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December 18, 2012 at 1:03 pm #830776
Member@societyofslots 248153 wrote:
Yep, good old fashioned crazy, looney, tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theories.
It’s ok, I do not expect everyone to be able to comprehend the world they live in. It is far scarier than the manufactured reality 99% of the people shuffle around in.
All truth passes through 3 stages.
1. Firstly it is ridiculed
2. Secondly it is violently opposed
3. Thirdly it is accepted as self evident.“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act“
– have fun
God-hating liberal secularists are plotting with terrorists to revive eugenics and create a Master Race of Prius-driving hippie super soldiers.
December 18, 2012 at 1:43 pm #830779CasinoSasa
Member@ixian 248154 wrote:
to revive eugenics
Eugenics never went away .. They just renamed it Planned Parenthood.. and all the liberal idiots clapped and cheered the death of millions of unborn children.
Have a google and read about Margaret Sanger who founded it. Which is why Bill Gates and the Gates foundation funds it all.. Along with vaccines for every child on the planet, but thats a whole other story.. A bit like Monsanto and their spermicide genetically modified corn.
But again these are just crazy conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.. Like the Geo-engineering of the planet using toxic chemicals also known as Chemtrails.. none of these things are real.. We just make them up to annoy the dittoheads..
December 18, 2012 at 1:56 pm #830780voodooman
Member“We are under siege by lesbian environmentalists who are conspiring to lobotomize all registered Republicans who refuse to turn over their private property to the federal government.” OMG! – Run for cover.
December 18, 2012 at 2:20 pm #830781CasinoSasa
Member@ixian 248159 wrote:
“We are under siege by lesbian environmentalists who are conspiring to lobotomize all registered Republicans who refuse to turn over their private property to the federal government.” OMG! – Run for cover.
lol.. jeez ixian there is no depth to your ignorance.. There is no such thing as private property..The state owns it all. That is why you have to ask permission to build anything on your own land. And why you have to pay state and federal taxes in order to lease the land you live on.. You only get to hold the freehold on it which is no different than leasehold.. But you can never get “Allodial title” which constitutes ownership of real property.. Which is what land is..
But again this is just a looney conspiracy theory me and my tin foil hatters made up.. lol
December 18, 2012 at 2:45 pm #830783voodooman
Member@societyofslots 248160 wrote:
lol.. jeez ixian there is no depth to your ignorance.. There is no such thing as private property..The state owns it all. That is why you have to ask permission to build anything on your own land. And why you have to pay state and federal taxes in order to lease the land you live on.. You only get to hold the freehold on it which is no different than leasehold.. But you can never get “Allodial title” which constitutes ownership of real property.. Which is what land is..
But again this is just a looney conspiracy theory me and my tin foil hatters made up.. lol
Lol – I must get more popcorn. :popcorn:
I read this on a website some where so it must be true:
“I have in my hand a list of godless left-wing sodomites who are forging a secret plot to take over America once they operate secret abortion clinics that will only abort straight babies. “
December 18, 2012 at 2:48 pm #830784uniquei
MemberBefore the the outbreak of WWII a large proportion of the Jews living in Germany said that Hitler is just another knuckle head that will fade away in the sunset…
I firmly believe in the saying those who do not take history into account will repeat her mistakes.
December 18, 2012 at 2:54 pm #830785voodooman
Member@Cassaon888 248163 wrote:
Before the the outbreak of WWII a large proportion of the Jews living in Germany said that Hitler is just another knuckle head that will fade away in the sunset…
I firmly believe in the saying those who do not take history into account will repeat her mistakes.
That is documented history, not this bull **** conspiracy theory crap that societyofslots has been posting.
December 18, 2012 at 3:00 pm #830786uniquei
Member@ixian 248164 wrote:
That is documented history, not this bull **** conspiracy theory crap that societyofslots has been posting.
True at the time it wasn’t. What will people say 50 years from now…
December 18, 2012 at 3:03 pm #830787Evelinessa
Member@ixian 248164 wrote:
That is documented history, not this bull **** conspiracy theory crap that societyofslots has been posting.
The man is entitled to his opinions, as are you. If you’re going to disagree then do so respectfully without the personal attacks. If you can’t get along, this thread will be locked.
Society of slots – same goes for you.
December 18, 2012 at 3:05 pm #830788CasinoSasa
Member“You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.. “
ixian, you will die of thirst before you accept that it’s water. Good Luck
December 18, 2012 at 3:09 pm #830789voodooman
Member@Cassaon888 248165 wrote:
True at the time it wasn’t. What will people say 50 years from now…
Hitler was a real person who openly stated his dislike for the Jews.
What societyofslots is saying that there is a secret group of people going around the USA killing children in schools so that they can try and bring in a stricter new gun ownership legislation. Really? Are you serious? Do you really beleive that crap?
December 18, 2012 at 3:12 pm #830790voodooman
Member@societyofslots 248167 wrote:
“You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.. “
ixian, you will die of thirst before you accept that it’s water. Good Luck
Lol – Really? Blue Ray doesn’t get better than this.
December 18, 2012 at 3:14 pm #830791CasinoSasa
MemberThe same group who murdered thousands when they decided to blow up the twin towers as a pre-text to war.. Yes that group.
– anyway as Arjun stated this thread is about the poor souls who lost their life in a terrible shooting incident..
There is more than enough info on other subjects for those who wish to google it..
– RIP to those who lost their lives & my condolences to those who are affected
December 18, 2012 at 3:17 pm #830792voodooman
MemberMy heart goes out to all those families that were affected by this tragedy. I just get a bit angry when the lunatic fringe try and take advantage of the situation.
December 18, 2012 at 3:19 pm #830793uniquei
Member@ixian 248168 wrote:
Hitler was a real person who openly stated his dislike for the Jews.
What societyofslots is saying that there is a secret group of people going around the USA killing children in schools so that they can try and bring in a stricter new gun ownership legislation. Really? Are you serious? Do you really beleive that crap?
Ixian I’m not going to get into an argument with you. Both of us are not US citizens and we’re not familiar with what’s going on the US at the moment. What happened in the US is terrible, to be honest this is not the first time it happened.
All I’m saying maybe there’s something going on behind the scenes that the average Joe in the street is not aware of as Societyofslots has been implying all along.