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The Truth

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    Although I have not been visiting this forum recently due to the Cardspike and banning issues, I earnestly wish that CAP doesn’t just go down the drain. All the information coming out now is just shocking. The CAP leaders seem to have done great damage to the entire industry. I can only hope that they can do some serious repair to this sad state of affair without delay.

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    Inactive 198402 wrote:

    I did not know you had walked away from CAP. You are a great source of information and help to all affiliates and affiliate managers.
    I would like to know if you will continue with CAP? Or are you going to wait for the smoke to settle?

    I have no idea.

    I think for now CAP needs to chill and Lou and Warren need to work this out.

    I also disliked the increasing censorship here, I am posting in this thread because people are freely saying what they think, whether it’s the company line or not.

    IMO cardspike is between affiliate media and the operators. The only thing affecting us affs directly was the non payment of our peers, and that seems to have been dealt with. I know lots of people think differently, but that’s my opinion.

    Freedom of speech is important though, and I won’t be posting on a board where that is not allowed.

    In my opinion CAP will benefit when we affiliates give input freely. Other than the open discussion thread about certification, this is the first thread in some time I see where people are speaking freely and nothing is deleted and no one is banned.

    We had completely free speech on CAP for many years, and it is part of why I volunteered here for so long. But in the last year or so, it disappeared. Comments that were critical of CAP disappeared, and sometimes so did the posters.

    Sweeping things under the rug doesn’t get rid of them. They accumulate and fester. Things need to be dealt with, and IMO this isn’t Lou’s or Warren’s board, it is our board. If affiliates walk, there is no board.

    Something for Affiliate Media to take to heart.


    This proves there really is no honor among thieves. When the tide turns, they turn on each other.

    The truth has finally been admitted!

    Lou, warren and another unnamed party own controlling interest in CAP, EM and Cardspike.
    Cardspike owes affiliates (and players?) money. There has been no attempt to pay these people… zero!
    Now we have Lou pointing the finger at Warren, Warren pointing the finger at Lou. The truth is, they are all responsible.
    Lou is guilty as hell! He initiated the mass bannings. He denied any involvement with Cardspike. He went off on Steven Corfman and J Todd at the last CAP event. But, Warren and the other party are just as guilty.
    Let’s not lose sight of the real issues here!
    Programs have paid tens of thousands of dollars to be represented here. Now, we know for fact that CAP has been operating it’s own poker room. A direct conflict of interest.
    CAP audits are now worthless.
    Affiliates looking for guidance when choosing safe and reliable programs to partner with have been duped into thinking CAP was unbiased and certification actually meant something.
    Affiliates and players have been ripped off by Cardspike, a company owned by Lou and Warren.
    It will likely be months or even longer before the dust settles here and by then CAP will be nothing more than dust and ashes.


    @GamTrak 198395 wrote:

    I hear ya! How they think that all will be ok with the professor gone is beyond me! If All of you guys lied together then you ALL go down together IMO. Why do you and your partner get to do business as usual and Lou is out in the cold? That is some back stabbing crap if you ask me.

    Robin you cant receive private messages so can you please send me email or post an email where i can reach you?



    @Dominique 198412 wrote:

    Freedom of speech is important though, and I won’t be posting on a board where that is not allowed.
    it is our board. If affiliates walk, there is no board.


    Dominique;198412 wrote:
    IMO cardspike is between affiliate media and the operators. The only thing affecting us affs directly was the non payment of our peers, and that seems to have been dealt with. I know lots of people think differently, but that’s my opinion.

    Just want to correct here. There are still outstanding payments owed to some affiliates. They have posted on other boards but with all the drama it was usually overlooked. Effective Media / CardSpike still owe people money.


    @casinobonusguy 198415 wrote:

    Robin you cant receive private messages so can you please send me email or post an email where i can reach you?


    Hi Judy, I will do that, but give me some time and I”m sorry that I snapped at you at meisters.


    @kaus 198417 wrote:

    Just want to correct here. There are still outstanding payments owed to some affiliates. They have posted on other boards but with all the drama it was usually overlooked. Effective Media / CardSpike still owe people money.

    Thank you Kaus, I’ve been trying to figure out WHO they are. Do you have a list or link?


