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March 20, 2004 at 11:11 pm #646612
There are plenty to go around, so we here at CAP would be well advised to form a good community. It would benefit everyone. There are 1,000’s of casino promotion sites, so a few dozen that interlinks and boosts each other will never do anything except help ‘brand’ the sites and boost each other’s sales!
We’re all paying for traffic, so sharing it is actually a great idea, rather than letting the traffic wander to an unknown site which doesn’t link back…….horrors of horrors, maybe even to a .md site!
It’s well known that like-businesses group together to attract cusumers ripe for what they are selling.
But, alas, I have noticed a certain reluctance among CAP members to share links – and a certain amount of PR snobbery………..
March 21, 2004 at 5:23 am #646617Anonymous
InactiveGreat post Kevin.
I have helped out a few webmasters and see this happening…only a couple succeeded using basically the same tools.
Those that failed threw up a site and expected to suddenly make money in the short term.
Discouragement won out for them.
Admittedly I am a little jaded on the 1 on 1 help of late due to one webmaster consistently copying our content word for word after a lot of help. Much off that is so far out of date that he still wonders why he is making little to no money.
Anyway, that leads me to attitude…
Then there was the odd gem that took an idea, improved upon it and looked outside the box.
They are still in the biz today.
I view it as not just making money. Websites are almost like kids. A bi of advice a long time ago I remember was set a goal to what you want to make. Some people are happier with oodles, some less, basically how much PA would make you happy?
For some paying the bills and enough to live comfortably is well, enough.
Set your goal at wherever you fit on the scale , it is amazing what is achievable.
We’re all paying for traffic, so sharing it is actually a great idea, rather than letting the traffic wander to an unknown site which doesn’t link back…….horrors of horrors, maybe even to a .md site!
LOL. I had the idea a long time ago for webmasters to exchange traffic. The initial pitfalls were most did not understand (or chose to ignore) the basic concept:
Sharing traffic for the benefit of all that would be the highest quality gambling traffic on the net on a 1:1 return ratio.
This would bypass the diluted traffic quality of other exchange programs which make them worthless.
Unfortunately some saw it is a way to get bulk traffic by sending in crap, that was disappointing.
They were all thrown out of the program and today, some 3 years after launch, there are still 30 or so webmasters actively sharing traffic. There have been no complaints so I assume they are all still happy campers.
As to PR snobbery. PR doesn’t mean jack if you are still not listing for keywords or getting traffic. 😮 I have a PR 5-6 (depending on how google feels) that is getting minimal visitors yet another non ranked tht gets oodles.
Google, as most of us are aware is on shaky ground and in the long term need to place the eggs in more than one basket.
The googlenannigans have certainly effected us but not as much as many. in hindsight am rather glad I targeted lots of lesser terms as these remain relatively stable.
It is nice to have a few number 1’s for major terms but ego doesn’t necessarily earn you $ does it?
Sharing IS important. Ellen and I have our own mini CAP and since getting together have vastly improved our income. By mini CAP I mean she is great at somethings I suck at and vice versa.
So I may be able to expand on an idea she has or she can refine mine.
Either way, we rarely stop thinking of how to be original, work angles and implement them effectively.
I guess that is the secret to our success.
March 21, 2004 at 6:42 am #646621Anonymous
GuestI think you completely missed my points.
I wasn’t refering to climbing the google PR rank – but to the idea of sharing. Seems once people are successful, they tend to forget how they got there partially on the backs of successful webpages, and don’t help out the little guys now. The “I’ve got mine, Jack” mentality.
Why we want some good links with a high ranked page ? To help keywords out – providing you use your keywords on the links.
The primary reason to do a good job linking is so that your keywords are picked up, as far as I can see.A good example of how this works is to type “miserable failure” into the google search and see what comes up. :bigsmile:
By the way, without being asked I put a few CAP members’ pages on my hand-make links page (those sites that were already in my linksmanager listing whose name i did recognize as a CAP member), as a show of community spirit.
The gist of my idea about sharing traffic wasn’t about bouncing visitors back and forth as in a redirect, but doing it the way the the big ones – meister, got2bet, winnersonline and the wiz do it. They are crosslinked with each other. This sends traffic back and forth, as well as strengthening their branded names in the industry.
March 22, 2004 at 12:39 pm #646659Anonymous
InactiveSorry Fergie,
MM (mere male syndrome can only do 1 thing at once and was doing 3).
You brought up some interesting points I will address later gotta log off make some calls.
March 22, 2004 at 4:34 pm #646673Anonymous
InactiveHas anyone thought about forming some kind of virtual mastermind group?
If 10 or so folks got together each week on a conference call or by chat and discussed ideas and supported each other, it might create some nice synergy.
I know that CAP is a virtual mastermind group of a sort, but I was just wondering if anyone else thinks a smaller group, or team, might not be a good idea?
March 22, 2004 at 4:45 pm #646674Anonymous
GuestStupendous idea, Randy.
I’m all for it.
March 22, 2004 at 6:09 pm #646676Anonymous
InactiveIf there’s enough interest, I’ll get us a bridge line or chat room set up and we can schedule it.
March 22, 2004 at 6:11 pm #646677Anonymous
InactiveI’m game, but unavailable evenings.
March 22, 2004 at 10:39 pm #646687Anonymous
GuestChat room would be most convenient, I think.
March 22, 2004 at 10:44 pm #646689Anonymous
InactiveMaybe it would be easiest to have a chatroom here.
March 23, 2004 at 2:33 am #646698vladcizsol
MemberWe talked about having one here, but havent found a suitable program that wasnt a total bandwidth pig or wildly expensive to license. If anyone has software suggestions let me know.
March 23, 2004 at 9:16 am #646705Anonymous
InactiveProf, I have some good experience with Spinchat. Have a look at:
JeffMarch 23, 2004 at 10:06 am #646706Anonymous
InactiveQuote:In most industries, companies see their competitors as “The Enemy.”But the Internet doesn’t work that way. Most successful affiliates are willing to share and learn from each other, trade traffic, and do whatever it takes to increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
That’s because Internet marketing is not a “zero sum game.”
So true – but sadly, there are some affiliate programs that act in this manner as well – one in particular whose name I will not mention but is prominent and known to a lot of the members here – talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. To them, the Internet is a one-way street leading to their door.
Suffice it to say that this program will never again see advertising on Got2Bet, I don’t care how honest they think they are (and they are to the best of my knowledge). I do not appreciate being nickel-and-dimed and then told “thanks but we can’t return the favor”.
Quote:I wasn’t refering to climbing the google PR rank – but to the idea of sharing. Seems once people are successful, they tend to forget how they got there partially on the backs of successful webpages, and don’t help out the little guys now. The “I’ve got mine, Jack” mentality.Very damn true. And those of you who have asked to exchange links with Got2Bet, please bear with me a little longer… LOL… so many damn things going on I have to hold down the fort alone… but we will definitely be getting the link exchange back up with something much lower-maintenance than what we had before.
March 23, 2004 at 12:08 pm #646709vladcizsol
MemberThanks Jeff, but we would want our own server resident program and not a third party service.
March 23, 2004 at 1:39 pm #646712Anonymous
InactiveSuffice it to say that this program will never again see advertising on Got2Bet, I don’t care how honest they think they are (and they are to the best of my knowledge). I do not appreciate being nickel-and-dimed and then told “thanks but we can’t return the favor
Spear, who would that be?
If you don’t want to post it, please PM me. Thanks