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    And in light of this thread’s title, here’s the obligatory YouTube clip:

    Now if only someone here would say, “You’re goddamn right I did!”



    @Daera 198481 wrote:

    Hey Gamtrak,

    I am not siding with anyone. And everyone needs to be accountable for their own actions.

    I would only hold Professor accountable for his actions, and the way he has been behaving in his public posts on this forum over the last few months.

    If my post sounded as if I thought I made no mistakes or wouldn’t understand if someone else made some bad calls, I’m sorry. I realize we’re all human. That doesn’ give us a license to continue behaving badly though.

    Yep, or to steal and have your partner silenced. :hattip:


    I recently wrote an article about how affiliate programs and the affiliate community can spearhead corporate communication for the online gaming industry. Much of my thinking behind this was the ability for CAP, GPWA etc to galvanise and foster a united front and leading online gaming towards ‘doing the right thing’. How wrong was I?!

    To be honest, I don’t really care who is telling the truth. What is evident is that at this moment in time, CAP is evidently incapable of providing this united front. Our sponsorship is up for renewal on April 1st. In order to renew it, I’m going to need answers to the following questions:

    1) Do we get a sufficient return for our quarterly investment?
    2) Are affiliates going to continue to be active on CAP after all of this? Will our money best be spent elsewhere?
    3) Will this mess sort itself out any time soon? Is it worth coming off the forums until the American courts have had their say or can this be resolved sensibly, quickly and most importantly, once and for all.

    I have fundamental doubts over all 3 questions if I’m honest. I guess with all of the infighting, nobody at CAP has seen fit to pick up the phone to put any doubts to rest and do some good old fashioned truthful sales talk. All I’m hearing is minority this, majority shareholder that. Warren/Lou – what you’re forgetting is your key stakeholders. Normally I’d place affiliates at the top of this list, but from what I’ve read (again I’m not concerned with who is telling the truth) it does seem like money is behind all of this, and as such, it is us, your certified partners, who you really, really need to work at appeasing if you’re going to keep CAP running as it should be.

    tomgalanis;198496 wrote:
    I recently wrote an article about how affiliate programs and the affiliate community can spearhead corporate communication for the online gaming industry. Much of my thinking behind this was the ability for CAP, GPWA etc to galvanise and foster a united front and leading online gaming towards ‘doing the right thing’. How wrong was I?!

    To be honest, I don’t really care who is telling the truth. What is evident is that at this moment in time, CAP is evidently incapable of providing this united front. Our sponsorship is up for renewal on April 1st. In order to renew it, I’m going to need answers to the following questions:

    1) Do we get a sufficient return for our quarterly investment?
    2) Are affiliates going to continue to be active on CAP after all of this? Will our money best be spent elsewhere?
    3) Will this mess sort itself out any time soon? Is it worth coming off the forums until the American courts have had their say or can this be resolved sensibly, quickly and most importantly, once and for all.

    I have fundamental doubts over all 3 questions if I’m honest. I guess with all of the infighting, nobody at CAP has seen fit to pick up the phone to put any doubts to rest and do some good old fashioned truthful sales talk. All I’m hearing is minority this, majority shareholder that. Warren/Lou – what you’re forgetting is your key stakeholders. Normally I’d place affiliates at the top of this list, but from what I’ve read (again I’m not concerned with who is telling the truth) it does seem like money is behind all of this, and as such, it is us, your certified partners, who you really, really need to work at appeasing if you’re going to keep CAP running as it should be.

    Yep, what he said.

    I realise it’s a forum but all this ‘doing your dirty washing in public’ should be reserved for soap-land, it doesn’t do either party much credit and it’s alienating both partners and affiliates alike.

    And for that reason, I’m out.


    @tomgalanis 198496 wrote:

    Normally I’d place affiliates at the top of this list, but from what I’ve read (again I’m not concerned with who is telling the truth) it does seem like money is behind all of this, and as such, it is us, your certified partners, who you really, really need to work at appeasing if you’re going to keep CAP running as it should be.

    But what would this appeasement look like? Agreement that the certified partner has to pay just 10k instead of 40k? Seen from the perspective of an affiliate, the title ‘Certified Partner’ of an affiliate program will be in the future more liability than asset. How about the certified partners giving back their ‘certificates’ to start from the scratch in their relationship with CAP based on some credible and transparent criteria?


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    @Nandakishore 198503 wrote:

    But what would this appeasement look like? Agreement that the certified partner has to pay just 10k instead of 40k? Seen from the perspective of an affiliate, the title ‘Certified Partner’ of an affiliate program will be in the future more liability than asset. How about the certified partners giving back their ‘certificates’ to start from the scratch in their relationship with CAP based on some credible and transparent criteria?

