repeatedly keyword stuff you homepage? this is classic BH SEO and should see you getting blacklisted all over the place imo. [13 occurrences of “gamble online” in your frankly dodgy and unreadable homepage copy, which seems to be designed for the bots and not human visitors.. hmm]


    To consider my site BH is way out of line.

    Re-visit your Fruit Machine site – the same can be said there.

    Term “Fruit Machine” = 8
    “Online Slots” = 8

    Total= 16

    Happy New Year,

    @alexross 192095 wrote:

    LOL. do you really care about being on a blacklist on a site parked on a domain called lots0cash dot com? Whoever made the site is clearly an idiot (you can tell that just by looking at the site)

    the url x no longer exists btw.

    Also, is it possible they put your site on there because you repeatedly keyword stuff you homepage? this is classic BH SEO and should see you getting blacklisted all over the place imo. [13 occurrences of “gamble online” in your frankly dodgy and unreadable homepage copy, which seems to be designed for the bots and not human visitors.. hmm]


    Alex that last bit of a jab at Ziggy was uncalled for and hostile. It certainly added nothing to discussion, lets be polite to our fellow members please.


    @Ziggy 192153 wrote:

    To consider my site BH is way out of line.

    Re-visit your Fruit Machine site – the same can be said there.

    Term “Fruit Machine” = 8
    “Online Slots” = 8

    Total= 16

    Happy New Year,

    lol good 1.. that site has no content whatsoever except a FAQ and isn’t even what i consider live as I have been busy with other stuff!

    nice try tho, and excuse me for speculating why someone might put you on a blacklist. sheesh.

    If you care, (I don’t..) have a look at my other sites… they are all written for people not SE’s..

    happy newwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeear

    @ prof , I wasn’t being hostile, I was pointing out the fact that his site is shall we say “over-optimised” for a particular kw. wish I hadn’t said a word now as usual sigh.. I was being polite and didn’t diss him once fwiw.. I was discussing his WEBSITE.. :)

    thanks for the demotion btw [ my title used to read SEO moderator iirc]. That’s what you get for saying it like it is obviously. Do you expect a SEO expert not to point out what I pointed out ? jeez.


    Dear Ziggy:

    Congratulations! We’re happy to welcome you to the CAP Certified Affiliate program! Your site is now officially licensed by CAP for ethical marketing of online gaming.

    The above was granted prior to any post by Alexross in this thread.

    We should all try and remember that each of us address a different audience.

    My Intro was professionally written and has been evaluated to be understood by people with no less than a Master Degree achievement reading skill level. This was done purposely to address professionals who generally are of considerable means for gaming purposes (and therefore avoid any issues of directing a site at children or young people). That is just simply targeting.

    Because of the targeting nature of the site to such a specific audience, it is unfortunate that some people read it and cannot understand what is written – but that is the nature of targeting in the realm of gaming and SEO in general.

    I don’t apologize for my audience (players) or children/young people that I try and protect.

    That is the meaning of “ethical marketing” for which the CAP Seal was founded upon.

    Happy New Year to all,


    Stop arguing, guys!

    Alex, this isn’t a SEO thread. In a SEO thread, where someone asks for opinions, your comment would have been valuable and appreciated. Here, it is off topic and appears to have it’s root in aggression.

    Peace, guys!:hattip:


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