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  • #795919

    Okay, I hope this don’t get me banned but Lou showed and told me that Warren withdrew 2 million dollars from the bank account without his approval and knowledge and has the PDF to show it? Where is that money?

    GamTrak;198430 wrote:
    Okay, I hope this don’t get me banned but Lou showed and told me that Warren withdrew 2 million dollars from the bank account without his approval and knowledge and has the PDF to show it? Where is that money?

    Shit is officially about to hit the fan :Cry:


    @Simoneaton 198429 wrote:

    From an operator standpoint and sponsored listing standpoint I am sickened that some of the money the programs paid to sponsor this forum is going to waste as the focus right now is more on in-house bickering rather than discussing conversions, top performers and other more relevant factors to affiliates.

    There are 99 programs listed within the CAP certified programs section, with each paying on average $40,000 a year (this is a personal estimate and can be out a little). If you multiply 40kx99 it gives you a sweet $4 million so today alone the merchants combined have lost over $10,000 in sponsorship money. I am sure there are some factors of greed involved in this argument which is hurtful as at the end of the day all the certified programs signed up as a CAP certified program to show that they are legite and listed on a unbias affiliate forum.

    It would be great for CAP to revert to the old days (4 years back) when getting a program listed on here was not breaking the bank, you got bang for your buck and affiliates actually visited your program to learn more as the professor and team enjoyed what they did and wanted to see us succeed. Right now being listed on CAP is comparable to being a needle in a haystack as it is hard to attract the attention of an affiliate when you are bundled between 98 other listings.

    Sorry for bringing these points up but I talk for all the certified programs here.

    THanks for your feedback Simon ,it would be nice to hear from other managers .Wow 4 million dollars i was off about 2-3 MIllion .I think Gamtrak just put the nail in the coffin on this one.LOL I guess you can buy a nice Casino and poker room for 2 million :)


    @casinobonusguy 198434 wrote:

    think Gamtrak just put the nail in the coffin on this one.LOL I guess you can buy a nice Casino and poker room for 2 million :)

    The nail has been in for awhile now from what I’m seeing Judy. :Cry: Who can we trust to do this now?


    @GamTrak 198430 wrote:

    Okay, I hope this don’t get me banned but Lou showed and told me that Warren withdrew 2 million dollars from the bank account without his approval and knowledge and has the PDF to show it? Where is that money?



    Without affiliates here, this would be just another one of the thousands of empty
    forums out there.. with only a handful of posts and no real content or value.

    You could have 100 shareholders, one of the largest affiliate forums on the Internet,
    plenty of sponsors to fill your pocket books, but at the end of the day.. you’ve got
    to have the affiliates in order to succeed. If you ban affiliates, censor affiliates, spin
    tall tales, implode due to infighting, or disrespect affiliates.. your hurting yourselves.

    CAP needs the affiliates more than the affiliates need CAP, and the focus should be on
    how you take care of your affiliates.. with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.

    The only way that this is ever going to work out.. is if all of the shareholders make
    themselves known to the forum members, they get along.. they work together..
    they apologize to the affiliates for all of the BS lately.. they come clean on all of
    their business dealings in relation to this industry, because affiliates should know
    where CAP’s allegiances lie.. especially if they are closely affiliated with a program,
    and they should pay all of the balance due to affiliates if they do own a poker room.

    When all of that has been done.. maybe you’ll gain the respect of the affiliates that
    you’ve alienated over the past few months. Whether you succeed or fail, it doesn’t
    matter to me. Whereever their is a void, someone will jump in to fill that void.


    30 or 40 k a quarter ( i think)


    IMO, This is the type of crap that is ruinin this industry.
    Please delete my membership of your board.


    Robin, i just tried to pm you, and i can’t so, watch out, you will probably become the next target since the $2million post is bound to piss some one off, tread careful hun.



    I started adding more and more managers to my msn a couple months ago – I have gotten more help and feedback there than in any other forum.I am going to miss the conversations we use to have way back but this board is broken beyond repair imo


    @Triple777s 198441 wrote:

    Robin, i just tried to pm you, and i can’t so, watch out, you will probably become the next target since the $2million post is bound to piss some one off, tread careful hun.


    Her membership was scaled down today :)
    btw Pat send me your msn in email pls


    @casinobonusguy 198443 wrote:

    Her membership was scaled down today :)
    btw Pat send me your msn in email pls

    I got an email asking to be a moderator. Anyone else get one?


    ok judy, i am sending now.

    Can you believe this? lol


    @casinobonusguy 198443 wrote:

    Her membership was scaled down today :)
    btw Pat send me your msn in email pls

    Yes, I was de-modded because Warren feels that I’m untrustworthy and may do somthing to damage the community. :roflmao:

    I will be fine Pat. Thanks for asking though. :hattip:

    Member sent out an email few days ago looking for mods.IMO if they have 2 million in the bank that one partner can take from the other they should have paid mods instead of volunteers.

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