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    @bonustreak 198457 wrote:

    If a community that I belonged to raised thousands of dollars to save me in a hard time I would do what I could to make sure it stayed together in it’s most trying time. But that is just me. Please don’t think I am attacking but I think it is worth saving 100%

    I really think it was in bad taste .I helped Pat out but it came from one friend to another and Nothing to do with Cap.


    I’ve talked to many folks and the fact the Lou is banned is NOT a good thing. It’s NOT going to all be good just because they managed to sllence Lou and some are happy about it. Not while I”m online.

    Unban the Professor!


    So true or false????

    Either way not good for Lou or Warren, will CAP contiue yes it will 100% will all of the affiliates stay, i think some will leave but CAP will always keep its hard core posters, will operators leave. again i am sure some will stay and some will leave.

    Does CAP own cardspike again even if they do it will not change matters in a big way.

    Will CAP still run without Lou, yes i think it will.

    Will CAP events still run and have the same level of attendance form affiliates and operators, yes they will give or take a very either way.

    So will the post/email from Lou really change things, I dont think so.

    But lets see what happens in the next couple of days.



    Thank you Judy, you are a true friend and i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Everything you and the other members here did for myself and my family will never be forgotten, and i am trying to help others when i can, the way you helped me. You went way beyond anything i ever thought and it was so much needed and i am forever in your debt.

    This is what CAP is to me, a place were i have meet some of the most wonderful , caring, understanding people, people who help each other, and teach beginners and never look down on anyone until today.

    I miss the old cap, and i wish this all never took place, but i can’t help but be worried that things are not good right now, and i don’t know what is going to happen next.?

    sorry for posting again, but i had to thank Judy for coming and posting on my behalf.



    I’m saying that banning the professor and trusting Warren is not the answer. They all LIED!

    @PayNoRake 198470 wrote:

    So true or false????

    Either way not good for Lou or Warren, will CAP contiue yes it will 100% will all of the affiliates stay, i think some will leave but CAP will always keep its hard core posters, will operators leave. again i am sure some will stay and some will leave.

    Does CAP own cardspike again even if they do it will not change matters in a big way.

    Will CAP still run without Lou, yes i think it will.

    Will CAP events still run and have the same level of attendance form affiliates and operators, yes they will give or take a very either way.

    So will the post/email from Lou really change things, I dont think so.

    But lets see what happens in the next couple of days.




    As i said in my post after the post /email for Lou today do you really think anything will change aside from the banning of lou…


    GamTrak;198472 wrote:
    I’m saying that banning the professor and trusting Warren is not the answer. They all LIED!

    @PayNoRake 198473 wrote:


    As i said in my post after the post /email for Lou today do you really think anything will change aside from the banning of lou…


    Nope, I just don’t see this as fair. Warren comes on and sais his part while calling all the programs turning them against Lou. The Professor is no more guilty than Warren and deserves to have his say.


    Well maybe I can suggest something, Lou is allowed to make a reply he can email it to me or any other affiliate that post on the site we then submit it to Warren and then i or warren post it, Lou has had his say in public read G911 plus a number of other sites plus the email, buti agree he should be able to respond to warrens posts.

    Warren would you allow this to happen???



    If they have buckled down and lawyered up I don’t think they will want to have discussions online.That is why this is unfortunate ,anyone who has ever been in a lawsuit knows that the lawyers want you to shut up and let them handle it.I am still trying to wrap my head around the legal process of all this considering the current situation in USA.Even if Warren took the 2 million ,you have to explain where it came from and then be prepared to let DOJ follow the money trail.Is Cap and all these shell companies set up in such a way they can both risk going to court on this matter?I guess only the 3 partners know for sure.


    Greed kills.. 4 million a year just cant buy the bread for the family anmore huh?

    Got to go get a poker room and a casino to make ends meet but hey I thought that was a tad bit illegal in the US?

    Hope that cash is spent on getting out of dodge because I hear prison sucks.


    As I said and I do believe I already apologized that the way it sounded was not the way it meant and so moving on…

    Everyone will be entitled to their thoughts and opinions in this thread without being attacked from others please keep that in mind everyone. So with that said we shall move forward :)

    I do know that many things have happened that should not have happened and I myself have mentioned to many others and to the professor himself that he has not been himself as of late with the personal attacks against members the banning and other things that at times were out of line. I know he is on new meds and I really feel like he is not himself the last few weeks and so do many others including Warren. I hope that whatever happens with all this his health is being looked after I am very concerned about that.