    I’ll quote myself from a post I made yesterday at the GPWA forums about this very matter:

    We carry the PAP, CAP and GPWA logos on our affiliate website. These are simply here to inform affiliates that we have a presence and are active on these forums. That is all. We do not believe that these ‘seals’ carry any significant credence. At the same time, I personally do not believe that our decision to place these logos on our sites should be met with negativity. Of course, bet365 wants to be working with every reputable website out there, but if this is enough to put an affiliate off working with us, then that is their choice and so be it. If their case is purely down to ethics, then I won’t be challenging their beliefs.

    Further to this, if, as part of a new policy and as part of a prospective revised agreement with Affiliate Media Inc, a different approach is taken towards Certification, we’d be happy to discuss it and meet any criteria required.

    tomgalanis;198506 wrote:
    I’ll quote myself from a post I made yesterday at the GPWA forums about this very matter:

    We carry the PAP, CAP and GPWA logos on our affiliate website. These are simply here to inform affiliates that we have a presence and are active on these forums. That is all. We do not believe that these ‘seals’ carry any significant credence. At the same time, I personally do not believe that our decision to place these logos on our sites should be met with negativity. Of course, bet365 wants to be working with every reputable website out there, but if this is enough to put an affiliate off working with us, then that is their choice and so be it. If their case is purely down to ethics, then I won’t be challenging their beliefs.

    Further to this, if, as part of a new policy and as part of a prospective revised agreement with Affiliate Media Inc, a different approach is taken towards Certification, we’d be happy to discuss it and meet any criteria required.

    I guess I have to ask what constitutes “reputable”? It is completely obvious that there is nothing reputable about CAP at the moment.

    My advice:
    Stop paying CAP $40,000 a year. This forum is broken beyond repair and if it somehow survives this fiasco will only be a shadow of it’s former self.

    GPWA charges much less and currently has nearly double the traffic. Seems like a no-brainer to me. Save the $40k, use it for aff promotions or something worthwhile….


    @The Pokerkeep 198507 wrote:

    I This forum is broken beyond repair ….

    I don’t think so. Affiliate media may be broken, but the community doesn’t have to be.

    We have always stuck together, and the point about triple777 is just one of a number of good things we have done. (And 777, you should be proud, not ashamed. So many people who cared enough about you to make a difference)

    We also have done a lot for affiliates as a whole. I year of mess does not erase 7 years of good stuff in my book.

    IMO Lou and Warren need to deal with this in private, and come to a solution.

    Meanwhile, we can use the board the way we always have. Believe it or not, it is actually this thread with it’s diverse opinions that is restoring my faith in CAP, the message board community.

    There are a lot of very smart people in this industry, and that is what has always made me love it. As the discussion continues, we will likely see a lot of constructive ideas. We are all good at thinking outside the box. IMO, it is quite possible that CAP will come out the better for it.

    Look at the mess GPWA was a few years ago, it, too, came out better than before.

    IMO, the whole thing, as far as our board goes, is up to us. With us, it continues on. Without us, it is broken.

    Should we abandon our board because two people are fighting and blaming each other for mistakes made? I don’t think so.

    Yes, Affiliate Media is a mess and they will have to face the consequences of their actions.

    But, is this our fault? Should we be the ones who stand to lose the resource we have helped to build over the years?

    I think not.


    CAP is and should be about the affiliates and the exchange of ideas to help all succeed.

    This site succeeded because of the affiliates and the programs that have funded it. IMO the reason this has blown up is due to the owners of CAP forgot why this site is successful.

    A wise man told me once, that by helping others succeed insures your success.

    We have this up in our office – This is not always easy – but nothing worth it is. :-)
    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ten Actions You Can Take
    Here is a list of ten actions you can take to deliver superior customer service:

    1. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Walk Your Talk – your actions and deeds must support your verbal commitment to delivering superior customer service. Empower all employees to be proactive in solving customer problems and do what it takes to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.[/FONT]
    2. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ask your customer, “How are we doing for you? What can we do to better serve your needs?”[/FONT]
    3. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Be a “Solutionist”. Help customers solve challenges and maximize opportunities for their success.[/FONT]
    4. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Keep in mind that when you help others succeed, you succeed![/FONT]
    5. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Insure that every transaction with your customer is a win-win.[/FONT]
    6. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Constantly examine your policies and procedures from your customer’s perspective. Be “customer friendly”.[/FONT]
    7. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stay focused on retaining the customers you have. They will help you obtain new customers.[/FONT]
    8. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Insure that the lines of communication with customers (internal and external) are always open.[/FONT]
    9. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Seek ways to exceed your customer’s expectations.[/FONT]

