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  • #613448

    What are the must have web tools that you think new affiliates need to look into and have to become well established in the gaming biz?

    First in my book would be a google webmaster account they have the coolest tools and checkers in there.


    add google analytics to it.

    also start using firefox and use the SEO addon. there are quite a few on the market, but recent upgrades have been quite substantial, making very nice features.

    also once you get into the biz, start using statsremote. i got so used to it, that when my comp crashed last week and i gave it into service (im now using a rental laptop), i realised that life without statsremote sucks :( those guys surely got a good business going there, making me pay quarterly rates…

    another advice is to figure out how to install filters to your email account. you’ll soon be barraged with emails and you need to figure out how to sort them automatically or you’ll go mental :D


    great! i will say that google webmaster tools are which i use mostly


    Google webmaster tools together with analytics are as you have mentioned essential.

    Working with the non-adword campaigns in Google analytics to track your back link performance can really help you better understand where to spend time and money. Just make sure to setup a good routine of how to tag your links:

    Working with an affiliate program that can serve your content needs is as well very important – Banners and text links are standard but its content that will make your rank higher on Google.

    Br, Joakim


    also once you get into the biz, start using statsremote. i got so used to it, that when my comp crashed last week and i gave it into service (im now using a rental laptop), i realised that life without statsremote sucks those guys surely got a good business going there, making me pay quarterly rates…

    I love my stats remote, I am what you would call totally addicted to it!! I dumped coffee on my laptop and had to get it fixed and now I can only run the beta version, it is ok but I miss the original :( The guys are great and add new programs as soon as you send them in, well worth the money.

    Working with an affiliate program that can serve your content needs is as well very important – Banners and text links are standard but its content that will make your rank higher on Google.

    I couldn’t agree more, coming from the last few weeks of working almost non stop it is essential that my programs provide me with adequate tools to market their brands.

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