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The Truth

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    I’ve liked CAP until events started to occur. It provided a platform for me to learn from fellow affiliates and helped me to become successful. Sadly it has now turned into somewhat of an online circus.

    “Eulogy” would have been a more appropriate title for this thread.


    @Dominique 198514 wrote:

    I don’t think so. Affiliate media may be broken, but the community doesn’t have to be.

    We have always stuck together, and the point about triple777 is just one of a number of good things we have done. (And 777, you should be proud, not ashamed. So many people who cared enough about you to make a difference)

    We also have done a lot for affiliates as a whole. I year of mess does not erase 7 years of good stuff in my book.

    IMO Lou and Warren need to deal with this in private, and come to a solution.

    Meanwhile, we can use the board the way we always have. Believe it or not, it is actually this thread with it’s diverse opinions that is restoring my faith in CAP, the message board community.

    There are a lot of very smart people in this industry, and that is what has always made me love it. As the discussion continues, we will likely see a lot of constructive ideas. We are all good at thinking outside the box. IMO, it is quite possible that CAP will come out the better for it.

    Look at the mess GPWA was a few years ago, it, too, came out better than before.

    IMO, the whole thing, as far as our board goes, is up to us. With us, it continues on. Without us, it is broken.

    Should we abandon our board because two people are fighting and blaming each other for mistakes made? I don’t think so.

    Yes, Affiliate Media is a mess and they will have to face the consequences of their actions.

    But, is this our fault? Should we be the ones who stand to lose the resource we have helped to build over the years?

    I think not.

    I tend to agree with Dom on this one. History repeats itself and no one is immune from issues/ problems. There is no guarantee that this would not be repeated, unless you guys stick together and have a common voice.


    @Dominique 198514 wrote:

    Look at the mess GPWA was a few years ago, it, too, came out better than before.

    But it came out better only after the management changed hands. If that does not happen here, the community can still remain together, but not here! There are many other platforms to choose from. Not only Lou and Warren, but also a few others who have been involved in banning and Cardspike, have zero credibility and moral justification to run this place. IMO they must go if this organization is to survive.


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    @Nandakishore 198531 wrote:

    There are many other platforms to choose from. Not only Lou and Warren, but also a few others who have been involved in banning and Cardspike, have zero credibility and moral justification to run this place. IMO they must go if this organization is to survive.

    Very well said Nandakishore! :hattip:


    hey there no super sleezy business going like remapping of players to their accounts in exchange for certification rent with these characters?

    Perhaps I’m paranoid but it does makes me wonder.


    Let all these aff program that have sent in money take over CPA, and turn over to the top ten – 20 posters here.


    I have been following this thread with great interest for several reasons.

    The first of course is the conflict of interest that has been brought to light in recent months and that nagging feeling that more secrets may be revealed.

    The second reason for following this thread so intently relates to the secret meeting that took place in London, where operators shared with one another their yearly spend, and the type of coverage received, for advertising on CAP. Although I did not attend the meeting I was shocked to learn that we are in the highest possible rate category. :madat: Sigh!

    Thirdly, many of the members of the CAP community are like family to me, much more so than industry peers. I so look forward to spending time with each and every operator and affiliate regardless of whether we are direct competitors or if an affiliate even WORKS with BetUS!! We are a tight knit community of Internet Marketing professionals who respect each other and who rarely, if ever, butt heads. Two of my best affiliate leads from London came as a result of a competitor suggesting our program to an affiliate of theirs. How amazing is that??? In truth I would absolutely do the same.

    I could comment on the truth, the lies, the cover ups, the scandals but why beat a dead horse. I think these points have already been made. Instead I would like to voice my concerns for something that seems long forgotten since this feud between Warren and Lou heated up. Prior to the CAP in-fighting the battle was between CAP and CAC and CAP and GPWA. The childish behavior, inappropriate allegations and unprofessional decisions witnessed between these competitor communities is outrageous! The over-the-top drama is totally unnecessary and detracts from the event(s) we are paying top dollar to sponsor/attend.

    As I mentioned previously I have nothing but love for my industry peers and I can’t help but wonder why we can all manage to get along famously, even with billions in affiliate revenue on the table, yet these groups can’t seem to chalk indifference up to healthy competition. I for one would like assurance that no such nonsense will take place at future events. I do not want to take sides, I do not wish to attend secret meetings, I do not want to pledge allegiance to one group over the other I just wish to do business, meet new affiliates, hug old friends and get a positive ROI from the absorbinate amount of money we spend to support and attend these events.

    Thank you.

    Dominique;198514 wrote:
    I don’t think so. Affiliate media may be broken, but the community doesn’t have to be.

    We have always stuck together, and the point about triple777 is just one of a number of good things we have done. (And 777, you should be proud, not ashamed. So many people who cared enough about you to make a difference)

    We also have done a lot for affiliates as a whole. I year of mess does not erase 7 years of good stuff in my book.

    IMO Lou and Warren need to deal with this in private, and come to a solution.

    Meanwhile, we can use the board the way we always have. Believe it or not, it is actually this thread with it’s diverse opinions that is restoring my faith in CAP, the message board community.