    My 2 cents


    I don’t think this board can be fixed either.I don’t think it would be enough for them to sell it either , because they can always make up fake names and pretend they don’t own it.Use this board like we always have?And continue to help build this business after what they did to people here?We have other options ,GIA,GPWA but also steve/bb1webs has started a FREE forum where everyone is welcome including affiliates .I think some not for profit place is what we all need now as there is no financial motive.It may not have all the bells and whistles of CAP but I am sure this forum has evolved over time too.
    Affiliates and the managers have the control here ,not Lou or Warren but I think it is time to move to another place. is steve’s forum btw


    This should be the official CAP song


    Hi Warren,

    Why was the Captain still banned yesterday after your post here. I was under the impress both of you were not going to be posting at CAP. I don’t see how anything was going to be different and new. As long as the Professor is banned and the captain is to remain banned it does not seem fair or right IMO and it definately will not all just go away. :hattip:

    Judy, I also do not see how things can be made whole after we were lied to by both Lou and Warren.

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    “Love ya Cap I know that Lou was very upset about this because I talked to him on the phone about talking to you, I hate to see any friends of a long time fighting. I think you both should try to talk and work out your friendship when all the dust settles.”

    Hi Bonustreak,
    I was and I still am upset with Lou for the things that have taken place in the past year or so. Banning several people that I am friends with and also the cardspike deal. Lou and I have never had any business dealings and are just friends. We are still friends even though I do not approve of the actions. Affiliates make GPWA, CAP, and other affiliate forums work. Without the affiliates posting the forums would be dead. It’s sad to see GREED that took over the owners of CAP take over and destroy what was a good thing. I am a old timer that was there almost from the beginning and I seen it become a very unfriendly place in the recent pass. Forum owners that do not respect the peoples freedom to discuss and sometimes act a fool (have fun) will lose the people period. Lou was upset that I had posted here the CAP Spring break Was Started By Whom thread and that was the start of what took place that evening. You and everyone have a right to be active member of any forum we chose to be. I for one will not be made to feel quilty of posting here or anywhere for that matter. The manipulation and guilt trips was what got me upset along with all the crap that has surface over the past few months. And if your putting your faith and trust in Warren at CAP think twice. That goes for anyone else here. I personally have never has good vibes from this man.

    Hi Michael,
    I want to personally thank you for allowing the freedom to post and realizing this forum works because of the members participation here.

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    Im only 3-4 years here. Like most entities, they seem to go to hell when you try to make a Money Making profit from them. You should keep CAP what it should be, a place for like mided individuals to share,express, explore opinions when it comes to the Aff. market. Should run it more like a union, the only way Aff. can get through tough times is by standing together and keeping Casinos and Books honest and to their word. CAP should be a union and nothing more, it will be more successful that way. But it seems to me somewhere way back when someone decided to turn it into a business. Big Mistake!

    Want to mess up a non-profit organization? Make it profit! CAP needs to decide what they want to be a non-profit or union who stands by its members to keep the Aff. market honest? or a profit-taking organization who tries to represent its members, but ultimately only is concerned with its own profits overall. Usually, the problem with the latter example is when members figure out whats REALLY going on they leave. They you are left with nothing!

    My 2c.
    1. Stop acting like kids
    2. Stop the meeting 3x’s a year at various venues which supposed to be Conferences. Which are nothing more then a reason to party and get drunk.
    3. Run CAP more like a non-profit union, rather then a money making enterprise.
    4. Restructure CAP now, before long you may have very few members left to restructure with.

    5. Re-emphize the Mission of CAP and stick to it at all cost.

    Member this can be the new theme song Actually we should have a vote for the new CAP theme song. Other Songs that any member feels warrents consideration for the new theme song please feel free to post..


    The Affiliate community has put in years of hard work to make CAP what it is today. For any such community/ forum to prosper, it needs dedicated members. We have a large active community of dedicated affiliates who have shared experiences, knowledge, skills, happiness & sorrow and helped the fellow affiliates all the way till now.

    This in no way discounts the contribution of the founders, promoters, management and employees. They have their own contribution, but one of the most important factors is the members. No one understands this more than the promoters of any forum. As promoters an important objective for them would always be the profitability of the business, but they do understand the value of the community. It is not uncommon for people in partnerships to have disagreements of make wrong choices. They have asked for time so let’s give them some time to sort this out in private as mature individuals. I guess the CAP shareholders are very much aware of the position and would be keen to get this resolved ASAP, more than anyone of us.

    We need to understand that some people get attached to the community and are always optimistic that things will work out. I hope things work out and all stick together. YOU (affiliates) make CAP or any other community. Therefore the most important thing is not to encourage unpleasant bickering amongst the community (each other).

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