    I am sure more will be said in the morning let us all hope it is good news that all is settled.


    @GamTrak 198466 wrote:

    That’s all true, but siding with one crook against the other is NOT the answer. They all need to be held accountable and the Professor (just like you Lori) is human and has made mistakes, but has to pay for his mistakes, but not in this manner. Why do you think Warren is any better than Lou?

    No one is sweeping the under the rug, I know I’m not whether it’s here or not.

    Hey Gamtrak,

    I am not siding with anyone. And everyone needs to be accountable for their own actions.

    I would only hold Professor accountable for his actions, and the way he has been behaving in his public posts on this forum over the last few months.

    If my post sounded as if I thought I made no mistakes or wouldn’t understand if someone else made some bad calls, I’m sorry. I realize we’re all human. That doesn’ give us a license to continue behaving badly though.


    I didn’t originally want to chime in but I am going to for better or for worse.

    I’ve been a member of CAP from very early on and though I don’t post too much I am here everyday reading and checking things out. Guess I’m sort of a quiet old timer here.

    The way things have happened over the last few months have certainly shed a negative light on CAP and the industry as a whole. These “issues” are of course very interesting and intriguing, albeit in a negative way, and it’s human nature to want to know the truth and find out about who did what etc.

    That being said, I would hope that the management of CAP and associated corporations do their laundry in private. As a simple member of CAP I have no legal right to know what happened and more importantly have chosen not to waste too much time speculating or worrying about it.

    The issues of legal transparency and who lied about what may be interesting but that doesn’t mean they need disrupt the CAP community. CAP is much more than Warren, Lou or the companies that control it. This is a community built by its members, for its members and it will live or die by its members.

    Whether or not we approve of the alleged lying or deceit or whatever you care to call it, at the end of the day it really should not affect this community and forum unless we choose to let it.

    CAP without its members is simply a domain name, a website and forum software, nothing more, nothing of great value by itself.

    So, I hope the CAP community and its members can move on and get back to being a happy group of like minded individuals. Regardless of whether we participate in our community under the CAP domain / umbrella or we choose to do it elsewhere I think it is important that the members here stay together as one group and avoid splintering because that truly would be the end of CAP the community, not CAP the company.


    Kevin 11


    IMO there is only one solution. Both Lou, Warren and the “third party” need to sell their interests in CAP and let new management take over and repair the damage that has been done. Nobody is indispensable. (Sorry Prof)

    Lou and Warren have both made major mistakes and need to take responsibility for their actions. Sell up and ship out! Let a fresh crew take over that can save CAP.

    Triple777s;198456 wrote:
    I am sorry to say this, but i don’t for see CAP ever being the same after this, not because of affiliates worries, but because of affiliate managers trusting CAP…after all this, if you owned a casino or pokerroom, would you pay to be associated here? even if they were certified for free now, would it mean anything anymore? i am afraid not, and i am sure that many of the certified partners here are discussing that right now.

    sad, sad day.

    I know i’m a nobody around these parts with about, what, 8-9 months’ worth of experience in this business, but it doesn’t take a genius to see that the folks running CAP are little better than anyone else in any business.

    Come on: It’s recently been a blur of rampant nepotism, selectively looking the other way while money is “disappearing,” threatening lawsuits, censorship of those fallen out of favor with the party, screwing the consumer whenever possible and, best of all, a near-fistfight at an industry convention which cracked the mainstream news thus making this industry look very, very good to the public at-large.

    (I have to say that, even though nearly every week a new low is hit here, i have to admit that only one moment has been laugh-out-loud-worthy: The line from one of the two would-be pugilists offering to “settle this outside,” a line last heard when Fred Flintstone was a contender. Geez, why don’t Warren and (ahem) “The Professor” just “take this one outside.”)

    I’m sorry i wasn’t here for “the good old days” or the Camelot period to which Triple 777s refers, i guess. When i entered the business, i was optimistic about this seemingly interesting band of entrepreneurs and mavericks; today the industry merely seems like another mostly soulless greedy bunch.

    The resources are still useful, though … hmmm, think i’ll talk to the boss about CAC today…


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