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  • #617735

    Do you guys think its important to get underpartners, or are they competition that pays little compared to the extra competition?


    You mean second tier webmasters?

    It’s a good thing. :hattip:


    Well- its underpartners in my book lol, or “sub-affiliate” as UNIBET calls them :)

    As I understand I get 10% of their earnings- meaning if I`m lucky this could be very lucrative if I get good ones who doesnt compete directly in my “sphere” but are active. I`m not sure but think I?ll make an effort on this and see how it goes….

    Searched on the term “second tier webmaster” now and that is not what I mean- my englisg isnt that good I`m afraid but I hope you undertsand what I mean now.


    you are both talking about the same thing: sub-affiliates


    LOl :)

    I read this:

    And in no way got sub-affiliate from it :blush:


    Definitely a good thing to look at although I have heard from a few people that it can be a bit dodgy as its very easy to untag an affiliate under you and although this probably doesn’t happen a lot I am told it does happen in the industry


    That article is talking about search engines, not second tier affiliates..

    A second tier affiliate is one which has signed up for an affiliate account through your affiliate link. This is also called a subaffiliate. You get paid a % of what they make. So if they do compete with you in the same “sphere” you will make a percentage of whatever they make.

    Some programs have 3rd tiers too, which will pay you a percentage of any affiliate’s commission that signs up to the affiliate program through the person you already referred.

    Rewards Affiliates


    i like the word “underpartners”

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