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  • #592094

    As I have been browsing through my stats I have found this URL as a top referrer, so I checked it:


    And pls take a look at my site:

    I don’t really see why it is good for anyone, because my aff links are in the page, and my CMS use absolute linking to articles, etc.. so most of the links point to my site…
    The thief just replaced my logo with his.

    It happens to me first time (yeah, I know welcome to the club), so do I have to talk to the thief’s aff managers?

    Thanks for your advice!


    Took a look, that is theft is the WORST possible way!!!! By the way I love your site. Its your whole site totally copied. Hunt them down!! greek39


    Wow, i guess it takes all types. You get your thieves and then you get the intellectually challenged types like this guy who’s too lazy to even change the aff codes. The idiot is still screwing with your seo though. To google it looks like you’re spamming them.

    Have you contacted him to take the page down. His domain was registered at Yahoo and he’s using their name servers so you may have some recourse with them if he doesn’t respond to your demand.


    You win!

    That is the wildest thing I have ever seen.

    His domain was registered at Yahoo and he’s using their name servers so you may have some recourse with them if he doesn’t respond to your demand.

    Thats what I would do if you get no cooperation. Would love to know excuse as to why he/she did it that way.


    This is the worst case of theft I have ever seen!!!


    Shame on me..

    Back when I was first learning html.. quite a few years ago.. I did the same thing (and belive me now that I know how wrong it is, im only sharing so that you will understand a possible motive)

    I copied all of the code out of the site because I wanted to learn how to do it.. I copied it into a page in my site, and then began changing the code little by little just to see what it did to see if I could figure out where the frames were, how to build them, and where to change the html to change which portion of the page.

    I never used their stuff, or any part of the page I played around with, and I didnt know it was wrong. My only intent was to learn what they did, and how they did it, because I was sure someone got paid very well for creating that site, and I liked it alot. It was a page saved in my site, so if anyone happened to get ahold of the link to the actual page they could have found it, and it would have the same as yours does now, linked them right back to Avon.

    Unless the guy that stole your content starts fixing those images.. it is possilbe that he is also using your site as a learning tool.. Not that that makes it right, but better maybe?

    I noticed that he did put his logo in there though, so maybe he has other plans as well.. or maybe he’s just an idiot that wants to have a kool poker site, but has no idea what an affiliate program even is.. who knows..

    Best of Luck



    Thanks for your input guys.

    I will contact the site owner.

    Ladyholdem: yes, I learnt html the same way years ago, but without internet, I have downloaded the page at the university, bring the floppy with me to home and try what the source does :)

    What I really don’t like, that it doesn’t need to put the page on a working site, you can easily edit it offline by saving to your hard disk.

    The other thing is that there is a working site at that domain, and it deals with gambling too, so I will be not so happy to see my site’s structure copy there in some months (just with blue background for example) when the site owner learns XHTML/CSS from my code.

    After all, I think the whole site (xxx is a copy of x, maybe I am wrong and the two person is the same who owns the sites, but my 2 cents is that 01casino is copied too.

    It is always sad to see such disgusting behaviour after CAP’s friendly atmosphere.


    After all, I think the whole site (xxx is a copy of x, maybe I am wrong and the two person is the same who owns the sites, but my 2 cents is that 01casino is copied too.

    Both domain names are regestered to the same person. But you need to put a stop to it! Good Luck!

    P.S. I love your site, he has good tastes in what to steel!



    2 more sites


    Interesting…. alphonso69 is a member here. He lives in France, and his homepage is x

    CAP profile:

    Last Activity: Today 07:58 AM

    I’m sure he has seen this thread by now.


    Nice. Not only has he copied the content directly… He is ranked (PR), which means he has been up and running AT LEAST prior to October 19th (and most likely quite a bit before that)

    Looking at the sites a little more…. It looks like both sites are his. I say this because the affid’s are the same pretty much throughout. The playtechs are all ‘alphonso69’

    I’m not sure he is doing anything wrong with the last 2 sites mentioned. Didn’t look at all from this post, though.


    Sipka, the first site appears to be gone now. I did see the other day that it was a near exact duplicate to your site however. My guess is that he is keeping track of this thread.

    alphonso? Any comments? Would you like to explain your copying of content to us??



    Thanks guys.

    I have investigated this thing in the last few days and wrote a letter to him in order to remove all the content and graphic elements from his online website.

    I would be curious about the motivation behind this…

    If he really wants to learn coding then why didn’t he ask me directly, I think from my posts everyone can clearly see that I am more willing to help anyone in this..

    Well, let’s see.


    I shouldn’t respond this sort of thing drives me crazy. I quess email the crook that is the moral thing to do.Give the person a chance to get their head screwed on right. I just so happens to have a copy of the quidelines to complaining to Yahoo

    Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy Yahoo! respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same.

    Yahoo! has no responsibility for content on other web sites that you may find or access when using Yahoo!?s products or services. Material available on or through other web sites may be protected by copyright and the intellectual property laws of the United States and/or other countries.

    The terms of use of those web sites, and not the Yahoo! Terms of Service, govern your use of that material. It is Yahoo!?s policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Yahoo! and/or others. Notice for Claims of Intellectual Property Violations and Agent for Notice If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please provide Yahoo!’s Copyright Agent with the following information: electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;

    2.a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;

    3.a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Yahoo! site, with enough detail that we may find it on the web site;

    4.your address, telephone number, and email address;

    5.a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law;

    6. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf. Yahoo!’s Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be reached as follows: By mail: Copyright Agentc/o Yahoo! Inc.701 First AvenueSunnyvale, CA 94089 By phone: (408) 349-5080By

    All major search engines apparently take this sort of thing seriously. This is friendly way of taking care of the matter. The next would be to contact his server.

    The other way which I agree would be to hire a hack and rip the freakin site right out of the moniter. This would be my approach. greek39

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