    There are a lot of very smart people in this industry, and that is what has always made me love it. As the discussion continues, we will likely see a lot of constructive ideas. We are all good at thinking outside the box. IMO, it is quite possible that CAP will come out the better for it.

    Look at the mess GPWA was a few years ago, it, too, came out better than before.

    IMO, the whole thing, as far as our board goes, is up to us. With us, it continues on. Without us, it is broken.

    Should we abandon our board because two people are fighting and blaming each other for mistakes made? I don’t think so.

    Yes, Affiliate Media is a mess and they will have to face the consequences of their actions.

    But, is this our fault? Should we be the ones who stand to lose the resource we have helped to build over the years?

    I think not.

    Noble thoughts. But Lou and Warren own CAP. As long as they are at the helm, this board will remain broken. If they sell off the forum and someone more trustworthy were to purchase it, sure CAP could survive.

    Unfortunately, they seem bent on self destruction. Gouging, lying, cheating, underhanded strong arm tactics, theft… the list of wrong doings is incredibly long. Too long I’m afraid. Add the fact that these guys are now linked publicly to a poker room and they could very likely be in jail soon…. it’s too late to save this forum.

    Another problem is, CAP needs sponsor money, when the aff programs abandon this forum, it will become a ghost town. And yes they will abandon it, the writing is on the wall, the discussions are already happening. I know for a fact that there are discussions taking place as I write this. They’ve had enough of the outrageous fees coupled with the reduction in traffic and now the even more childish behavior of the owners.

    When the dust settles, CAP will be reduced to rubble, the landscape of our industry will be forever changed… this will happen. For better or worse? That’s up to us to decide. There are other quality forums out there, we will choose the ones we like and we will continue to do business. The programs will follow the affiliates…. I’ll be at GPWA and PAL, hope to see you at one or the other.


    Thirdly, many of the members of the CAP community are like family to me, much more so than industry peers. I so look forward to spending time with each and every operator and affiliate regardless of whether we are direct competitors or if an affiliate even WORKS with BetUS!! We are a tight knit community of Internet Marketing professionals who respect each other and who rarely, if ever, butt heads. Two of my best affiliate leads from London came as a result of a competitor suggesting our program to an affiliate of theirs. How amazing is that??? In truth I would absolutely do the same.

    Absolutely amazing! I have made the greatest deals, gained so many good friends many who are my direct competition by attenting all industry events CAP, GPWW and CAC! If we can all get along so well so should all the others you have mentioned and I have a feeling if everyone will allow this to get on track it can happen. I have learned over the last 3 yrs when I lost my husband life is way too short for hatered and unforgiving. I believe in 2nd chances and hope for peace in this situation.


    All I want is my Private Message account to be restored so that I can continue to communicate with my friends in the community.

    Thanks :hattip:


    Amazing how many people will be your friend when times are good but when times are bad its bye bye.

    Well fuck that shit. I’m with Lou. He’s made a lot of mistakes but he is not the only who just stole 2 million dollars.

    Where’s the money Warren? I thought this post was about the truth so how about you unban the founder so he can post the truth or maybe you should post it yourself.


    Spoken with some real “fire” Antoine! Good on you!

    I think the absence of Warren or any other CAP management member responding to the many posts does not show much commitment to the “truth” since they were the ones who initiated this thread.

    I’m not sure who did what and don’t care to speculate, but if Warren opened the door to seeking the truth then he should have the the courage to face the questions posed.

    I’ve met Lou, I like Lou and despite the obvious mistakes and errors in judgement I think he deserves the opportunity to face his peers and help expose the truth.

    Is anyone from CAP management listening? You opened the door to the truth so let all concerned parties have their say.

    Kevin 11


    @antoine 198572 wrote:

    Amazing how many people will be your friend when times are good but when times are bad its bye bye.

    Well fuck that shit. I’m with Lou. He’s made a lot of mistakes but he is not the only who just stole 2 million dollars.

    Where’s the money Warren? I thought this post was about the truth so how about you unban the founder so he can post the truth or maybe you should post it yourself.

    DITTO! It’s about time someone speaks up. As long as the Jolly’s are allowed to be here so should the Professor. I no longer trust anyone at the CA office as long as Lou is banned! :flush:

    But I DO want my PM’s back.


    @Kevin11 198574 wrote:

    Spoken with some real “fire” Antoine! Good on you!

    I think the absence of Warren or any other CAP management member responding to the many posts does not show much commitment to the “truth” since they were the ones who initiated this thread.

    I’m not sure who did what and don’t care to speculate, but if Warren opened the door to seeking the truth then he should have the the courage to face the questions posed.

    I’ve met Lou, I like Lou and despite the obvious mistakes and errors in judgement I think he deserves the opportunity to face his peers and help expose the truth.

    Is anyone from CAP management listening? You opened the door to the truth so let all concerned parties have their say.

    Kevin 11

    I don’t know who did what either, and for what reason, and I don’t know who CAP management is at this time. I think Lou and Warren are trying to reach an understanding, and I sure hope we hear soon what it is.

    When lawyers get involved things move slowly, and I would bet there are lawyers by now.

    They can’t leave us dangling like this for long though. We need at least a statement that progress is being made.

    I also think gamtrak needs to get her PMs working again.


    I also ask that Gamtrak get her pm rights back

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