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Tracking Players

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  • #591257

    Hey guys/gals… Veterans especially,

    I am looking into tracking my players as best as possible… However, I am afraid to lose them as well.. Since it is impossible to track them all the way to the casino register (real player register vs. fun player register vs. download and never register)…

    I thought to do this, but I don’t want people to just shuck it and leave.

    When a player clicks on a link of mine (whether it is a text link or a banner link)..

    1. Direct them to a pop-up that gives them a choice of downloading the casino software -OR- registering on our site.

    2. Registration would allow them to be ‘guaranteed’ by us in a way that we will ‘go to bat’ for them if any problems occur at the casino.

    Any ideas here? Anyone doing anything similar or have done something similar? Likely to work? Likely to piss off the surfers?

    Any advice would be G R E A T !!!!!


    Advice – vets? :)


    I am more than willing to throw some money at one of your affiliates for you to track. I have to find one I haven’t sighed up under. I will disclose all my information to you. If this helps! greek39


    I use a banner program that records clicks, but don’t track my text linlks as yet.

    I rely on tests (having some players report back to me and comparing to my stats) and other than that I just go by income.

    I like to see a slowly growing player base.



    Has anyone else tried the method I mentioned? If so, has it worked? My sites are relatively new and I don’t want to lose any players by trying something that won’t work :)

    So, I am leaning on your expertise to let me know if it has been a success or failure for your site.



    I’d be careful with the popup idea, because of all the popup blockers out there…. That being said, I believe there is a way to make a popup that is immune to the blockers — but I don’t know how it’s done, or if it is even possible in reality.

    I like the idea of asking your visitors to register. Perhaps you could start collecting email addresses for a “free membership” to your site.

    Become a member and enjoy the following benefits:
    – If you encounter any problems with our approved casinos, we’ll go to bat for you!
    – Receive special bonuses available to members only!
    – Receive a free monthly newsletter!
    – etc., etc.

    You could use cookies or php “sessions” to track your visitors when they are on your site. You could track the pages they view and you could track every single link they click on. It would take a while to set this up, but it’s possible.

    In the end, however, I don’t know if any of that would be helpful in tracking what your players do once they reach a casino. To test the affiliate stats tracking, perhaps you could select people from your membership list and give them $50 free to try out a new casino. Give them instructions on how to clear cookies, cache, and such beforehand.


    Thats is very interesting Engineer. I find this latest trend of pop up very annoying. Does anyone track their clicks to banners via IP’s. My stats show IP and what exactly was hit. Then I go check and see if it registered. Its not perfect but it gives me a general idea. My stats just updated so my stats records the latest 300 visitorrs to my site the following way:


    Http Code: 200 Date: Dec 22 12:32:08 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 7978
    Referer: [url]tp://[/url]
    Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Advanced Searchbar; Toolbar)

    Http Code: 200 Date: Dec 22 12:32:08 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 7674
    Referer: [url]tp://[/url]
    Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Advanced Searchbar; Toolbar)

    Http Code: 200 Date: Dec 22 12:32:08 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 10281
    Referer: [url]tp://[/url]
    Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Advanced Searchbar; Toolbar)

    Http Code: 200 Date: Dec 22 12:32:08 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 7514
    Referer: [url]tp://[/url]
    Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Advanced Searchbar; Toolbar)

    Http Code: 200 Date: Dec 22 12:32:08 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 10128
    Referer: [url]tp://[/url]
    Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Advanced Searchbar; Toolbar)

    From here I now know the visitors Ip and what banners they gave a click too. I also now what pages they visited time date ect…. But for downloads no idea. I prey I am not putting my foot up my ass again.greek39


    I tell my players I back them if there are problems – and I do.

    If you are going to do this, I would make it a choice that does not use a pop.

    Try usine the signup mailermailer provides – it’s free for the first 200 signups and it’s a page you can customise with lots of features. They automatically do an optin message, or double optin as you like.

    I have done this for years and it works well for me

    Mailermailer has superb tracking with all kinds of drill downs, so at least your clicks through your letter will be tracked perfectly.

