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To take a swim with the sharks? or not?

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    The pros and cons of scraping are interesting. If the SE’s do anything about it, it will take a lot of time. Look how long cloaking went on for. And you still occasionally find it.

    My opinion? Good guys are getting smart or evil depending on how you look at it. I am seeing the best scraping yet just now coming out. The sites don’t look like scrapers, they look like huge indexes and SEs thinks the same thing and likes them.

    What to do guys? I am seeing many of you start your own scraper sites…. this has me a bit worried about taking the moral high ground myself.

    I always thought it was about “quality and content” not “compiling content” … but whatever… too much more of this and I’m going to swim with the sharks myself and then its a whole new game again.

    Thoughts, opinions?


    Personally – I think it sucks that CAP members are doing this. Especially since it is probably us whos sites are being pilfered. It just isn’t right for us to spend all of our time creating quality sites only to have someone copy the content. It IS wrong and a bit illegal (I would guess since it is outright theft).


    Site Scraping is not the way to go full stop. Not only is it a breach of copyright, there are legal avenues open to those sites targetted.

    Site Scraping will in the end get penalised by the search engines eventually. Furthermore if you scrape content, that implies you don’t care what information you provide your visitors with, as long as you get a sale.


    Thinking about this again….

    I think we should ‘CALL OUT’ those CAP members who scrape. Why should they have anonyminity???


    I wouldn’t do it here: IF you are doing something like that, take it to free-for-all forum and then expect some enemys or at the very least very unhappy people.


    Should you cross the line? My advice would be no you should not. I for one think there is a growing movement against this and other similar type activities.

    These fux dont have any business morals, if they can get 50 cents of your dollar they will take 75! Should they be called out for doing something the majority see as wrong? Your damn skippy they should, and imo they have no place in our industry, so call away!

    I think some might be surprised to find out who has crossed the line. We should all join forces and run their dirty asses right out the back door!


    Bernie, I can’t even believe you are asking this.

    I am all for blaming and shaming scrapers, and for asking the affiliate programs to stop paying them. Which has worked in a number of cases.

    I would hate to have to go after you, my friend!



    Dont shake that finger at me young lady! :D

    I am more interested in drawing out some people from the dark side to get some dialouge going on. I am quite interested in the software it is facinating. Not only that the quality of some scraper sites is getting pretty freaking nice. If you properly build a scraper site its much like a blog using rss feeds. (minus the humans adding content)

    If you look at it with green glasses on, Google is just a big scraper site with a search function. Not a drop of original content on it…. all pulled from my sites and your sites, news sites, etc…

    You can make a scraper site useful, pull only legal public domain content, and your own content off other sites.

    PEOPLE make scraper software do immoral thing and I won’t do that. But I have been seeing some ingenious use of this software.

    blackhawk wrote:
    Dont shake that finger at me young lady! :D

    Ok, I won’t. :D



    “Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.” (I think Kenobi says that in Star Wars.)

    I read an interesting article not long ago about the difference between using RSS feeds as spam and about using RSS feeds to improve user experience. Some of the stuff about mashups and newsmaster sites is fascinating indeed.

    There’s a big difference between a site with a news feed and links to news articles from sources and a site that rips content with no attribution and no backlink. There’s also a big difference between a site that excerpts a sentence from a news article and a link along with some biting, edgy commentary.

    Some people might lump all of those in with “scraper” sites. Some won’t.

    At the end of the day, what’s best for the user and what’s going to enable you to look in the mirror and feel like you’ve done something useful today?


    :madat: :madat:

    blackhawk wrote:
    The pros and cons of scraping are interesting. If the SE’s do anything about it, it will take a lot of time. Look how long cloaking went on for. And you still occasionally find it.

    My opinion? Good guys are getting smart or evil depending on how you look at it. I am seeing the best scraping yet just now coming out. The sites don’t look like scrapers, they look like huge indexes and SEs thinks the same thing and likes them.

    What to do guys? I am seeing many of you start your own scraper sites…. this has me a bit worried about taking the moral high ground myself.

    I always thought it was about “quality and content” not “compiling content” … but whatever… too much more of this and I’m going to swim with the sharks myself and then its a whole new game again.

    Thoughts, opinions?

    A scraper really pisses me off I have some of the tools to fix the problem in the most brutal way. Scrapers are nothing but big f-in air heads with freakin grade 2 knowledge about programming. If I find a scraper doing in my site i will chase this little no mind forever. In fact, last month it happenned I had 20,000 site redirected to mine. Just thinking of it makes me feel like hurling. Goes the same for the lame brains who copy content or sites. This is my specialty. If this is not enough scrape my site find out what happens. greek39

    I am with Dom on this one!!!!


    I am outraged!!! especially all the bull-shit the captain had to go through and other honest Cap members go through on a daily basis. I am very close!!! if you have scrapers problems content thieves and if i have the time i will chop that site apart. After that I will attact their ports I totally rendered their computer useless. I know i should not say such things but if you stick a knife in someones back expect the same. Those little bastards!!!!!!! greek39

    swim with sharks, get eaten by a bigger shark

    blackhawk wrote:
    Look how long cloaking went on for. And you still occasionally find it.

    You have very little chance of finding it when done properly. Unless you’re sophisticated enough to spoof IPs, you’re missing a lot.

    I could name at least 4 major casino groups who have stolen my content word for word. Maybe 6 if I thought about it more. 2 even stole the entire site with a few changes. (like erasing my domain name from the graphics) Some of those are members here, and some at gpwa, or both. I’m talking about multi-million dollar operations.

    You’re already swimming with sharks.

    When your own sponsors are doing that to you, what does some guy in russia or indonesia have to fear for snippeting your content?

    “quality and content” is still a long term success strategy. You’re still being chewed on by bigger sharks.

    Oneguy2nv wrote:
    You have very little chance of finding it when done properly. Unless you’re sophisticated enough to spoof IPs, you’re missing a lot.

    I could name at least 4 major casino groups who have stolen my content word for word. Maybe 6 if I thought about it more. 2 even stole the entire site with a few changes. (like erasing my domain name from the graphics) Some of those are members here, and some at gpwa, or both. I’m talking about multi-million dollar operations.

    You’re already swimming with sharks.

    When your own sponsors are doing that to you, what does some guy in russia or indonesia have to fear for snippeting your content?

    “quality and content” is still a long term success strategy. You’re still being chewed on by bigger sharks.

    I have been on the net since day one. I am missing three years or four years because of fustration. In fact my first computer was a blue box I spent years learnning stuff. IP addresses no problem. I cannot say much more on the subject, but I could put together a couple of pages on how this stuff works.

    To really understand one has to master of the father code if you know what that means.

    I must admit I still catching up with todays jargon talk and sometimes don’t have a clue on what is being discussed.

    I kept my journals since the seventies nothing but useful information. Nothing has changed on the internet. Its still the same and will never change. I can rattled on and on about this subject.

    But if you have content stolen there are two approaches. The polite way, which I suggest or if nothing is done the hard way.

    My site has been scraped, the number was 500,000 it down to about 20,000. I will get around to these people eventually.

    So a warnning for content thieves and scrapers when doing your mental stuff be sure your not picking on a big shark!! Greek39


    Guys, Bernie wasn’t talking about ripping off other people’s content.

    He was talking about using the software to do legal, ethical and unique things.

    I’d like to see a sample of that, or a better description of what one could do with that software that would be white hat.

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