    At least we have interesting times here.


    Hey Warren, if the other shareholder is in your corner, it would appear to me that you do in fact have Lou over a barrel.
    If the other shareholder realizes this place will burn to the ground without Lou, then you might not be doing as well as you think you are.

    I hope you have LOU’s and the other shareholder’s financial best interest in mind, Correct?
    Not doing so would be a breech of fiduciary duty you know.
    Check with your attorney.

    That said, I’ll offer some sage advice.
    You can take it, leave it, put it in the circular file, I don’t really care.
    Between the two of you, you have both caused much unwanted and un-needed damage to our Affiliate Industry. You should both be ASHAMED of yourselves.
    Frankly, you seem to have almost NO REMORSE, IMO.

    If you are thinking that CAP will survive without Lou here, you are delusional.
    You and the other shareholder probably need to consider that basic financial ramification, and avoid a lawsuit, or even criminal charges for breeching your Fiduciary Duty to the Corporation. Yes, Lou could easily bring those charges against you.

    Of course that could also apply to Lou, although you are the one that has seized control with a lessor percentage of the company than Lou himself, eventhough I acknowledge that he does not have controlling interest of Affiliate Media, he can still cause you a ton of grief.
    Pretty dumb on his part, but I suspect you know this.
    He should never have given up more than 49%.

    Does this OTHER shareholder in Affiliate Media agree with your actions?
    Afterall, you are the one being accused of stealing money from the company, making unilateral decisions without prior Approval, and running the company into the ground.

    Frankly, I’m not sure it matters anymore. Too much damage has already been done.
    You both ran it down by lying and deceiving everyone.

    If you had a lick of sense, you’d be on the Phone to Orlando right now!
    That’s your only chance, IMO.
    JMO, and I’m sure this will result in your SECOND banning, but that’s OK.
    Not a big deal anymore.


    I hope your certified affiliate partners have been given a fee waiver for the last couple of months, and on into the future until this is resolved. If it’s resolved in court, many months from now, CAP is dead and you will have conspired to screw over affiliates, affiliate programs, friends, and your own company. So it comes down to whether you care more about money or CAP. We’ll see shortly.


    I wanted to post my email here so all my friends can reach me or we will see each other on the ‘other ‘ forums.These days is it hard to guess if we will be able to post here. If i were an operator i would not be sending the next payment nor would i be going to any cap events til we find out who the hell is CAP!Cap without Lou is like Mcdonald’s without Ronald.But I think damage is done regardless who pretends to run the show here. I can’t help but remember the CAP official statement on CARDSPIKE ,I tried to find it but it does not show up in search anymore.Well I am off now to remove what is left of absolute slots casino on my websites.I am not comfortable to promote a company where there is so much in fighting and nobody at the wheel.


    Please delete my account.

    You’ve lost me completely.


    Great thread title: “the truth”. So Ironic.

    As long as CAP is a for profit organisation, bullshit like this and conflict of interests will inevitably occur imo.

    This was 100% inevitable.. Power corrupts.. and as we are seeing, absolute power absolutely corrupts.


    From an operator and sponsored listing standpoint I am sickened that some of the money the programs paid to sponsor this forum is going to waste as the focus right now is more on in-house bickering rather than discussing conversions, top performers and other more relevant factors to affiliates.

    There are 99 programs listed within the CAP certified programs section, with each paying on average $40,000 a year (this is a personal estimate and can be out a little). If you multiply 40kx99 it gives you a sweet $4 million so today alone the merchants combined have lost over $10,000 in sponsorship money. I am sure there are some factors of greed involved in this argument which is hurtful as at the end of the day all the certified programs signed up as a CAP certified program to show that they are legite and listed on a unbias affiliate forum.

    It would be great for CAP to revert to the old days (4 years back) when getting a program listed on here was not breaking the bank, you got bang for your buck and affiliates actually visited your program to learn more as the professor and team enjoyed what they did and wanted to see us succeed. Right now being listed on CAP is comparable to being a needle in a haystack as it is hard to attract the attention of an affiliate when you are bundled between 98 other listings.

    Sorry for bringing these points up but I talk for all the certified programs here.

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