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The worst conversions in VegasPartner

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  • #598389

    Please, explain me, I don’t understand VegasPartner conversions.
    There are several statistics for September:
    414 Hits – > 172 Downloads – > 0 Real Players, 0 Guest Players, 0 Real Purchases.

    for October:

    303 Hits – > 127 Downloads – > 0 Real Players, 2 Guest Players(these accounts are mine), 0 Real Purchases. That is nothing.

    I don’t understand, how many downloads must I have that to have real players? 1000 downloads that to get 1 player???? I think it is the worst conversion.

    And I don’t understand why do so many people download software and don’t try it, for example, to register as a guest. Please, explain me.

    I wrote Antoinette, she said to me that she sent request to their department but there is no answer about my stats.

    Please, write your stats for VegasPartner if you may, it’s very interesting to know your conversions.

    Thank you in advance.


    I looked at my stats for several months befor september and this pattern is fairly consistent 1 in 50 as new purchasing players.

    September stats
    Total Downloads 156
    Total new real purchasing players Players 3


    But I think that it is the worst conversions. 156 downloads -> 3 players.
    Thank you for your stats, now I understand that problems are in VegasPartner’s casinos.


    Well, just drop them from your list of sponsors, no big deal. 😮 You should have dont it earlier. You missed earnings that could have been potentially been made through other casino affiliate programs.

    Take care


    After all discussions here and on GPWA I’ve decided to stop promote Vegas Partner, because I’m afraid that the same conversion will be in November (now 33 downloads on November,6 and nothing more, no players at alll).

    Thank you guys for the help. Please, share your experiences with Vegas Partner here.


    I have similar results. Didn´t check lately because I never had a single converting player. I dropped them.


    my experience with them was they started out great and then dwindled to making less and less. Not a good sign of a competent sponsor.

    I think it was a wise move to …. move on


    I have been working with them as long as I can remember and have never found the better or worse then any other Microgaming group.
    In this poll they also perform average:


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