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  • #795938

    I was offered pay at one time but turned it down. I prefer being a volunteer.


    It would be great for CAP to revert to the old days


    My hope is that Lou and Warren are talking right now and working this out, there has been many things happening on all sides that have not been cool. This all started when the tool AGD created to help affiliates was copied and affiliates were pissed off. It does not matter who’s idea this was it is the responsibility of the entire cap staff since it did go through and Andy was banned for speaking his mind. There are no innocent parties in this whole mess so what needs to happen is they all need to say hey we fucked up and made mistakes and then tell us affiliates how they are going to turn a new slate.

    I have faith it can be done this is a great forum and us affiliates need this community. I am not making any decisions on who stole what or anything of the sort that is none of my business and I don’t want it to be either.

    I plan on going to Cancun and drinking to a fresh start it isn’t too late.


    It would be great for CAP to revert to the old days

    I would like to see that too. We got a lot of good stuff accomplished here. Just the last year or so things went south, before then there were 7+ years that were great.

    Hopefully everyone will make peace, we continue to talk freely and things go back to normal business here soon.


    But even if they make peace, are we just supposed to ignore the fact that we as an affiliate community we’re lied to about matters that affect our livelihoods? (cardspike)

    Will there ever be true transparency?


    I am sorry to say this, but i don’t for see CAP ever being the same after this, not because of affiliates worries, but because of affiliate managers trusting CAP…after all this, if you owned a casino or pokerroom, would you pay to be associated here? even if they were certified for free now, would it mean anything anymore? i am afraid not, and i am sure that many of the certified partners here are discussing that right now.

    sad, sad day.


    If a community that I belonged to raised thousands of dollars to save me in a hard time I would do what I could to make sure it stayed together in it’s most trying time. But that is just me. Please don’t think I am attacking but I think it is worth saving 100%


    How dare you chris?

    I said nothing bad about any of the people here or the wonderful people who helped my family in our time of need. i can not believe you said that.

    Your an ass.


    Now, now.

    We got free speech, but please no personal attacks or insults. Infighting isn’t a good thing – ever.



    As I said its about a community being worth saving not about me attacking you in the least sorry you took it that way as it was simply not meant that way but more about the GOOD things CAP has done over the years for many of affiliates in need. I should have said it better maybe sorry.


    I cant believe i am sitting here crying over this. I have said nothing out of the way, and i felt ashamed enough back when i asked for help, and i am still ashamed, probabaly always will be. So thank you for showing me that i should be ashamed,because…..never mind, i will shut up and stay out of all of this, i wish everyone the best


    Sorry Dominique


    Girl there is nothing to be ashamed of as I said I am pointing out the good of cap, there is not always these bad times.


    I think everyone needs to take 3 steps back from the computer, take a deep breath, exhale and then come back.

    We are a community. A community that is going thru trying times. But as a community we will survive if we are joined together as one and stop the sensitivity issues. I’m not bashing anyone. I only know a handful of people here. But we must not let our emotions get the best of us.

    We must fight and stand strong or this truly will be the end of the “home” for several of us.


    In light of the way Professor has been posting over the last few months, he has lost all credibility in my opinion.

    I’ve always loved CAP, and visited daily about a million times a day. But over the last few months, I’ve not only been very disappointed in watching all the public board wars, but was shocked to see how poorly professor has represented the forum, his attacks on people, his quickness to shut people up and always put the blame for ANYTHING that goes wrong onto someone other then himself.

    I still love CAP, and still believe CAP as a community can and will be the best affiliate community online IF Lou isn’t allowed to continue treating people the way he has been.

    It’s sad but tue, that one person can single-handedly make an entire community seem bad. I had lost all faith in CAP because of Lou. But with this new turn of events, my faith is coming back.

    People expect more from CAP. More professionalism, more respect towards their members and partners, more of everything that’s positive for the industry. Not more of what’s been going on over the last few months. Professor was out of control with the things he’s been saying and doing over the last few months.

    CAP will continue to be a great place with some major changes. The kind of changes I seen Dominique trying to make until Professor rudely put a stop to her efforts when he came back from retirement a week after retiring, and so unprofessionally scolded her on the forum. IMO, Lou has continued to dig himself into a hole, deeper and deeper… lie after b.s. lie… snide remark after snide remark… which all reflects on CAP as a whole.

    I’m sorry to see things go down this way. But I can’t see any other way that CAP could be respected while Lou was allowed to continue with such an unprofessional behavior to members and partners.

    I personally, have lost all faith and trust in Lou. And as sorry as I am to see things go this way, I believe that in the end CAP will be a better place.



    That’s all true, but siding with one crook against the other is NOT the answer. They all need to be held accountable and the Professor (just like you Lori) is human and has made mistakes, but has to pay for his mistakes, but not in this manner. Why do you think Warren is any better than Lou?

    No one is sweeping the under the rug, I know I’m not whether it’s here or not.

    @Daera 198465 wrote:

    In light of the way Professor has been posting over the last few months, he has lost all credibility in my opinion.

    I’ve always loved CAP, and visited daily about a million times a day. But over the last few months, I’ve not only been very disappointed in watching all the public board wars, but was shocked to see how poorly professor has represented the forum, his attacks on people, his quickness to shut people up and always put the blame for ANYTHING that goes wrong onto someone other then himself.

    I still love CAP, and still believe CAP as a community can and will be the best affiliate community online IF Lou isn’t allowed to continue treating people the way he has been.

    It’s sad but tue, that one person can single-handedly make an entire community seem bad. I had lost all faith in CAP because of Lou. But with this new turn of events, my faith is coming back.

    People expect more from CAP. More professionalism, more respect towards their members and partners, more of everything that’s positive for the industry. Not more of what’s been going on over the last few months. Professor was out of control with the things he’s been saying and doing over the last few months.

    CAP will continue to be a great place with some major changes. The kind of changes I seen Dominique trying to make until Professor rudely put a stop to her efforts when he came back from retirement a week after retiring, and so unprofessionally scolded her on the forum. IMO, Lou has continued to dig himself into a hole, deeper and deeper… lie after b.s. lie… snide remark after snide remark… which all reflects on CAP as a whole.

    I’m sorry to see things go down this way. But I can’t see any other way that CAP could be respected while Lou was allowed to continue with such an unprofessional behavior to members and partners.

    I personally, have lost all faith and trust in Lou. And as sorry as I am to see things go this way, I believe that in the end CAP will be a better place.


    P.S. And thanks to Warren my status here is no longer “On Vacation”. Thanks Warren..

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