    Hope that helps re. the signing up members…


    Thats a pretty good idea Dominique. It would be great to direct contact with your players. I think I will try this method out. I was hoping perhaps my forum would do a good job at this. Thanks for the info. greek39


    I like your ideas.

    I’m not sure about the complete tracking, although I love the idea… I am my own webmaster and don’t have as much time to devote as I would like :) (I have a wife)

    I also like the newsletter idea. So, mailermailer is a newsletter of sorts? I’ll have to look into this. I would love to do that and send out a welcome mailing which tells my users how they can sign up through my site allowing me to help them with any issues they might have.

    I have a couple of users who I have ‘gone to bat’ for, but they have just found the ‘contactus’ email. And one was not my player :(

    So… mailermailer.. I’ll check it out.


    This is the truth on rudely popups

    Some particularly irritating designers have discovered the magic formula that causes your browser to spawn a new window when you click on a link — or worse, ways to make pop-up windows appear even if all all you’re trying to do is exit their wretched hive of scum and villainy as rapidly as you can find the Back button. Stay in your own window, dammit! The Web is supposed to be about viewer control; designers who persist in rudely grabbing pieces of the viewer’s screenspace without permission deserve to be lashed with knouts

    Courtesy of my partners. Now go read the latest on the cpays private thread.


    I’d be careful with the popup idea, because of all the popup blockers out there…. That being said, I believe there is a way to make a popup that is immune to the blockers — but I don’t know how it’s done, or if it is even possible in reality

    Yes there is software out there. Hoover Ad Generator.

    Engineer wrote:
    I’d be careful with the popup idea, because of all the popup blockers out there…. That being said, I believe there is a way to make a popup that is immune to the blockers — but I don’t know how it’s done, or if it is even possible in reality.

    DHTML layers usually have the same effect.

    In my own little world, pops aren’t really worth the trouble. (Yes, I have sites with pops for various reasons, even though I just said that.)

    Here’s what I want. User clicks a search engine results link. User decides my site is credible. User clicks an offsite link and goes to a sponsor. If they don’t like what they see, I hope they hit the back button and try again.

    I want one pageview, one clickthrough, and hopefully one sign up. A pop distracts from that goal, imo.

    I know there are many here who have built communities and want pageviews and return visits. It’s a profitable move for many. I just don’t like the maintenance involved. I’m a search engine person, not a moderator, not a community builder. So, I’m not really advocating one approach over the other, just working in a manner that fits with my strenths, weaknesses, and dislike of constant monitoring, updating, etc. I still have constant work, it’s just algo based instead of socially based. It makes it easier for me to disappear for a month or so if I feel like it.

    2. Registration would allow them to be ‘guaranteed’ by us in a way that we will ‘go to bat’ for them if any problems occur at the casino.

    I do think that’s a good idea for fraud monitoring. But, how big is your bat? A “guarantee” might not be the right word to use, since it’s often difficult to figure out what a situation actually is. People lie, all of the time, on both sides. There’s certainly nothing wrong with you working toward being a problem solver. In so many industries, people who figure out ways to solve problems wind up wealthy as a result.

    Oneguy2nv wrote:
    People lie, all of the time, on both sides.

    Ain’t that the truth.


    I must ask the question. What would a program that tracks players downloads from your link be worth? It would take a little time and approx $25,000 and would have to run of its own server and be networked via Global Locals, One being Holland another for China. The program would be a hack program designed from the ground up. Basically a program that cracks the DB. Is it worth investing in? Would it be worth Possible prosecution. There are other ways that are 100% legal. I would like to know what it would be worth to everyone in this private forum? Any Interest? I find everyone to be only scratching the surface on this ongoing problem. There are so many ways of doing this. For example, a forum would be able to give webmaster better control over player downloads .

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas, but I quess its back to work.

    I left a link here up for about 8 hours but had to delete it for security reason. Did anybody visit the site? because if you didn’t you miss out on some reaally valuable information.

    Pop ups in my opinion no matter what, are highly ingnorant pieces of junk. Leave my screen alone type thing. I wouldn’t disrespect my visitors with this sort of crap.

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